
Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Story

DISCLOSURE: FOR PROMOTIONAL AND PERSONAL USES ONLY. All information used to create this novel can be located on the Author's "Lucky Old Cat (天运老猫)" Public Wechat (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appmsgalbum?__biz=Mzg3ODU3MDI3OA==&action=getalbum&album_id=1736590865898209290&scene=173&from_msgid=2247483960&from_itemidx=1&count=3&nolastread=1#wechat_redirect) and no premium services are being provided except for translating the public RAWs using chatgpt to English. DESCRIPTION: Side Stories for Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God published by the author on his WeChat. You can find the Professional translation of this novel by @Hellscythe at https://hostednovel.com/novel/reincarnation-of-the-strongest-sword-god-side-stories

Earth_Kingzz · Games
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25 Chs

Chapter 4: Seeking Death?

Original by Tianyun Laomao on April 16, 2021 at 08:25

Included in Collection #Table Chapter 193


Shi Feng's voice was not loud, and his expression was extremely calm, but it seemed to possess a certain kind of magic. Not only did many students in the vicinity turn their heads to look at Shi Feng, even Wu Lingling, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped in her tracks, her lively eyes filled with astonishment.


"You won't take a single credit?"


"Teacher, are you telling the truth?"


For Wu Lingling, 100,000 credits was not a lot, because her sister, Wu Xiaoxiao, had earned quite a bit of money in the God's Domain. She would occasionally give Wu Lingling tens of thousands of credits as pocket money. The money she had saved up now amounted to over a million credits.


Previously, she had planned to leave because she was worried that Shi Feng was a scammer.


But since he wouldn't take anything without improvement, it meant that he must have some ability. After all, this was the God's Domain Academy, and Shi Feng was indeed a mentor at the academy. Moreover, he was currently in front of all the new students, so there was no need for him to do something that would only bring him trouble.


Even Luo Tiancheng, who was watching, was extremely surprised. He didn't expect Shi Feng to play so ruthlessly.


Luo Tiancheng was well aware of Shi Feng's level. He hadn't even reached the realm of Micro Control, which meant that he couldn't achieve precise control over himself. How could he give advice to others?


Although Shi Feng had ten years of combat experience and could be considered extremely experienced in combat, this experience was mainly focused on fighting monsters. For example, he could point out the weaknesses or patterns of these monsters, allowing others to better deal with them.


Or he could give advice on fighting against players, providing others with some techniques for battling players.


These combat experiences can be said to be targeted things.


However, the Trial Tower is different because it targets the players themselves. It requires the players to reach a certain level in order to pass. Targeted guidance is useless.


So the only possibility is that Shi Feng intends to take a desperate gamble. Seeing that Wu Lingling is a genius, maybe explaining some key points of the fifth floor of the Trial Tower, specifically targeting players, can help Wu Lingling comprehend and improve. With Wu Lingling's talent, she might be able to advance from the fifth stage initial phase to the fifth stage middle phase.


If successful, Shi Feng will be able to establish a tall image among these newcomers.


Of course, if he fails, Shi Feng will become a fraud in the eyes of all the newcomers, with no chance of staying in the Divine Realm Academy. This is definitely a high-stakes gamble.


Seeing that many newcomers present are somewhat tempted, Luo Tiancheng couldn't help but look at Shi Feng and smile, saying, "Teacher Shi, by deceiving students like this, you are not worthy of being a teacher. Although you said you won't take any money for the improvement, if the students you teach don't improve, you won't suffer any losses either. At most, you can say it's because the students don't understand, not because of your teaching. On the other hand, if a student happens to have a breakthrough in the Trial Tower and successfully improves, then you will benefit greatly, won't you?"


Suddenly, many students present also realized.


They found that Shi Feng was planning to make a risk-free deal, losing without losing, and winning with a guaranteed profit. After all, if there are more students trying, they might accidentally stumble upon a breakthrough.


"So, does that mean, Teacher Luo, you think I am unfair to these students?" Shi Feng glanced at Luo Tiancheng and smiled. "I wonder if Teacher Luo has any better suggestions?"


"I wouldn't dare to claim to have better suggestions, but I just feel that as a teacher, you shouldn't play these word games with students." Luo Tiancheng looked at Shi Feng, who had already been exposed, but showed no anger. He felt a little strange in his heart, but still provocatively suggested, "Since Teacher Shi is so confident in your teaching, then let all the students you teach improve. It shouldn't be difficult, right?"


Although Luo Tiancheng's tone carried a hint of inquiry, his gaze was full of ridicule and satisfaction.


Teaching talents like Wu Lingling, if Shi Feng's luck is extraordinary, he might actually succeed. But if he has to teach a group of students and ensure that all of them improve, unless the world turns upside down and the sun rises from the west, otherwise Shi Feng can expect to be expelled from the Divine Domain Academy.


If it were someone else who couldn't get along with Shi Feng, they might try to gamble on his luck. Unfortunately, he won't. He wants to cut off all of Shi Feng's options and watch him be humiliated and expelled from the Divine Domain Academy.


Of course, Shi Feng is not so foolish to accept such a proposal and put himself in a desperate situation.


It is certain that Shi Feng will refuse, but if he rejects the proposal, the other person can accuse him of being guilty, causing the new students present to doubt him. In that case, Shi Feng can forget about recruiting new students here.


However, just as Luo Tiancheng finished his proposal, Shi Feng nodded and said, "Teacher Luo, you make a good point. It is indeed a good solution. It is true that teaching fewer students does not necessarily indicate any problems. However, as you can see, there are no new students enrolled at the moment. How about you help me find twenty new students?"


"???" Luo Tiancheng looked at Shi Feng, who directly agreed to the proposal, and was a little confused for a moment.


What's going on?


Did he voluntarily lead himself to a dead end?


And he felt something was off. Clearly, he wanted to prevent Shi Feng from failing to recruit new students and being expelled from the Divine Domain Academy, but now he was helping Shi Feng find twenty new students to teach?


"Luo Teacher, you have always doubted my abilities, but you haven't even given me a chance to prove myself. You have been slandering me in front of the new students. Isn't this behavior unbecoming of a teacher?" Shi Feng looked at Luo Tiancheng and smiled faintly. "And you are also a junior instructor with some reputation in our Divine Domain Academy. You should set an example. If someone doubts someone, they should provide evidence. It's not right to just speak without any basis."


The new students present all nodded in agreement and looked at Luo Tiancheng.


Spreading rumors is easy, but debunking them can be difficult.


Since Luo Tiancheng has been constantly questioning Shi Feng's abilities without substantial evidence, he should provide something substantial. Otherwise, anyone can spread rumors.


"Fine! I'll bring you twenty new students!" Luo Tiancheng looked at Shi Feng with gritted teeth and cold eyes. Because of Shi Feng's words, he instantly became a rumor spreader in the eyes of the new students. He then said coldly, "But if you fail to teach them, don't blame it on their abilities, but rather on your own."


"Of course," Shi Feng said confidently.


Finding new students to teach was actually a headache for him as well.


Firstly, not all new students have the money to pay the 100,000 credit points. Secondly, there weren't many new students left at this point.


Although there were many new students waiting in line, if he wanted to prove that the students he taught in the Trial Tower had improved, he would have to wait in line and let his reputation spread. Otherwise, other new students would have been snatched up by other junior instructors.


It should be noted that according to the rules of the Divine Domain Academy, once the teacher-student relationship is established, students are not allowed to switch to other instructors within a year. Even if other new students had ideas, there would be no way for him to recruit them.


However, even Luo Tiancheng, who had been in the Divine Domain Academy for several years, couldn't find many new students willing to spend money to try. This made Luo Tiancheng speechless, as 100,000 credit points was not a small amount for many students, let alone having to pay it immediately.


This forced Luo Tiancheng to personally pay for these new students, telling them that he would cover the credit points and they only needed to give it a try.


In no time, Luo Tiancheng effortlessly brought twenty new students in front of Shi Feng. Among them was the highly anticipated Wu Lingling, who was filled with curiosity about what kind of teaching Shi Feng could provide.


"Teacher Shi, not a single one of the twenty new students is lacking." Luo Tiancheng stared at Shi Feng and without waiting for him to speak, directly transferred two million credits to him. With a poker face, he said, "So, please begin your performance!"


Although he didn't know why Shi Feng was so confident, to the point of not showing any panic until now.


But he really didn't believe that Shi Feng could defy the heavens.


To make a new student improve significantly through simple teaching, this was something that even many experts of the fourth-tier professions couldn't achieve. Even if a fourth-tier expert could do it, it would be impressive if one or two out of ten people could improve. Moreover, Shi Feng was only a third-tier expert.


"No problem." Shi Feng looked at his wristband and received the notification of two million credits. He felt a sense of relief in his heart. With this money, along with his five million credits, he wouldn't have to worry about weapons, equipment, and various resources in the Divine Domain for a short period of time. Then, he looked at the twenty new students in front of him and said, "Next, I will perform a set of exercises. As long as you can learn this set of exercises and make me feel satisfied, you can challenge the Trial Tower."


After Shi Feng finished speaking, the twenty new students present were dumbfounded.




They did learn exercises like this in elementary school, but it was just a way to stretch their muscles. They had never heard that learning exercises could improve their combat abilities.


"So it's exercises? Teacher Shi is truly disrespectful. I, Luo, am too ignorant." Even Luo Tiancheng couldn't help but laugh. "Do you need me to accompany it with some music?"


He thought that Shi Feng, being so calm and composed, might really have some secret weapon or Divine Domain secret technique.




It's simply asking for trouble!


You should know that the students who can come to the Divine Domain Academy are not only outstanding but also considered the cream of the crop. Especially Wu Lingling, who is now being watched by many top guilds and is seen as a future strong player in the Divine Domain.


And now they have to do elementary school exercises?


Especially doing these exercises at the New Student Testing Center, if this gets out, it would be extremely embarrassing. If these new students are not improved afterwards, their impression of Stone Peak would be ruined!


"No need for music," Stone Peak said as if he hadn't noticed the embarrassment of these new students. He continued, "There are a total of nine sets of movements. I don't expect you to do them perfectly, just meet the standards."


As Stone Peak finished speaking, the twenty new students cast disdainful and angry glances at him.


What does Stone Peak think of them?


It's just an extremely simple set of exercises, and they only need to meet the standards. You should know that these people can even perfectly use complex Divine Domain combat techniques, let alone exercises.


Wu Lingling suddenly felt like she had been fooled and her intelligence had been greatly insulted.


But Stone Peak didn't care about the complaints and disdain in the eyes of Wu Lingling and others. He began to explain and demonstrate the movements.


This set of exercises was completely researched by Stone Peak himself and was the basic training for cultivating new members of the guild in his previous life. Any new member of the guild who could master it perfectly could immediately become a core member of the guild.


Because this set of exercises combined techniques from the Divine Domain and a deep understanding of the subtle aspects, Stone Peak created nine sets of movements that seemed ordinary but gradually increased in difficulty. Some details became more complex, and to perform each movement accurately, one had to reach a deep level of understanding and control over the body.


At present, these newcomers have only reached the initial stage of the fifth floor of the Trial Tower in terms of their combat level. They are far from the realm of true experts and lack proper control over their bodies. They have no idea how to truly manipulate their bodies.


However, this set of fitness exercises can gradually help people understand how to control their bodies. As for how far they can achieve, it entirely depends on the individual, as this set of fitness exercises only points them in a clear direction. Compared to these clueless newcomers, the benefits it can bring are significant.


As Stone Feng completed the entire set of fitness exercises, he also began to lead twenty newcomers to do them together.


Once... three times... ten times...


As the newcomers continuously did the fitness exercises in front of the testing area, the newcomers who came later were astonished. They thought it was some kind of special operation of the Divine Realm Academy, making the twenty newcomers doing the exercises blush uncontrollably...


After doing it for nearly three hours, it was already afternoon. With Stone Feng's continuous guidance, the twenty individuals barely reached the standard movements.


"Alright, I have finished teaching what needs to be taught." Stone Feng looked at the twenty newcomers, who were already sweating profusely, and nodded in satisfaction. "Now you can go and challenge the Trial Tower!"