

9God · Fantasy
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15 Chs



27th AGUST

" Hello again guys. I know I told you guys that I will never see you guys again. But that is in the RECORD OF AVATERS. And right now so much is going on with me. I don't have anyone to tell these stories. So I am back again with my new and normal diary to tell you my story.

Okay now lets start with the things that happen on 25th. After I wrote that diary and started to think about what I am going to do, someone knocked on my door. I went to open the door. But when I opened the door some uncles started to come in the room without even asking for any permission. Out of shock and anger I shouted loudly, "who are you guys? And what do you guys want?". But instead of answering the question they started to steer at me as if I shouldn't have asked that. That made me more angry. But what could I do. I was not a superman. But I was sure they had some kind of superhuman power like the ones I saw at the morning, who were flying in the sky. Some of them had wings and some of they had not. But these people were more frightening as they had hollow or horns on their head.

"oi guys stop that." Someone shouted from outside of them. it was so loud that I blocked my ears immediately. But they didn't do anything like me. Instead they stand properly and make two lines of five people at two side. In the middle I was standing. A old man comes inside the room and stand in front me. I was silenced by the pressure around him and was listening to his words. He said, "hi Raj. I am your grandfather. And I am ….." after those words I couldn't keep listening. I was having thoughts about the past I have been through. "The insults I got for being a orphan, I hate it. The looks I get from people, I hate it. I know what I am. And I already had accepted everything. Yes I accepted being a fatty. I accepted being a lazy boy. Yes. yes I accepted everything. Then why? Why they are trying to break me now." I couldn't think anymore. My eyes started to get blurry. My voice was getting thick. And as I couldn't accept it anymore I shouted, "Get out. Get out of my room." For some minutes they do nothing and my head was down. But then they got out of my room. And immediately I closed the door and jumped on my bed. Water starts to comes out like a river from my eyes. I felt asleep.

When I woke up it was night time. " I am so hungry. I didn't eat anything today. At first that book let me sleep morning to afternoon. And then those people ... ah I should go out and buy something. But how? Everyone can fly here. Oh right I can order online from mobile. But where is my phone?" after a few minutes I found that and I placed order of chicken rice online. Within a second a package came with a drone. I took the package and locked the window. A circuit diagram was drawn on it from all side. And there was also a paper bill. At first I thought it was bill. But it a latter. There was written, "please eat this within ten minutes after opening it." For some reasons I did as that said and eat it within ten minutes.

" you have done a perfect job. You have gained a favour of Mr kudu ." a voice massage came in my phone. I understood that my phone had also changed. That day when I went to sleep, I was not having any sleep. So I thought of reading that book. And for my surprise I really fell asleep and I don't even remember anything. Neither about what is inside the book nor about dreams.

AFTER THAT DAY WHEN I WOKE UP, IT IS TODAY. AT DAWN I WAKE EARLY IN THE DAWN. I WAS BORED AFTER SOME MOMENT. So I started to play with my phone. Suddenly a call comes to me. I know this number. It is a friend, a partner that works with me in the store at my part time job. I picked up the call.


"hello. sen. sen."


"What ? what happened ?"

"Someone attacked on me yesterday. And he was asking about your address."

"What? Who? Why? Are you ok? Did he injure you?"

"Ha. It is not the problem here. You will have to run …. Run away from there."

" But I forget how to fly."

"Oi. Are you kidding with me?"

"No I am not. I really forget."

"oi. You and I are not still awakened. You forget that. Didn't I tell you that is the reason that I was exiled from my family. No it is not time to remember that. Hurry up call a car and run to the western end."

"OK. Ok"

After calling a car I write all of these. Now good bye.


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