
reincarnation system , starting as mosquito larvae !

one day Rahen suddenly gains a system which reincarnated him but it's not gonna be just once , the system takes him on journey through multiple reincarnations. this lead us to his journey through many lives trying to figure the true purpose of him having the system.

Devil_Dragon785 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

A Fortunate sight

following system messages a large amount of knowledge started to enter Rahen's head making it hurt real bad during the process

" cosmic cultivation technique huh. seems pretty powerful I hope it lives upto its name and not make me regret using my free ticket on it "he said

having processed the newly received knowledge Rahen closed his eyes wanting to cultivate.


"meditation mode?" he said while confused with sudden offer from system


"the info about technique do say that I have to focus completely"

"ok then, start meditation mode "



"do it for 3 hrs first"


following the message Rahen lost all of 5 senses he had earlier and now he was in place of complete darkness

now Rahen was in darkness and started to focus but couldn't do it no matter how hard he try and just when he was getting a hang of it he once again recieved a message from system



Rahen recieved the messages and opening his eyes he was no longer in the darkness but he was on the flower which was present in his room

" well it did say that the technique require time to practice " Rahen said remembering the info that he recieved earlier

"but I won't be able to complete my daily quest at this rate" he thought and got a little sad

"it's not entirely my fault too , it's really difficult to completely focus"

" let's at least comlete 1st daily quest and focus on this one later "

Rahen decided on it and started to fly around looking at his room

"even though it's not high enough but still does fell good to fly, gives you a sense of freedom "

"now I really wonder what my next life will be as "

he continued to fly around while talking to himself and finally completed the quest

"It is getting boring flying in same place again and again "

he tried getting out of the room but due to winter it was really cold in the evening and he had no choice but to stay in the room

having completing the quest he once again sat down to practice and started meditation mode for 5 hours making a little more progress than last time but still not enough to start practicing even 1st stage of technique

at night he got chance to use his new skill 'thermal sight ' which impressed him a lot

just like this 2 more days passed with him just feeding on flowers, flying around in room and practicing QI

in these days he also used all the credit points he had and right now he just came out from meditation mode finally making some progress

" this time I was finally able to sense a speck of QI, I'm making progress "

"but I no longer have any credit points to enter meditation mode and its not effective to practice otherwise "

once again getting bored Rahen decided to go out ,since it was 3PM it wasn't too cold so he came out of the room through a hole made in the corner of window

"ah! finally some fresh air to breath in " Rahen enjoyed the fresh air that he was taking in after quite a time

"everything is just like before " Rahen said flying around and looking around the place

" well after all, not much time have passed, it just felt long to me due to everything that happened with me in these past few days " he said remembering all the crazy things that have happened with him in the last few days

Rahen continued to fly around when he saw a familiar face sitting in a chair at some distance

" why do the first person I see after reincarnation have to be this old bastard " Rahen thought while looking ahead where mr. sino was sitting in a chair and reading a book.

he thought and turned around and soon saw more people coming toward the place he was or more clearly , towards mr. sino

"police! must be here for my case l, let's at least listen to what they are here for " he thought and flew toward mr. sino along with the police

Rahen kept following the police officer who finally stopped near mr. sino

" good afternoon officer, why have you come here ?" mr. sino asked the officer

" mr. sino I have come to inform you that the investigation team have tried everything but still could not find anything about the death of that boy , so the case have been decided to be closed , you have to come tomorrow for your signature and then the govt officials will send someone to confisticate the belongings of the boy " the officer informed

" ok , I'll be present there "

the officer talked to mr. sino about a few more irrelevant things but Rahen left the conversation in middle because he was getting bored and feeling cold due to approaching night

now he had to return back to a room before night and he didn't want to go back to his room, it just felt boring and lonely

"it's not that I have any ulterior motive I am here just because other rooms probably won't have anything to feed on , yes yes it's just because of this reason I'm here " he assured himself while flying in front of a door.

right now Rahen was in another apartment building which was also owned by mister sino and was situated behind the one Rahen used to live in

after searching for a way to enter inside he finally found it and entered inside the room

unlike his, this toom was much cleaner and well decorated

Rahen went further inside and saw a girl around the age of 20 sitting next to a table and seemed to be working on something on her laptop

"she looks as beautiful as ever " Rahen said while looking at her. the girl was quite good looking with symmetrical face and silky hair reaching little further down than her shoulders which she usually tie in a ponytail but were untied at the moment , the white night dress also added a little bit to her charms

she was one of very few persons here that Rahen knew and talked to

she was also living there on rent and worked in same shop as Rahen while aspiring to be a programmer

the girl continued to work some more before she ate and went to sleep

seeing her going to sleep Rahen sat on that table and started to practise his Qi technique

he once again focused but this time it was much difficult then before as he was not in meditation mode

after some time he started to speck a speck of light in the darkness he was in, which motivated him to practice harder and harder

he continued to practice till the morning

" I'm doing much better, the information said that it may even take months or a whole year to reach this stage where you see the first speck of light " he thought while opening his eyes and looking around to see it was almost morning and the girl was still sleeping

he decided to first feed on some flower nectar as he haven't had any since he left his room

after sucking up the nectar Rahen continued to sit down on the flower having nothing else to do when the girl woke up from sleep

"I woke up late again " the girl shouted looking at the time

"he would have already been here at this time to pick me up. " she said with sadness in her voice

Rahen also got a little sad hearing this as she was talking about him

the girl rushed out of bed and directly ran to shower

after some time she came out wrapping herself in tower with some bewitching charms with it

she went to her almirah and started to decide what to wear , having deciding she went on and removed her towel showing Rahen with such a fortunate sight to behold which definitely was not his reason for choosing this room

vote for faster release.

and please point out any mistake I've made in the chapter.

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