
Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Story

DISCLOSURE: FOR PROMOTIONAL AND PERSONAL USES ONLY. All information used to create this novel can be located on the Author's "Lucky Old Cat (天运老猫)" Public Wechat (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appmsgalbum?__biz=Mzg3ODU3MDI3OA==&action=getalbum&album_id=1736590865898209290&scene=173&from_msgid=2247483960&from_itemidx=1&count=3&nolastread=1#wechat_redirect) and no premium services are being provided except for translating the public RAWs using chatgpt to English. DESCRIPTION: Side Stories for Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God published by the author on his WeChat. You can find the Professional translation of this novel by @Hellscythe at https://hostednovel.com/novel/reincarnation-of-the-strongest-sword-god-side-stories

Earth_Kingzz · Games
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25 Chs

Chapter 14: Entering the Hellish Difficulty

Before the magnificent city completely enveloped by a barren forest, more than thirty teams of players gathered in front of the forest, which was covered by a layer of magical barrier. These teams had over a hundred members, and some even reached two hundred. The worst equipment they had was a level 100 dark gold set, and there were also individuals with level 100 epic equipment emitting a strong killing intent, making the air heavy.


This scene also made Wu Lingling and others, who had just arrived at the desolate ruins, feel a sense of pressure.


Because even a fool could see that they, a group of students, were completely out of place compared to these people. They were simply not on the same level.


The appearance of Wu Lingling and the others also caught the attention of many teams present, especially a team of two hundred experts.


A beautiful woman dressed in a gorgeous mage robe, holding a crystal epic staff, glanced at Wu Lingling and the others in front of the ruins entrance, and a cold smile appeared on her lips. "A bunch of kids actually dare to come here to level up. I really don't know what their leader is thinking. Could it be that they think the Hellish level area instance is a place anyone can enter?"


The words of the beautiful woman also gained agreement from many people in the team, and their gazes towards Wu Lingling and the others were filled with disdain and mockery.


Apart from level, the Hellish level area instance in the Divine Realm did not have any other restrictions. As long as the level requirement was met, any player could enter. However, in the Divine Realm, the Hellish level area instance had always been a place for expert teams to level up, not a place where ordinary players could easily enter.


Although the appearance of characters in the Divine Realm was different from reality, their age could not be hidden.


Wu Lingling and the others were clearly a group of students, and from their movements, it could be seen that they were newcomers who had recently entered the Divine Realm. They couldn't even be considered ordinary experts, let alone entering the desolate ruins. It would be difficult for them to even escape, let alone fight.


And just as the 200-person team whispered about Wu Lingling and others, a middle-aged man in silver-gray heavy armor, holding two life-sized shields, glanced at Wu Lingling and others before looking directly at the others and said in a deep voice, "It's getting late, let's get ready to go in!"


As soon as this middle-aged man spoke, everyone present dared not say anything else and began to prepare. Even the beautiful woman holding a crystal epic staff did not dare to continue discussing and took out a magic scroll from her spatial backpack to cast buff magic on the entire team, enhancing everyone's basic attributes.


Although they had been through many Hell-level area instances, and even for them, Hell-level area instances were like their own backyard and not particularly dangerous, the situation in the Ancient Small World was more treacherous than the outside environment, with stronger monsters and higher combat levels. Currently, no one had entered it and knew how powerful the Hell-level area instances in the Ancient Small World were, so they didn't dare to be careless.


While this 200-person team was preparing, other teams were also getting ready, with this 200-person team subtly leading the way.


Because among the many teams present, this 200-person team had an extraordinary background.


Although this 200-person team was not made up of guild players, they were members of the top adventure group in the Divine Realm, Soulfire.


Soulfire was an adventure group that emerged in the Divine Realm five years after its opening. It slowly developed from dozens of people in the early stages to now being one of the top 50 adventure groups in the Eastern Continent Adventurer Alliance, with a membership of over 200,000 people. This number might not be comparable to those third-rate guilds, but every member who could join Soulfire was a master who could reach the sixth floor of the Trial Tower. Therefore, in terms of Soulfire's overall strength, it could be said to be no worse than those first-rate guilds.


Among them, the leader of this 200-person team was none other than Nan Tianchi, one of the sixteen captains of Soulfire, a true powerhouse in the Divine Realm, at the half-step fifth rank.


The fifth rank profession was known as the pinnacle of the Divine Realm, capable of destroying a city on their own. However, fifth rank professions were extremely rare in the Divine Realm, and even in first-rate guilds, they were absolute pillars. In the Ancient Small World, where only a small number of players from the Divine Realm came, half-step fifth rank experts were like rare treasures, after all, not all experts above the fourth rank had the courage to start over from level one at the third rank.


Even if everyone was at the third rank profession, the presence of a half-step fifth rank expert still commanded respect from everyone.


"Set off!"


The Southern Sky Crimson Tiger looked at the desolate ruins and shouted loudly.


Then, the two hundred members of the Soulfire team followed the Southern Sky Crimson Tiger and slowly entered the desolate ruins enveloped by a magic barrier. The other teams also stayed for a minute or two before following suit, obviously intending to let the Soulfire Adventurer Team pave the way.


Like a cheetah, the agile male assassin Qin Wuchen looked at the desolate ruins gate, which now only had them left, and couldn't help but ask Wu Lingling, "Squad leader, what should we do now?"


Based on their understanding, it was not always suitable to enter the desolate ruins.


Because the entire desolate ruins were covered by a layer of magic barrier, it was like a maze. On the surface, there was only one entrance, but once inside, they would be randomly teleported to different areas at different time points.


Currently, they were just teleported to the outer perimeter of the desolate ruins, which was a random teleportation point. If they missed this time point, they might be teleported to the inner area of the desolate ruins.


A level 100 Hell-level zone instance, just the outer perimeter was enough to pose difficulties for many expert teams. If they were teleported to the inner area, it would be a nightmare. That's why these teams had been waiting until this time point to enter.


If they missed this time point, they would have to wait for six hours before they could safely teleport to the outer perimeter of the desolate ruins.


Wu Lingling was also a little anxious about this and didn't know what to say for a moment.


Now that Shi Feng hadn't arrived, if they entered without authorization, it would definitely be a death sentence. But if they didn't enter, they would have to wait for six hours.


Six hours!


Currently, the Ancient Small World has only recently opened, and it is the perfect time for everyone to rush to level up. It is also crucial for seizing many opportunities in the Ancient Small World. They have already spent a lot of time gathering together, and if they have to wait for another six hours, they will miss out on many opportunities.


You see, the players who have come to the Ancient Small World have already started leveling up in various areas. Although everyone is at level 100, it takes several days to level up after reaching level 100. Each level up doesn't greatly improve the overall strength of the players, but levels are crucial for entering rare team dungeons and secret areas, especially in terms of weapon equipment. The attributes of weapon equipment increase significantly every five levels, especially after reaching level 100.


The advantage of reaching level 105 earlier is unimaginable to outsiders.


Just as Wu Lingling was anxiously stomping her feet, a figure slowly approached from a distance, and it was none other than Shi Feng himself.


"Teacher Shi, why are you only coming now? It's almost time, if we don't prepare to go in, we'll have to wait for another six hours!" Wu Lingling complained as she looked at Shi Feng.


The Desolate Ruins is a Hell-level area dungeon, and for newcomers like them, the preparations to enter are much more than those of expert teams. Not only do they need to use various enhancement magic, but they also need to take various enhancement potions. They also need to arrange in advance the roles and positions of everyone, otherwise, it will be a dead end once they enter.


Everyone was also anxious about this.


Although they were not in favor of Shi Feng's proposal to enter the Desolate Ruins for leveling up before, and even felt nervous and scared, when they actually arrived at the Desolate Ruins and saw those expert teams, they all had a desire to compete and wanted to level up in the same world as those experts.


Shi Feng smiled as he looked at the anxious group of people and said, "The Hell-level area dungeon is not as troublesome as you think, and the preparations are also very simple. You have all bought stamina potions, so each of you should drink one now, and then we can go in."


"Just one stamina potion is enough?" Wu Lingling also felt that she had misunderstood.


The physical potion is sold in the pharmacies of major cities in the ancient small world. It costs one gold coin per bottle. Although the price is high, it is essential for leveling up in the wilderness. Otherwise, due to the erosion of the strange energy in the ancient small world, players without a golden-level magical body cannot fight for long and will be exhausted to death.


Now, however, Shi Feng told her that they only needed to prepare a bottle of physical potion to enter the Hell-level area instance, the Desolate Ruins?


Shi Feng looked at the time and said, "It's getting late, let's go in quickly!"


"Teacher Shi, what about the team's positions and division of labor?" Qin Wuchen asked anxiously.


The team's positions and division of labor are the foundation of team battles. If everyone does not have clear roles, the battle will become chaotic, and the original 100% combat power may only be able to exert 30% at best.


Before this, Shi Feng did not tell them their respective roles, and they had only recently met, so there was no coordination at all. If they rashly entered the Desolate Ruins, it was unimaginable what would happen...


Shi Feng smiled and said calmly, "We can discuss it after we enter. You don't need to feel too pressured. This is just a Hell-level area instance."




For a moment, everyone was speechless, looking at Shi Feng who was calm and composed, with disdainful eyes. Even Wu Lingling was about to cry.


This is a Hell-level area instance!


Even the top expert teams of major guilds dare not be careless, but now, in Shi Feng's words, it seemed as simple as leveling up casually in the wilderness...


However, Shi Feng didn't care about everyone's disdainful expressions. After assembling the team, he walked directly into the Desolate Ruins. As for Wu Lingling and the others, they followed in silence, praying in their hearts that they wouldn't encounter any monsters inside.


As everyone entered the desolate ruins, they only felt a flash before their eyes, and suddenly arrived at a small hill not far from the dilapidated city wall.


The view from this small hill was excellent, and everything within a radius of several thousand yards was visible.


But it was precisely because of this good view that Wu Lingling and the others couldn't help but gasp in shock.


"Is this a joke?"


Wu Lingling stared at the densely packed half-beastmen in the woods below the hill, feeling a chill in her heart.


Enchanted Half-Beastman Warrior, enchanted creature, high-level lord, level 100, 50 million HP.


Enchanted Half-Beastman Brave, enchanted creature, grand lord, level 102, 140 million HP.


These enchanted half-beastmen were covered in dark magic patterns, each with a height of five to six meters. There were at least two to three hundred of them in each group, and some even exceeded five hundred. The number of enchanted half-beastman braves accounted for more than 20%. In the Ancient Small World, where players generally had lower attributes than monsters, this was simply a nightmare.


What was even more terrifying was the HP of these enchanted half-beastmen.


Even the weakest enchanted half-beastman warrior had a full five HP bars. In the Divine Realm, the more HP a monster had, the higher their combat level. Being able to reach five bars meant they were definitely at the level of a Divine Realm expert. Even ordinary experts would have to avoid them and not dare to fight them.


But now, even the weakest enchanted half-beastman had five HP bars, and the stronger ones had reached seven...


With such enchanted half-beastmen, let alone their team of thirty people, even a two hundred-person expert team would not be able to enter this place.


And as Wu Lingling and others were deeply shocked by the scene in front of them, Shi Feng suddenly spoke up, "Alright, let's start leveling up too!"


Before Wu Lingling and the others could react, Shi Feng picked up a small stone from the hill beneath his feet and threw it at a demonized half-beast warrior in the nearby forest.


The small stone turned into a streak of light and accurately hit the head of the demonized half-beast warrior, causing it to immediately turn its head and look towards Shi Feng on the hill. It let out a deafening roar, causing all the surrounding demonized half-beast warriors to go crazy and turn their heads towards Shi Feng and the others...