
Reincarnator, Reincarnated again in a second world

in her previous life she was killed in a battle, 400 years later she was reincarnated in the modern times. living with her new parents, friends and living a normal life. after school the 2 of them gets in a accident when raining.

RubiePi · Fantasy
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74 Chs


Lia keep reading and Reading the whole paper, and she shock that during the raid of the bandits she put it her to see to her daughter's truth about there life. and why they had alot of money.

Lia saw her old Mother's Family name

Izinea Family...

Noble of Magician that specialize of Void magic and can use other Elements.

Wingman of the first Emperor on the first empire.

This Family name that bein Carried around and help the empire for Generation.


"But Why do Mom left being a noble?

is it because of dad right? no... but probably..."

The Story will be one story per day.

Reason I got massively fatigue when i think to much and lacking of sleep, thats all `•`. please support the Series by Voting!.

Finally 6 hours of sleep...

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