
Reincarnation Pill: The Retired Assassin

Before the nuclear war of the 21st century, a vampire named Voltaire took a pill for him to escape the troubles of the dystopian reality of our apparent world. Then, the pill made him dream about his life-long reincarnation to a post-apocalyptic world, where time became medieval again, in a fantasy-like world. Then, he meets his past-self from the current era, as they converse and travel together as one soul but different people, bounded by fate.

KleiNightwriter · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Thieves' Guild Pt. 1

I only use my "phone" to contact Voltaire if I need anything, which is faster than sending a courier. Plus, I don't have to pay for anything unless I send a message to someone else. Only the aristocrats can use pigeons for messaging because it could take a few years to train a bird to send messages to the other.

I broke down the iron door that leads to the dungeon under my home just to wear my old adventuring uniform again, which was The Darkened Path's armour. I can't believe I am wearing this again. It was dyed in black with red linings, a hood covering my face, and a face mask to cover the mouth and nose, showing only the red irises of my eyes.

The only problem with vampirism is that Ampier vampirism takes more blood inside of my body to dissipate to use stronger powers. Which leads to hunger worse than any ordinary vampire here. But I don't have to necessarily kill people. The only way to contract vampirism is by being drained and being bestowed the gift of the blood of the master vampire that wants to create you, thus making them your sire.

But giving your blood to a living being will make them your thrall, free to command all you like. Thus, giving them a small percentage of your similar powers. But they are still human, regardless.

I wore my uniform, then my assassin boots, made of leather that muffled your movement. No matter how fast or hard you run or stomp, it will not make a single sound.

So, I took out my old blade from the chest. Its handle was silver, the rain-guard was bronze, the base was gold, and the double edges were made of Damascus. Damascus itself is the most durable and sharpest material to make a sword.

Then I spoke, "Hello again, my old friend…." I muttered to it, "You were the one that killed the emperor… not me." then I put it in its obsidian holster strapped around my hip.

I put my throwing daggers into their sheaths trapped all around my chest, then wore my assassin's coat. Which looked almost like a cape. That hides all over my armour to prevent people from knowing I am an assassin.

Then, my explosive arrows on my spine and regular steel arrows behind my hip pointed towards the right side. Where I could easily reach them, and my silver bow, which I call "Artemis".

Then, my parrying dagger is on the other side of my hip, just in case I need to dual-wield it. I no longer need my potions. I just left my laboratory to rot, and my ingredients were left to expire, let alone the brews.

I put my camping materials onto my black horse's sides. Then I rode it to the west side of Arcadia, where I am going to the city called Flolvale, with surrounding towns Fogan, Adadale, Clock, Olkvale, and Ipraanross. If you think The Grand Empire wasn't corrupted enough before the Emperor's death, this city is full of thieves.

The guards here can be easily bought with money for bribery and protection from other criminals, despite you being one yourself. It is where you could see the areas look as if it is autumn every day and never wintering there. But it is pretty cold, I must say. I stopped by the stables in front of the gates of the central city.

I paid the stable owner to feed and let my horse rest there for a while as I was gone. He pretended that the prices went high due to the war causing inflation. But with my vampiric power, I read his mind and exposed him.

He told me to keep my voice down, so I extorted him into making it accessible for me to let my horse here as long as I wanted to. He agreed, but I was feeling generous, so I just turned it around as a joke and paid the price in full as he first bargained. And he thanked me for that.

I tried to go inside, but the gate guard, who was in almighty knight in shining armour, looking superior over my cloak, asked me to pay the tax of coming into the city. I bet he's done this plenty of times, and I don't even need to use my vampiric power.

"I'm from the Thieves' Guild, lad. Let me in." I demanded but in a calm tone, with such a polite manner.

"Oh, yeah? I bet you are just lowly thief who kills for bread for the rest of the week, hah!" says the other guard.

"This is a shakedown, and I know it."

"Oh, really? Do you want me to ask the other guards inside? Hold on."

He left and returned, with other guards agreeing, but I know they are corrupt.

So, I went closer to looking deeper into his eyes and dominated his mind into submission, "Let. Me. In."

And he felt threatened and afraid as he let me in, and I even asked him if I could consensually rob him, and he did as he thought enthralled by my voice. He let out all of his money.

"Now give me your sword, valuables, and strip yourself naked, then run into that wolf den over there."

"Okay!" the guard happily accepts the offer of suicide.

Then, he winces in pain from the wolves. Then, the other guards went hostile towards me, pointing their blades at me, preparing for a fight in a stance. Then, the leader of the Thieves Guild came into the scene, asking what all the commotion was.

The guards told the leader, named Sean Folidor, what just happened.

He convinced them that the guard did it willingly and was even generous to give them money despite their already confident.

Still, the other guard standing beside him at the main gate was not so happy. He will remember this day… that I robbed and murdered his friend.