
Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God 2919 (RSSG 2919)

Heavens_Edge1 · Video Games
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17 Chs

Chapter 2929

The set of golden released a low explosion as they opened inwards, hinges screeching.

Anyone would be a bit puzzled after seeing the Mind Space System entrance for the first time. The pair of doors were not connected to anything, simply standing in the faintly illuminated white Rest Space, the player could even walk a full circle around the doors.

However, when they opened, it revealed a pitch-black space inside.

Shi Feng hadn't exchanged his Seven Luminaries Crystal for ground, sky for any source of light; but this was according to his plan. Due to his experiences of his previous life, he was very familiar and knew exactly how the Mind Space System operated.

Shi Feng strolled leisurely inside the darkness. As he had created a space of 10 by 10 by 10 meters, the floor, indicating the end of the Mind Space System, was solid and perfectly plat.

Before he had reached the centre, the ancient golden doors had closed shut, leaving him in complete darkness. Shi Feng sat down cross-legged, and closed his eyes.

The ambient surrounding was perfectly vacant, it was perfect environment to sense the operating principles of mana.

After familiarizing himself with the void, he opened the virtual control panel of his Mind Space System. There he exchanged a Hard Stone for 1 unit of Seven Luminaries Crystal. The price was ridiculous, Hard Stones went for a few Copper in God's Domain, while 1 unit of Seven Luminaries Crystal went for a few thousand Gold. But Shi Feng knew that any important experiment came with a price.

Immediately afterwards he closed the window and immersed his consciousness into his mana perception, studying his ambient surroundings.

Shi Feng comprehended the complete Ancient God Legacy Guidance, including the essence of Seven Luminaries Crystals and the corresponding principles of crystal's seven elemental mana.

Purchasing objects for Seven Luminaries Crystals in the Mind Space System wasn't simply a trade; after all, objects couldn't simply come into existence from nothing. No, instead, the Mind Space System created objects from the mana within the Seven Luminaries Crystals, and this creation process must follow Mana Law principles.

According to Shi Feng's comprehension of mana, this creation process should be following the mana operating principles of the Law of Creation.

Shi Feng had full comprehension of the complete mana principles of the Law of Destruction – the direct opposite of the Law of Creation. However, while Law of Destruction was extremely useful in battle, destroying is much easier than creating. It requires an artist to create an artwork, while it only requires a toddler to destroy it.

Likewise, the Law of Creation requires finesse, foresight, insight and profound comprehension of the operating principles of mana; much more sophisticated than the mana principles of the Law of Destruction.

Only a moment later, a Hard Stone fell in front of Shi Feng, soundlessly on the surface of the void.


Shi Feng repeated the process over a thousand times, converting over a thousand units of Seven Luminaries Crystal for Hard Stones, until realisation dawned upon him.

This isn't the Law of Creation but the Law of Change!

Of course, the objects are not literally created from nothingness; instead, the mana from the Seven Luminaries Crystals is converted and transformed into material objects, it should be the Law of Change.

Then... what Mana Law principle is followed to increasing the size of the Mind Space System?

Shi Feng extended his mana perception to cover the complete space of 1000 cubic meter. Then he opened the Mind Space System control panel and bought 1 cubic meter for 1 unit of Seven Luminaries Crystal.

I see...

Shi Feng repeated the process a thousand times, increasing the size of the Mind Space System to 2000 cubic meter.

I see, this isn't the Law of Creation as well, but this must be the Law of Space...

Shi Feng perceived how the Seven Luminaries Crystal's seven types of elemental mana were disintegrated to its foundational particles and then reassembled to form space, this couldn't be anything else but the mana operating principles of the Law of Space.

"Is the Law of Creation even possible?" Shi Feng mumbled to himself.

Coming to the conclusion of his experiment, Shi Feng was both excited and disappointed at the same time. He had grasped the core mana operating principles of the Law of Change and Law of Space. However, he needed to comprehend the Law of Creation to connect and fuse his Mind Space System with his Divine Body.

Shi Feng was confident that the World Stone was connected to Phoenix Rain's passageway the main world of God's Domain, and after witnessing the Device in the Green God Company's headquarters, he realised the presence of the Device enabled the construction of Main World Cabins and Subworld Cabins.

Shi Feng had hypothesized a method to transport the World Stone to his Mind Space System. The Divine Body and Mind Space System were both constructed from Seven Luminaries Crystal; however, both existed as two separate entities, they must be fused in order to send the World Stone into his Mind Space System.

His Superior Divine Body was created from a complex structure of thousands of Grandmaster Magic Arrays according the Law of Destruction, while the Mind Space System was assembled according to the mana operating principles from the Law of Space.

'The Law of Destruction and Law of Space have completely different mana operating principles; they wouldn't fuse even if I comprehend the Law of Creation. Let's approach this step by step.' Shi Feng thought to himself.

Shi Feng returned his consciousness to his Superior Divine Body, constructed from thousands of Grandmaster Magic Arrays following mana operating principle from the Law of Destruction.

How do I incorporate the Law of Space in this?

Shi Feng had grasped the crux of the Law of Space, but just like any mana operating principle, the Law of Destruction and Law of Space appeared like the complete opposite.

How to adept; how to convert; how to change... change?

Of course!


At the moment of Shi Feng's own revelation, he immediately got to work.

He used the mana operating principles from the Law of Change to alternate a small core section of his Superior Divine Body from the Law of Destruction into the Law of Space.



As soon as Shi Feng started, beads of sweat were already dripping from his forehead.



To incorporate two different Mana Laws into his Superior Divine Body was defying the very fundamental Laws of Mana, it was next to impossible...

But not impossible.


One day ago, Shi Feng had used Light of Two Worlds' Golden Soul to elevate his Concentration to Tier 6 Peak standard to create his Superior Divine Body following only the principles of the Law of Destruction. Yet, only by sheer luck did he not fail.

Now however, he was alternating his Superior Divine Body through the simultaneous use of three different Mana Laws. Despite having Concentration on the Mental Strength Grandmaster standard, the process was extremely difficult. Moreover, a single mistake could destroy his Superior Divine Body.


Shi Feng was getting pale and dizzy, if it wasn't for his Superior Divine Body constantly releasing traces of Eternal Energy, which continuously recovered his concentration, he would have fainted long ago.


Di! Di! Di!

The Fearless Virtual Gaming Cabin internal interface was constantly warning him he was in grave danger, but he couldn't stop and have his Superior Divine Body collapse.




Shi Feng groaned in pain; he felt feverish and the headache was unbearable.

He wanted to log out immediately; after all, this was only the very first step of the plan to create a translocation route between his Superior Divine Body and Mental Space System.

However, when his finger was hovering above the logout button, he saw a system notification.


System: Scan discovers that you own a new private space.


Had Liang Jing or any of the other managers bought a new land in a new city?

Shi Feng clicked on it, curious to see in which direction his managers were expanding the guild.


System: Location added to private space list: Superior Divine Body of Ye Feng

System: Do you wish to relocate your Mind Space?


"What?!" Shi Feng exclaimed in shock.

It can connect like this?

But Shi Feng was too exhausted to attempt any experimentation and quickly logged out of his mind Space System.

Back in his mansion, he faltered over to the kitchen and ordered another vial of Dragon Elixir and a vial of Life Water.

As Shi Feng was sipping them, he read the messages on his Quantum Watch.

'Hmm... only various invitations for cooperation and alliances; for a change, there is nothing urgent. It seems nobody wants to trouble Zero Wing in God's Domain anymore.' Shi Feng thought and chuckled to himself. 'But now it's too late for any regrets!'

It wasn't strange, besides the fact Zero Wing had a Tier 6 God player, Shi Feng, the Guild had demonstrated an army of 125 combatants on the Tier 5 Standard, this army had the potential to capture an Empire.

After gulping the vials' contents and recovering mentally, Shi Feng logged back in and returned to the eternal darkness inside the Mind Space System.

After some experimentation with the Law of Space section in his Divine Body, he discovered it functioned the same as his Epic ranked Spatial Bag; however, it wasn't operating through a virtual display but through a Mana Technique following the mana operating principles of the Law of Space.

Shi Feng placed the 1106 Hard Stones into the Law of Space section of his Superior Divine Body.

As he examined himself with his mana perception, he couldn't sense their presence at all. It was as if they had become part of his body.

Shi Feng glanced at the closed door with his mana perception 'If even I can't distinguish these Hard Stones from my body, would the Mind Space System be able to?' he thought to himself.

Objects couldn't be taken out of the Mind Space System or God's Domain. If someone were to leave the Mind Space System with an object, they would be stopped by an invisible wall.

The Mind Space System control panel appeared before Shi Feng and he activated the opening mechanism of the pair of golden doors.

With a low blow, a slit of light became visible, and as the hinges creaked from the opening doors the slit of light widened, gradually revealing the white Rest Space.

"Moment of truth" Shi Feng said to himself. He took a nervous swallow and walked along the void to the golden door opening.

3 steps

2 steps

1 step

Shi Feng blinked his eyes in unbelieve as he was standing on a white surface...

He was out!

Outside the Mind Space System!

With objects from the Mind Space System!


"Next destination, God's Domain!" Shi Feng smiled from happiness.


Ancient Rock City, City Lord's Mansion, Treasury Vault.

Shi Feng reappeared on the exact spot from which he had departed a few hours ago. The Divine Might which he had left was almost all dissipated, only traces lingered around.

The small heap of 25,000 units of Seven Luminaries Crystals had been halved in size.

Shi Feng glanced over to the cold beauty, sitting cross-legged in a cloud of Eternal Energy. Her flawless face had intensity written all over it. She was frowning anxiously while eyes squeezed shut. As the hour of guidance had passed, the Memory Crystal in her hands had shattered in little fragments after drowning her mind with information.

Seeing Gentle Snow's striving nature, Shi Feng brightened into a faint smile and he nodded in approval. He had constructed the Memory Crystal by means of his Concentration at the Mental Strength Grandmaster standard, his brain processing speed had become 10 times faster than when he was still at the Tier 6 Peak standard. The information within the Memory Crystal would be hard to comprehend for someone at the Tier 6 Peak standard, let alone someone like Gentle Snow, who has Concentration at the Tier 5 Basic standard.

Shi Feng shook his head and closed his eyes 'But now isn't the time to admire others.' He thought to himself. 'have the Hard Stones come along with my Divine Body into God's Domain?'

He then immersed his consciousness into his mana perception and focussed on the section of his Superior Divine Body, operating according to the mana principles of the Law of Space.

He then placed his palm onto his abdomen and guided the mana according to the Mana Technique to access the space.

Shi Feng swallowed and his pupils widened and as he pulled a stone from his body; out of reflex, he appraised it with his Omniscient Eyes as soon as it appeared.

A genuine Hard Stone!

Even God's Domain acknowledges its identity as a genuine Hard Stone!



System: Congratulations! You have created a Silver Mana Technique. Please name your mana technique.


New Mana Technique?