
Reincarnation Protocol: Book 2 Dark Magic

there has been five months of peace between the humans, elves, and dwarves since our three remaining Heroes defeated Commander Zog and his orc army from uniting the entire world under one banner; but with Zog's wife on the loose things will not remain peaceful forever. will the heroes be able to stop her in her goal with the newest villain candidate of The Reincarnation Protocol; and will they finally get some answers on why exactly they were chosen as candidates for The Reincarnation Protocol or will it always remain a mystery.

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The Dwarven Royal Family Stance

The room was brightly lit up by a massive golden chandelier that hung from the high ceiling in the center of the room. This room was used as an emergency meeting room for members of the dwarven royal household in case of an enemy attack or some type of disaster that threatened the city.

There were a total of twelve chairs in this room that were all in a semicircle shape. The chairs varied in size which I noticed was because of the ranking that each member of the royal house had to ascending to the throne.

Surprisingly I also never knew that the king had a few daughters as well; but now that I think about it due to the fact of Dwarven politics and the way that they work females are mostly treated as beans who are only in existence to procreate and multiply their species. This world truly is nothing like world that I grew up in which still gets the best of me despite how long I spend in here.

I could feel the intensity in the room it felt so heavy as if everyone was being weighed down by a ton of weights as I looked around at all of the other members of the drawven royal family.

King Austroon stood up angrily from his throne and kicked the human messenger who was right in front of him.

Then I saw him grab the man by the neck and I could see the intensity in his eyes as he stared deeply at the human to prove what he was about to say.

"Do you really expect us as the dwarven royal household to bend to your new master's will?" He asked he spit at the human's face.

"I am just here to inform you about the reason that we have had all of your willing citizens to join our side. In the end it does not matter to me whether you join us or not in the end we will be successful no matter the result." The human said as he rose to his feet and began to look at King Austroon as if he had made a very grave mistake by not accepting the supposed generous offer that he had given all of the members of the royal household.

After the human most definitely failed in trying to persuade the Dwarven King he came over to me and looked at me with an intent to change my mind on the situation.

"Tell me that you are not tainted by political ties and the urge to maintain your ancestral honor like the other members of this royal household. I know that you have only recently become a member due to the deeds that you have performed for the sake of the world in our war against Commander Zog and his orc army a few months ago." The human said as he started to approach me.

I stood up and began to walk over towards him from my chair that was the smallest of the bunch since I technically had the least amount of status in the royal family.

"Why are you doing this?". I asked him as the distance that was between us started to shrink in length.

"You ask why I am doing this; but I ask you why are you satisfied with living with these dwarves?

Take this one for example he originally planned to side with Commander Zog. If commanderzog had succeeded in uniting the world under one banner he would have seized control of the throne and ruled over the dwarves under Commander Zog's supervision.

What I'm trying to tell you is that your people would no longer be free if you had not stepped in and defeated Commander Zog". Said as he pointed at the eldest son of the royal family.

I did not even have to look at my eldest brother to see if his expression would consolidate this humans claim because he immediately jumped out of his seat and began to run at the human enrage and anger which told me everything I needed to know.

"You have no proof; and without this proof I do not think that the word of a human will be accepted in the presence of this royal family". The eldest son said as he ran at the human with rage and frustration behind every syllable.

Before he could cause any physical harm to the human messenger I heard a loud thud and the dragon guard who were still loyal to the members of the royal household came in between the prince and his new prey.

"That is enough son!! you will will show a certain level of restraint and self-control while we are in the presence of others." I heard the king say as he looked at his son with a share of seriousness that made his son stop moving and make his way back to his seat as soon as he made eye contact with his father.

I definitely have to give props to my new adopted father because despite the fact that he was getting up in his years he still had a commanding tone that was able to keep all of the members of his house in check.

"Well I will go and leave you all to it because I will not waste my time where I am not wanted at all". Fisherman said is he bowed to the king and then looked at each one of us before turning around and leaving the room where we were staying.

As the human walked out of the door I noticed that the area became suddenly silent and it was so quiet that any noise no matter how silent would have felt as intense as if someone were to ring the royal gong multiple times repetitively.

"So father what are you going to do about this situation?" Binyail asked.

"Well son I guess it will be time for us to awaken the one creature that I did not ever wish to awaken unless we were in dire need ever again". King Austroon said as he rose to his feet and turned around before walking behind his throne.

"Wait you do not mean those creatures do you!?" The queen asked him as she got up out of throne.

"Yes I do mean that creature. I need the rings of each member of the royal household except for Gilltrude." King Austroon said as I saw him place the ring on his right fist in a hole on the center of the wall where he was standing.

Then after the he did that I saw the queen and her sons placed their rings in a single row where the Kings ring was in the center which caused the wall to move and open up.

When I saw the opening I was surprised about what I saw through the new opening. The only thing I saw was a giant metal cage that was at least ten feet high and ten feet wide.

"So you have finally allowed me to see the light of day again. What is it that you need this time it has been almost 300 years since a dwarf has activated this wall". A deep voice said as I walked closer to where the other members of the royal house were standing.

After waiting for a bit I was able to look clearly at what had been unleashed. They have kept a dark red skinned dragon captive which I found to be quite unusual since I could have sworn out of what I had learned from the things that the Dr Robert had told me was that dragons ceased to exist over 500 years ago due to the fact that beings of other races were slaying dragons for their power as well as the fame and fortune that would come out of doing such a thing.

The sight of this dragon terrified me and I was unsure about what we were going to do about Zog's wife and the proposition that she had given every member who was present at the arena when she made her public debut.