
Reincarnation Of The Strongest Primordial Blood Monarch

REINCARNATION OF THE STRONGEST PRIMORDIAL BLOOD MONARCH The future Earth where both reality and game became one. One of the many survivors of the chaotic world, Kent a above average human died, yet out of nowhere a unknown power transmigrated him back to the past before everything started. The era where his sister, friends and allies is still alive. Because of this blessing Kent decided to change his fate and the fate of those he cared for, then paid back the grudges he had to those he considered enemies. He, who came from the far future with his bountiful treasure of knowledge, aim to reach the pinnacle of power, gathering allies he could trust to built his own rule in this new world.

FairyChaos · Games
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49 Chs


Swoosh… Boom!

Something descended from the sky, this unknown thing pierced through the ground, it cause a massive explosion that shook the entire forest.

In fear the creatures residing the forest immediately vacated the land for safety.

Then from the center of the explosion where a deep crater was formed, a man can be seen slowly getting up.

He walked out of the crater, a single glance one could tell that he is heavily injured, and covered in blood from top to bottom.

Exiting the deep crater the man cautiously scrutinize his surroundings seemingly on guard for something, seeing that the place is somewhat clear the man quickly exited the crater.

A few meters on the side a tall ancient tree stood strong despite the terrifying earthquake he caused, feeling a bit exhausted the man decided to head straight to the said ancient tree.

Unknown to him, a relatively considerable size hole is present on the center of his chest where blood endlessly flow out.

Noticing this anomaly his face turned solemn for a moment before a change in expression showing acceptance manifested on it; acceptance to the inevitable death that awaits him.

His in such terrible state where at any moment he could die yet none trace of panic in the slightest can be seen in his expression.

He just let out a heavy sigh before continuing to walk forward.

He looked at the beautiful mystic sky, a genuine smile that could mesmerize anyone who sees manifested, followed by a few tears here and there.

Cough… cough…

Walking towards the ancient tree isn't possible he couldn't continue forward as he started coughing and throwing out a mouthful of blood.

His vision begun wavering as it started turning foggy, slowly deeming losing his consciousness.

"Mom and dad sorry, sorry for being a worthless son, I was unable to uphold my promise, I wasn't able to protect my sister."

Kent's emotions begun rampaging, he started crying out loud recalling the joyful and sad memories he had with his parents and sister.

To his last words, a few seconds later before he knew, he departed the land of the living.

Kent's soul that was about to go straight towards the river of rebirth and reincarnation halted midday, out of nowhere an unbelievably powerful surge of unknown essence and reality essence itself started dancing and swirling around Kent's pitifully tiny soul.

This strange, unknown phenomena didn't seem to stopped and continued for about 50 years of Earth's time.

Then after 50 years of activity, the swirling unknown essence and reality essence stopped their movements, entering Kent's very soul before disappearing like nothing happened whatsoever.

Kent's soul was dragged back to the river of rebirth and reincarnation, but before the common occurrence where the soul enter the river, this time another strange phenomenon occurred where an unknown crack in the river appeared in the center dragging Kent's pitiful tiny soul inside.


Year 2150 – Month 08 – Day 08

Ring! Ring! Ring!

An alarm sounded loud inside a relatively messy room, a young man who's sleeping comfortably and soundly was jolted awake, he immediately jumped to the side of the bed performing a combat stance.

Kent's reaction speed was fast, he immediately scrutinized the surrounding, spreading his sense's all-around.

"Did someone or something saved my life?" Confused, unable to comprehend the situation, Kent asked to no one. He should have been dead due to his previous severe injuries yet here he was alive and kicking.

"Why do I feel weakened."

His body didn't return to the past, only his soul was sent back.

His body felt light like a deflated balloon?

Stats, blessings, essence, skills, bloodline, and mana everything that is used strengthened his body was gone, returning to the past he felt like waking up from a long deep slumber.

The confused Kent quickly tried conjuring a simple fireball but was answered by a disappointing failure, as no mana followed his will.

"What had happened to my body? I couldn't feel a single bit of mana or my other powers."

Upon this realization, Kent's expression turned ugly.

"Did they capture me?"

He relaxed for a bit performing a relaxation breathing technique as he started genuinely observing the surroundings.

He could discern a familiar yet unfamiliar scenery in front of him, an old Television model, tattered books, dirty sofa, broken furniture's, broken windows and an unfinished ceiling.

Kent's five senses, which had been frozen due to the long deep slumber, quickly started to recover.

"Isn't this my room before the Apocalypse, Genesis." Kent assumed at the same time his face turned uglier and uglier, his expression worsening as the second passed by.

Then a thought come in his mind. "Don't tell me, reincarnation?" Kent blurted out laughing to his absurd thought that seemed to be the truth, Kent has sat back to his tattered old bed recuperating.

Closing his eyes, he began meditating and after some time he let out a heavy sigh.

A few minutes later Kent opened his eyes, this time a serious expression is plastered on his beautifully handsome face as he instinctively knew that he had returned to the past.

Tears drop, his previous ugly expression vanish the seriousness was replaced by a genuine gentle smile, that could mesmerize any who saw even gods.

Kent Kanzen Light a mix of multiple family bloodline of different ethnicity from Filipino, Japanese, Scottish, Spanish, etc.

He has a marvelous beautiful smooth silver blue hair, blue narrow crystal glistening eyes and red pupils, a very well-defined face that would make gods envy, and a pure white skin like that of the snow.

His face it far too handsome and beautiful at the same time that he is often mistaken by others that didn't know him for a woman when they look at him by the side.

Both genders were often attracted by this beauty and handsomeness of his, giving him a bit of problem since childhood.

He shook off his headache and checked his surroundings, to find out how far back in time he went back, he started searching through the room. To the corner of the room, he found a mechanical calendar.

Seeing the displayed date in the calendar, a smile from ear to ear creep on his face. "I've return before the New Genesis is launched."

New Genesis is an upcoming popular VR MMORPG in year 2150, no one knew who published the game, but the game become unbelievably popular in a matter of day.

In its early stages the game gain a lot of fame, being a game where one could experience an entirely different view point in terms of virtual reality and real life.

The game was popular, being that the game is far too realistic in every aspect even NPC people had their own conscious and emotions.

The stuff like food in the game is also set to have the same taste just like in reality.

Others could even do R-18 stuff in the game but with some restrictions.

Furthermore, one could experience an increase in lifetime inside the game, being that the time conversion between real-world and in game is by a scale of 1 second in real life equals to 60 seconds in game.

So, an hour in real life is equivalent to 60 hours in-game.

Such unbelievable technology that's shouldn't have been possible for mankind to grasped is presented by the game.

Normally such unbelievable dangerous time dilation should have melted one's brain onto liquid. But thanks to a chip inside every one's brain, that help one to possess a greater brain capacity and a greater operation speed, the impossible become possible.

The time system of the game is also set to 25 hours daytime and 35 hours nighttime.

During daytime monsters possessed normal stats at the same time beast were enhanced by 15% in stats strengthening them, and when nighttime appear beast's stats were back to normal where monster's on the other hand had their stats increase by 15%.

This unique change is one of the common mysterious unknown occurrence examples in New Genesis.

The game also has its own unique structure, closely resembling both reality and fantasy.

The game was said to be run by an advance AI technology called Prime Origin.

The Prime Origin operated the entire game world as it generates quests, events, and scenarios devoid of any human interventions.

Moreover, the said scenarios wasn't fixed, a single player action that cause a significant effect could change the entire scenario plot called IF paths.

Kingdoms that should have been promoted to becoming an Empire could be destroyed due to a players action.

Nations that should approach ruination could rise.

But before all this benefits for players that could be enjoyable, Kent knew what the real New Genesis really is.

The so called NPC people that had their own conscious and emotions are real people.

The powers, skills, abilities and blessings one gain is also true.

The so-called advance AI technology Prime Origin itself is a system designed by the Cosmos to assist a worlds inhabitants to adjust in a new world.

Kent who came from the far future a hundred years from the current timeline experience and gain unbelievable knowledge only he knew.

In later time, the one's fun game will turn into reality.

Those that weren't able to play the early stages of the game were at a great disadvantage, as both the New Genesis and the real the world become one.

The union realization of reality world and so called virtual world will be named Apocalypse Genesis.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Kent in his thoughts recalling the past events snap out.

A ringtone sounded coming below his pillow, picking up the pillow Kent found a familiar only touch screen phone.

The phone looked like a transparent crystal, but after a few taps it has begun to show clear information.

Kent tapped onto the call notification, then an image of a cute angry girl resembling the same features as him, but more feminine was shown.

His sister's was the one calling.

Kent froze to the spot, not moving in the slightest.

Joy, Happiness, Sadness, Sorrow, and Regret begun rampaging and surging inside him seemingly wanting to blow up like a bomb.

The phone rung in rung waiting to be answered.

Snapping out from his stupor, he is quickly clicking the green call mark in the phone, answering the call.

"Brother, what take you so long to answer?"

A beautiful serine voice sounded.

"This is real, I really did return to the past"

Hearing his sister serine voice, Kent in his thoughts overwhelmed by his emotions slowly calm down.

"Sorry I am not feeling well, I have fallen a sleep"

Kent replied.


The other line was silent for a few seconds before replying.

"Take a medicine, I'll be coming home in a few minutes."

'I apologize for being a useless brother, I couldn't even save you, I'm a pathetic useless brother I'm sorry'

Kent held back his thoughts that he wanted to say out loud.

'This time even things wouldn't be the same as before.'

"Should I prepared a rice?"

"Relax yourself you need a rest you can return to sleep I'll do the work."

His sister replied in a concern voice.


"Just go back to your bed and rest, I'll take care of everything."

His sister assured him, Kent feeling a bit guilty due to his lie about not feeling well.

His sister cut the call.

Kent in his thoughts.

'She never changed even now and back then, she's still my one and only sister.'

Kent didn't notice this, but he unconsciously let tears flow out of his eyes.

Clenching his fist, Kent determination can be seen on his eyes left the room heading downstairs.

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