
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

A Deal Among Reincarnations

I looked around to see who was watching us in order to make sure that it was safe to discuss information about The Reincarnation Protocol with Robert. since no one was paying attention to what we were saying so I began discussing the information that I knew about The Reincarnation protocol with him but in a quiet voice so that no one could hear what we were talking about.

when I looked at him I noticed that he seemed to be seeping with arrogance but the arrogance was well founded and deserved. he set up professionally but was still somewhat relaxed when he looked at me.

"I was chosen because of my creativity as well as my above average intelligence. why were you chosen?" I asked him as I looked at him waiting for a facial or verbal response.

he leaned forward and rested his right elbow on the table before giving me his response. "I was chosen purely based on my intelligence. in my other life I had three PhDs. one in chemistry, one in physics, and the last one in robitic engineering." he whispered to me trying to keep the things he said from being heard by others in the adventurer's guild.

"then if you were chosen based on your intelligence please tell me why you chose the race as well as the class that you have decided to become in this second life?"

"I chose to be a human as my race and an alchemist as my class in this second chance at life for a very simple reason. the reason is that I was one of the most intelligent people in existence in my previous life so I thought that I should use my intelligence to further mankind in this second chance at life that I had been offered."

"that makes perfect sense" I told him as I petted my bat companion. "also how were you able to know that I was a candidate of The Reincarnation Protocol? if you do not mind me asking?"

"the reason I was able to pick you out amongst all of the other people here in the city is the fact that I could see your companion in its AI looking form." he told me as he grabbed a massive book and put it on the table.

"what is that?"I asked him out of surprise as well as worry not knowing what that book was for.

"this is my AI" he whispered to me so that no one could hear what he said.

"wait what!?; how is that possible that your AI was able to become an inanimate object" I quietly exclaimed to him.

"my AI is inside of this book. he writes down anything he wants to tell me and I check it and read what he has said when I need to." he told me as he opened the book and showed the colored text that was in the book.

"so if your ambition for this new life is to improve mankind then perhaps we could help each other. the ambitions that I have for this world is to obtain myself a large amount of wealth and possible influence. after all money is power and power is everything." I told him as he put away his book.

"do you need any kind of help with your goals for this new life? I do not mean to intrude or presume but since we are both here and here for good causes we might as well help each other out now and again".

"I could use help with my goals for this new life but, I am assuming that you would want something in return."

"you know I really like you because you were definitely smarter than the average human from this time period or our previous life. almost every other person would not even be asking me these kinds of questions. most people just blindly follow what they are told and do not question the status quo. yes I will want something in return from you for helping you out; but I do not truly know what it will be so I will collect what you owe me in due time".

I than set straight up so that he knew that I was being serious about the request I was about to make. "so my first request from you is I want information about any rare magical artifacts that I can find or possibly add to my collection of spells" I told him as I put my grimoire on the table for him to look at the few ice spells that I had in my disposal.

"well you have a few decent spells but I am assuming that you want more and that is why you are asking for my help?".

"yes if you hear any information about places that might have rare ice spells or items that are on sale I want to know about it please"

"I will be opening a store for healing people of injuries, fatigue, and other diseases using my alchemy skills. so if you need to get information from me that is where I will be most likely the next time that we meet."

I saw Alex walk up to the table where we were sitting and he began to speak to me. "Aleesia you need to get ready and make it to our table so that we can have our pre mission meeting that we always have. we are about to go explore another dungeon. this one is on an island that is mostly inhabited by dragons. just make sure that you are ready and have everything you need for the mission soon".

"excuse my friend and his lack of manners. this is Alex he is in the party that I do my missions with" I said to Robert.

"okay then I will go my own way now that we are done discussing what we needed to talk about. you know where to find me when you need to talk to me again" he told me as he rose from his chair and left the adventurer's guild.

after he left I went to the table where my party was sitting and sit down in the open chair so that I could join the meeting that we have before each mission is carried out.

"who was that human that you were talking to when I showed up?" Alex ask me as he walked back to the party's table and I followed him; then I sat down in my chair.

"he was asking for a business partner in an uncommon business venture that he was going to try doing" I told them because I knew that they could never know the truth about The Reincarnation Protocol and what its true purpose was.

"did you accept the business proposition that he offered you?" Sarah asked me.

"I told him that it sounded promising so I would keep an open mind but, we would have to discuss the finer details at a later date since I had a dungeon to explore with you all" I told the group so that they knew that I was committed to whatever we were going to do today.

"all right now that we are done with that let us get down to business about how we are going to do this dungeon exploring on the island that is mostly inhabited by dragons and cyclops" Sarah said to get everyone to focus on the objective at hand without getting easily distracted.

after she said that everyone went silent and began to focus on every word that she said to the group as a whole.

"the first thing that we need to discuss is what means of transportation are we going to use on our way to the island" Sarah said in a semi commanding voice to the entire group.

"well I say that we take a ferry to the island" Alex said as he was going through his bags trying to make sure that he had everything ready for the next mission.

"are you sure that the ferry would be a good route considering the fact that most humans will not even go towards a dragon or a cyclops?" I asked the group out of curiosity.

"no one cares about your opinion newbie. you have to earn my respect to have your opinion matter in our group discussions you filthy moon elf" Steven said out of what seems like disrespect to me.

"your apparent dislike of her aside; she does have a valid point. humans are very terrified of dragons so we may have to find a different travel route to the island" Alex said after Steven got done with his rant about me as a newbie to the group.

"let us go on our own boat since I know how to steer boats" I said as I looked at Steven with a look of superiority across my face proving to him that I was not worthless just because I was the newest member of this team.

"all right then I will take it upon myself to find us a boat if you will steer it for us when we are on the way to the island. we will discuss further details of what we need to do when we make it to the shores of the island. this group meeting is over we need to meet each other at the docks in one hour" Sarah said to us all before she got out of her chair and left the adventure's guild.

after the meeting was finished I went to the docks to wait for the group to gather since I had nothing else to do.

while I waited for the group I was thinking about both the terrors and the wonders of fighting dragons. the fact that they were real in this world and not just a figment of legend and myth like they were on Earth.

the docks were very busy with workers, sailors, and merchants walking from ships to the local representative of the government who checked everything that was being brought through the docs to make sure nothing was brought in illegally.

I could hear chatter and gossip being spread around as people were entering the docks from their ships and others were about to leave on whatever their journey was going to take them.

right along the coastline I saw three different buildings that were used as storage facilities for goods and the guards kept constant watch over it to make sure no one stole from these buildings.

as I walked over to one of the buildings and leaned against the wall closest to me while I was waiting for them all to show up a man in a hood came by and begin to whisper to me with the butt of a knife in my back.

"I have something for you miss. it is about the squad of human adventures that you are a member of."

"what is it? why did you have to tell me secretly like this" I said in a quiet voice to the male that had his knife's butt in my back.

"you need to know that they constantly recruit a new elf mage and then go out of their way after a while to betray, kill, and take all of their valuables. if you do not believe me I have records of the other elf mages that have joined their party. you can look them up in due time at the city archives. I will put the paper with the names on it down on the ground in between your feet."

"how do I know that I can trust what you're saying is the truth?" I asked him.

"just remember to never trust every human that you run into and most of them have a scheme in play for their own benefit. the humans are not always as loyal and trustworthy amongst each other as we elves are".

then I felt the butt of the knife leave my back and I did not hear from him anymore.

the true question is if he was he telling the truth, will they stab me in the back like these other mages that he told me about; or is there someone that I can trust among the humans.

I grabbed the papers that he put between my legs knowing that my world would most likely be turned upside down soon. so when it happens I will need to find myself a trustworthy ally. the only person that I most likely would be able to trust for the most part would be Robert since we both came from the same world.