
Reincarnation : The World of Pandoria

CHAPTER ????? : ????? (Pov ???????) |Time - Unknown| |Date - Unknown| |Location - °•°○●□¤▪︎☆♡| Step..* Step...* "Huff...ha...Huff..." (???????) Ever since I had opened my eyes, my journey for power up to this present moment, has been filled with nothing but cold soundless darkness Step...* Step...* "Huff...ha...Huff..." (???????) And for all my untold power and might, I couldn't do the one thing I had promised myself to fulfill, even if it cost my very life Step...* Step...* I was helpless Step...* I couldn't do it Step....* Step....* "Huff...ha..Huff..." (???????) Right now I carry a burden of unimaginable regret that I know in the deepest depths of my heart could never be undone...not now Step....* Step...* Step..* Step.* I may have failed, I may have regrets that I so wish to correct, but in the end all I can do is, keep moving forward "Heh, it's the only thing I can do at this point." (???????) Step.* CLANK....!!!* ============ (Pov FurineG15) |Time - Unknown| |Date - March 2024| |Location - Earth| "I tried coming up with a more attention grabbing synopsis, and that's because the last one wasn't really...well attention grabbing." (FurineG15) "So I just took a page out of the the most diabolical and the most delectable form of bait from one particular anime called 'dotuto cough*' and click baited my novel, did it work, did my synopsis catch your attention!?" (FurineG15) ..... .... ... .. . "Well you wouldn't be reading this if it hadn't." (FurineG15) 'I'll maybe change the synopsis again later down the line but as of right now, Mmm...not really.' (FurineG15) "Anyways hope you stick around and enjoy the the read and well yeah." (FurineG15) FurineG15 out \[ ^ o ^]7 PS. Chapters will be released randomly PPS. Cover not mine

Furine_G15 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chap : 12 /[ -- __ --]// ???

(Pov Gallant)

|Time - 2:38:01| |Date - 22nd Lost 1111|

|Location - Dungeon ????? Underground|







'Mmm....' (Gallant)





'Ugh damn...!!!' (Gallant)

I opened my eyes at the sudden pain I had just experienced in full alert and semi-subconsciously focused my senses into my surroundings....

Well...I tried to anyways

'!!!!!!??' (Gallant)

I panicked in an instant....why...?

Well for one my current state isn't really all that good, with the exhaustion I had gotten from all my running and battling the goblin really took a lot out of me, my injuries and hunger aren't really giving a positive impact on my mind at all which negatively hampered my ability to clearly 'see' my surroundings


However that isn't the main reason for my panic unfortunately, the real reason gir that is b-because...I.I'm....

'FALLING!...!' (Gallant)

My panic got worse as I suddenly started randomly flinging my still injured body around as I sceamed like I have never done before since my reincarnation




"AHHHHHH!" (Gallant)




|30 seconds later|

"AHHHHH!" (Gallant)




|1 minute 3 seconds later|

"AHHHH!" (Gallant)




|1 minute 53 seconds later|

"AHHH!" (Gallant)




|2 minutes 10 seconds later|

"AHH!" (Gallant)




|2 minutes 59 seconds later|

"AH!" (Gallant)




|3 minutes 40 seconds later|

"ah?" (Gallant)




|4 minutes 1 second later|

"..." (Gallant)




|4 minutes 12 second later|

" /[ ò _ ô]7 ???" (Gallant)







After calming down and getting a better grasp of my nerves I stopped randomly flinging my body around and began to reorient myself as best as I can

'Ugh!..damn this fu*king hurts!...' (Gallant)

And now that I'm sober enough, I noticed that I had gained a few new light bruises different from the ones I got from the goblin or the burns from the sun that had still remained, but I ignored those as I sensed that a couple of my old wounds that had somewhat closed up had been reopened for some reason, as blood slowly started seeping out of said wounds, and that is especially so for my left arm

'Damn when I sensed that unstable clearing, falling into an endless abyss in even more injuries than before I fell in wasn't really my part of my plan.' (Gallant)

I thought, but at that moment I really felt like I was going to die and turn into ash so I really had no choice but to do what I did

And if you are wondering how I found the clearing to be unstable...well it's because of my {Enhanced Senses} skill which allows me to sense specific things if focus on them which only reaches 5 metres into my surroundings in a spherical shape...including underground

I haven't really been focusing on the ground all that much to be honest, with all the inscribed metal in the dungeon and wagon, packed soil and stone in the forest I've had the pleasure of standing on I haven't really had a reason to do so admittedly, but at the last moment when I bowed my senses in resignation I felt that the ground I had fallen in was just a bit hollow and unstable which I took advantage of by banging it and prompting it to fall

Which now that I thick about it was a pretty reckless but needed move if I had to be honest...



'I can think about that later...as of right now I have deal with me falling but....how do I do that?' (Gallant)


The first thing I should do is try and get a read on my surroundings, even though it's hard to do so with my senses struggling to even process anything with me falling who knows how fast...


I tried to concentrate on my senses on a much deeper level than I usually do, which was difficult as my body was constantly falling which was pretty distracting but I tried again and again

'Come..on...focus...' (Gallant)

After who knows how long I was able to slightly sense my surroundings if only just barely but it was enough

What was around me were dozens of....chains of all in oddly different sizes were all randomly spread everywhere connected to walls that were too far for me to sense like a spiders web

'What...are those...?' (Gallant)

I thought in puzzlement as I noticed something weird were tangled into some of the chains

As I focused more extensively at the fast passing things on the chains, I noticed to my horror that all those things had something in common, they...were....

'Skeltons..!!' (Gallant)

Yes, all the chains I passed skeletons of both monsters and humanoids alike were either held up by a single chain or were tangled by multiple chains and from the state the skeletons appeared to be in, their landing on said chains wasn't good as from what I can sense the chains pierced through the hanging skeletons as if the chains tried to cut through their very bones

Whoosh.. whoosh....!!*


My right shoulder slightly banged against one of the chains causing my body to suddenly disoriente in an uncontrollable spin



{HP : 12 / 5} > {HP : 12 / 4}

My body slightly slammed into another chain again which shaved of a bit of my somewhat healed up HP, which was kind of weird that I even gain any at all, prompting me to assume that the chains had only began to appear now

'Ugh!...that explains the 'small' pain I received a moment ago. If I don't find a way to stop falling I could end up like those skeletons.' (Gallant)

Easier said than done, and worse though hard to be sure, it seemed as if more chains began to appear the further I fall


'Ugh!...what can I do, what can I do, what can I do....' (Gallant)

In a few moments I thought about an obviously risky but very likely plan that could help me out right now

'Should I do it...?' (Gallant)

I thought as I quickly focused my senses on trying to find a way out of here








It was getting harder to sense anything with my body getting flung around with evey slight hit against the chains which would soon have the 'slight' taken of every slam causing actual damage instead of mere bruises

And there wasn't any of the supposed walls as they seemed to be way to far for my senses to pick out

"Dam-" (Gallant)


'!!!' (Gallant)

My left arm got hit pretty badly by one of the chains causing unimaginable pain to rush into my brain with more blood leaking out of my arm


{HP : 12 / 4} > {HP : 12 / 3}


'Ahh!...ugh...damn it...should I really do it?!' (Gallant)

I thought panicking a bit, as I hesitated a bit at deciding to go through with the plan which was kind of weird considering that I willingly let my left arm get bitten by a goblin just to win that battle, but at that time I wasn't really in my right mind...

'Ugh...damn...I shouldn't second guess this and just go through with it.' (Gallant)

I thought, in determination and forcefully tried to somewhat reoriented my body


I focused my senses on one of the lower chains that I was falling towards and crossed my arms with my left arm about to take the brunt of the damage

Clank! Crack!*


{HP : 12 / 3} > {HP : 12 / 2}

My HP dropped as I felt pain run through my chewed, burned and battered left arm but I forcefully pushed threw the pain as my goal had been achieved

'I...s-slowed down.' (Gallant)

Well not for long, but it was long enough for me to grab onto that very same chain with my not so battered right hand



'Ugh...hold on...' (Gallant)

I thought as I tighted my grip as my body started dangling on the chain I had just grabbed








I sighed in relief as I stopped falling

'Huff...ha...Huff...damn I...d-did it.' (Gallant)



After a few seconds I then tried to find a way out with my senses finally not struggling as they did before and the first thing I noticed was a corpse of a tiger looking monster hanging by its fangs as its jaws was brutally dislocated on the same chain I grabbed

'Huh...must have fallen in here pretty recently like I did.' (Gallant)

I ignored the corpse and began sensing my surroundings but still there was nothing there except for the chains and corpses

'Is there really nothing.' (Gallant)

I thought in panic as I can't really hold on forever and with my busted left arm I can't really move around on the chain


'Huh?' (Gallant)

I thought in confusion as I felt a bit dizzy all of a sudden

'Wha-' (Gallant)


Before I could even process the reason for this, my body was lowered a bit for reasons I don't know

'What?' (Gallant)

I panicked as I focused my senses on trying to find the reason

'!!!' (Gallant)

And I found it instantly, with my sense of touch actually...the reason was that the chain I was holding onto was...w-was...

'Shrinking!!' (Gallant)

Yes it was shrinking in size every second that passed


The chain got lower again...

'Damn it...why?' (Gallant)

I thought as I focused on the chain I was currently holding trying to get Its description as a shrinking chain isn't really normal, a few seconds later...


{Unbiased Chain lvl 58

Grade : Rare

Description : These chains will bind/hold all with unbreakable might to anything and anyone under its level, whether male or female or some other gender I won't specifically mention, humanoid or monsters, young or old, slim or fat, giant or miniature and....and...?...what ever that was not mentioned




Weakness : Cannot hold two or more things




P•°○°○S○°•. Go○°•od luc○•●k}



.. ||

. ||

\ || /

-- CLANG!* --

/ || \



" /[ -- __ --]// ???" (Gallant)







"Damn." (Gallant)









(Pov FurineG15)

|Time - Unknown| |Date - March 2024|

|Location - Earth|

"Back with another chapter and I hope you all enjoyed it, especially the end cause I sure did." (FurineG15)

"Anyways Gallants status and descriptions will now be fixed but not in a game changing way so just check that out." (FurineG15)

FurineG15 out!!! /[ ^ o ^]7

Furine_G15creators' thoughts