
Chapter 220 Choice

After the halberd landed, Xu Yue also fell from the broken window.

At this point, on the circular stone platform located at the highest point of the mountain space, three figures were arranged in various places, standing in a triangular position, facing each other.

Among the three, the leader had the ugliest expression. He was somewhat confident about Qingfeng alone, but after another fire, he could not guarantee whether he would be able to leave the Shadow Mountain intact today.

Ever since he became the leader of the shadows, he had not encountered such a life-and-death situation for a long time. His sinister gaze swept across the Fangtian painted halberd in the center of the stone platform, and finally landed on the silver figure on the left.

"Qingfeng betrayed the organization because of the blood feud. This is understandable. Then what do you do it for? Xinhuo."

"If it's just because of Chiya, then there's no need. A mere shadow assassin can't compare to your status as a master craftsman. It's not worth risking your life for this."

"It's not too late to abandon the darkness and turn to the light. From now on, you and I will have equal status and win-win cooperation. We will surely bring the entire shadow organization to a higher level. How about it?"

Xu Yue didn't care at all how credible the leader's words were. Completing the paradise mission was the fundamental reason why he did all this. It had nothing to do with interests, and there was absolutely no possibility of winning over him.

"At this point, the reason is meaningless. Now there is only one party left to live in the heart of the mountain."

As he spoke, a small metal ball appeared in the darkness, invisible ripples swept across the leader on one side, and finally turned into information and reflected in Xu Yue's eyes.

[Comparing the intelligence attributes of both sides…, the comparison is completed, our intelligence is 0.75 times the enemy's intelligence, and we have obtained 60% of the enemy's information]

The information is as follows:

Name: Shadow Leader

Category: Human

Health: 82%

Infuriating value: 1040/1200

Strength: 38

Agility: 33

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Physical strength: 35

Intelligence: 40

Charisma: 3

Skill 1: Peak internal strength (passive LV.12): HP increased by 1000 points, intelligence +20, strength +15, physical strength +15.

Skill 2: Blade of Fear (Active LV.13): After pulling out the blade, a field of fear will unfold. Within the field, a wave of fear can be induced, confuse the five senses, trigger illusions, and continuously devour the target's physical strength and energy.

Skill 3: Fear Draining (Active LV.15): It can amplify and swallow the target's fearful emotions. Once the fearful emotions are overly swallowed, the target will fall into a state of soul depletion. In this state, the gaps in the target's mind will be infinitely magnified.

Skill 4:? ? ?

Skill 5: Fear of Demon Planting: (Active LV.12):? ? ?

Skill 6: Fear Demon Recall (Active LV.10):? ? ?

Skill 7:? ? ?


'Excellent, except for charm, all other attributes are crushed. '

Even though he had expected it, Xu Yue's face still darkened after seeing this exaggerated attribute, and then a surging fighting spirit surged into his heart, completely burying that heaviness.

Purple appeared in his eyes, and the halberd in front of him automatically flew into his hand. The red prison armor quickly appeared on the surface of his body. The evil ghost mask covered his face. A pair of coquettish purple eyes with bloody light looked at the leader with white hair on the opposite side. .

A seemingly non-existent dragon roar sounded, and the dragon entrenched on the end of the long halberd opened its scarlet eyes. It swam along the halberd pole and clung to the red prison, forming a golden dragon that wrapped around its arms and shoulders. dragon tattoo.

A violent sense of power poured into the body from the tattoo, and the strength attribute skyrocketed to 37 points, which was almost the same as the leader. At the same time, the long-simmered military evil energy poured out from the center of the armor, and the stone platform suddenly became cold.

"Ignorant of current affairs!"

After witnessing all the changes in Xu Yue, the leader's eyes flashed with greed. With a shake of the long knife in his hand, his figure began to grow taller and larger.

In just one breath, a huge demon god more than three meters high appeared in front of Xu Yue and Qingfeng.

The demon god has a purple-black body, long white hair, and a huge blood-red vertical eye on his chest opens, with the bright white pupil in the middle rotating left and right.

The moment he met this vertical eye, Xu Yue felt that dozens or hundreds of pairs of blood-red eyes suddenly opened in the void around him, staring straight at everything around him.

A wave of fear surged out of his heart, and just when he was about to overwhelm his reason, a spiritual barrier emitting a faint white light appeared, blocking all impacts.

[You are invaded by the fear field, and your intelligence attributes are being determined…]

[The judgment failed. Due to the protection of the mental barrier, you are immune to the effect of the 'wave of terror'. You have fallen into a state of 'confusion of the five senses', which will gradually deepen as time goes by. ]

The system prompt in his ear ended, and Xu Yue's eyes quickly regained consciousness after a brief period of confusion.

Fortunately, after killing three shadow assassins one after another, his intelligence attribute increased by two points, and his mental barrier also improved by one quality. Otherwise, he would not be able to withstand the emotional impact just now.


A hoarse and terrifying growl came from the Demon God, along with the sharp sound of a long knife cutting through the air.

Looking up, he saw a broad sword with a blade that was almost the same height as him being smashed down. The sharp wind had not yet reached the blade, but the strong wind had torn his eyes under the visor painfully. Xu Yue lowered his eyes slightly and wrapped his hands around them. The long halberd with golden and red flames was lifted up hard.

The huge halberd came from behind and hit the side of the blade first, intending to knock the fallen sword away.

But at the moment when the two collided, a weak feeling came from the halberd pole, and the sword at the top of his head seemed to turn into a shadow, and was actually penetrated by Fang Tian's painted halberd.

'phantom? No, it's misplaced. '

The halberd failed, but the biting wind coming from above and the stinging warning brought by the beast's intuition did not disappear. Instead, it became stronger. The idea of ​​​​illusion appeared in his mind, but was instantly denied. The beast's intuition will not lie. .

This was not a simple illusion, but a reality within the illusion. The real attack was hidden a little behind. The fear field deflected his senses, allowing him to judge the attack route of the long knife in advance.

That's why what was hit was a phantom, but if you judged that the attack was an illusion and chose to give up resistance, that would be playing into the leader's plan.

The broadsword above his head was close at hand, and it was too late to retract the halberd and volley it. He simply released his right hand holding the tail of the halberd and let the halberd fly out. At the same time, the metal wings behind him opened and quickly closed in front of him. , wrapping him into a silver ball.

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The next moment, the fallen sword passed directly over the ball, as if it were an illusion, but Xu Yue did not relax at all, but immediately bent his right arm wearing an arm armor and stood in front of him.

Sure enough, when the phantom of the purple-black sword was halfway across, a bright sword light hidden on the back of the sword burst out, and a huge force came from the top of the ball.


The harsh sound of metal collision resounded throughout the entire mountain space. The solid rock under Xu Yue's feet exploded. Half of his calf was pressed into the rock below by the huge force. After a stalemate, the metal wings were directly broken by the light of the sword, and the silver The fragments were scattered in all directions, and then the light of the sword was firmly blocked by his right arm.

The calf sank a few inches again, and after two attempts to reduce the force of the sword, it was finally blocked by the thick arm armor. After cutting into half an inch, it became unsustainable.

The strong arm muscles swelled. Xu Yue swung his left arm and pushed aside the sword embedded in the arm armor. Smoke and dust exploded on the left side, and at the same time, the ground below collapsed inch by inch.

With a roar, he crushed the ground and shot out, leaving only a huge pit half a meter deep.

During the charge, he retracted his broken wings, held his right hand in a virtual hold, and firmly caught the halberd that flew back automatically.

Ahead was a giant demon that was gradually approaching, and from the left corner of the eye, a blue phoenix bird rushed out at the same time.

Looking from above, two figures, one silver and one green, on the stone platform charged at the demon god in the center at the same time, attacking both sides of it.

Scarlet eyes looked down at the two people who were attacking. The demon god flipped the big knife in his hand, and then thrust it straight into the ground. In an instant, a purple-black light group bloomed on the ground, and dense crescent-shaped sword light scattered and flew out from the light group.

The sword light enveloped the Demon God in all directions, and naturally also enveloped Xu Yue and Qingfeng who were attacking.

The phoenix transformed into a green phoenix flew up and down in mid-air, deftly dodging all the imaginary and real sword lights along the way.

Xu Yue, on the other hand, charged directly without any intention of evading. The halberd in his hand danced, but it only shattered the sword light aimed at his head. The rest of the sword light hit the armor, leaving only some deep or shallow scratches. Beyond the traces, there is no use anymore.

Passing through the dense knife network one after another, the demon was within reach. Without any discussion, the two of them launched the attack simultaneously with a tacit understanding.

The green phoenix jumped up, the long knife in its hand burst into a green glow, and struck directly at the head.

Xu Yue stepped on the stubborn stone, and Fang Tian's painted halberd was wrapped in golden and red flames, hitting his chest and raising his eyes.

In the next moment, cyan light and golden-red flames intertwined and entangled, and the huge demon in the center quietly collapsed, and the two people who were supposed to be in different directions strangely turned into fighting each other.

The sharp long knife pierced the red prison mask, and the thick halberd smashed Qingfeng's head.

The pupils of both of them shrank suddenly, the fatal attack was about to happen in an instant, and the choice came to their minds at the same time.

Is it to draw troops back to defend? Are you trying to force the deflection due to internal injuries? Or speed up the attack?

If we draw our troops back to defend, will we really have time to block the opponent's attack?

If it is deflected by force, who can be sure what choice the other party will make? Once the opponent chooses to continue attacking, he will be severely damaged even if he does not die. And even if the opponent chooses to deflect, will the opponent have time at such a close distance?

If you speed up the attack and kill the opponent first before the opponent attacks, this is indeed the safest method. However, as long as you choose this option, one party will inevitably be seriously injured, or even both parties will die together. Once such an outcome occurs, they will How to deal with the leader?

Are they trustworthy?

Are you afraid of death and panic in critical moments?

Are you proactive and decisive enough at critical moments?

These tests are all gathered in this moment of choice, hitting the hearts of both of them together.

*Faced with the attack so close at hand, both Qingfeng and Xu Yue had calm eyes, not even looking at each other at all, and they unanimously chose to deflect the attack.

The halberd that was smashed was covered with fine imperial inscriptions. Under the combined action of the inscription and the flipping of the wrist, the tip of the halberd passed the hair on one side of Qingfeng and hit the ground. Suddenly, gravel flew and smoke rose.

The long knife that stabbed straight was deflected a little to the right under the strong infuriating energy. The sharp sword energy made shallow marks on Chi Yu's shoulder. The long knife turned into a phoenix and carried the green phoenix and flashed away.

The two passed each other unscathed, and at the same time resolved the dead end created by the leader's ability to confuse the five senses.

Xu Yue made this choice because he believed in Qingfeng's reason and hatred for the leader, and that knife could not kill him.

Qingfeng made this choice because he knew that without Xu Yue, he would basically lose the possibility of killing the leader, so he was willing to gamble.

Their decisive characters made them make the same choice, but the starting point for both was not trust and character, but strong strength and clear reason.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Two consecutive roars sounded on both sides of the stone platform.

The halberd in front of him had just been smashed down, and there was a whistling sound piercing the air behind him. The broad sword hidden in the darkness appeared quietly. Xu Yue didn't even have time to spread his wings, but he was hit by the long sword on his back and was knocked away.

Qingfeng on the other side just missed him when he was hit in the waist and abdomen with a palm from the leader and flew out sideways.

"I thought you would injure at least one of you, but I didn't expect you to be so trusting and dare to leave your life to someone else's choice."

"You really don't look like an assassin."

In the center of the stone platform, the huge purple-black demon god appeared again. His scarlet eyes swept over the fallen figures on both sides. The demon god stood with the long knife in his hand and shook his head slowly.

A leader with the ability to confuse the five senses would have a great advantage in combat as long as he did not rush forward. After Qingfeng discovered the flaw, he had given up using direct attacks.

Instead, they constantly change their positions so that the enemy cannot accurately grasp their position, and then take the opportunity to attack, or even induce the two to kill each other.


There was severe pain in the chest and abdomen. Although the blow just now did not break Chi Yu's back armor, a strange force penetrated the defense and exploded inside the body. The organs were severely damaged and a large amount of blood spurted out. Then was swallowed by the visor.

The leader's charged blow directly knocked out about 30% of his health.

After throwing a green-quality recovery potion into his mouth, and feeling the pain in his chest and abdomen ease a little, Xu Yue quickly climbed up from the ground with his halberd in hand.

The Demon God was standing quietly not far away, but he could not determine whether the other party was real or an illusion. The ability to confuse the five senses was too deadly for close combat.

Melee combat requires high timing, and without the accurate perception of the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste, it is impossible to grasp the enemy's attack trajectory. Any deviation may have fatal effects.

"Xinhuo, this is your last chance. Please surrender to me and kill Qingfeng. I can forget the blame and still give you an equal position in the organization. How about that?"

The tall demon god looked at Xu Yue, who was standing with a halberd, with a bit of fire in his eyes. Just now, he failed to break through Chi Yu's defense with all his strength. He only cut a deep gap, and after a few breaths, the armor on his back The gap will heal automatically.

This powerful defense made him jealous. It was indeed a creation of a divine craftsman. Even for this armor, the leader was willing to give Xu Yue another chance.