
Reincarnation Of The Strongest Magic God

Daniel Lee was 21 years Old Graduating Student from earth, one day he got the chance to read one of his favorite books titled Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God. He read it every day in his free time while studying in college, nonetheless he woke up like it's a normal day until he realized that the novel he usually reads does not exist anymore. Follow Daniel on his adventures while being successful in the real world at the same time. [Bear with my bad grammar. English is my second language.] (Disclaimer: I don't own Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God (RSSG) and all other references including Marvel, D.C and more. I don't own the cover picture either, I just found a good image and edited it. ) Note 1: I'm also the author of fanfic{ A One Piece Adventure} and I'm sorry for the readers who are expecting for new chapters. I didn't realize that there would be loyal fans who are waiting for it even if it only has 7 chapters. It's true that I had my vacation this summer and promise that I would be back, but I realized that I needed more time to adjust to my new subjects this semester as it was hard for a Computer Science Major. Question: Do you want me to continue that story? Give advice please. Note 2: I'm a 3rd year College student and still considered a new author, please give me your support. Thank You! Love you guys. Note 3: For this book I'll try for a chapter a day. Let's see if it becomes popular somehow.

UltimateGodlyGene · Video Games
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7 Chs

Training Under Grandmaster Feng and The End of The 3 Month's Preparation

Daniel then brought both his knees to the ground, then bowed sincerely at the Old man, then he looked at his eyes. Eyes that seem to see through him, revealing all of his secrets like reading a paper. Yet Daniel didn't step back at all.

"I'm here because I have a request!" Daniel then signal the guide, and his escorts to leave them.

"But young master!" One of his escorts tried to argue, but was forced not to continue because it's pointless when their young master makes a decision, Daniel will it see through it to the end.

After a while, only the Old man and Daniel was on the wooden house. The Old man then points to a chair in front of him, indicating that he should sit. Daniel looked at the chair and smiled, then reject the notion then kneeled in front of him, like Seiza in Japanese.

This action causes Grandmaster Feng to flinch.

"This young man is straightforward, yet seems to have a sly personality, it seems that he is hiding something" Grandmaster Feng thought of this right away.

"Why do you seek me?, it seems that you have traveled a long way to find me" Grandmaster Feng straightforwardly ask without dilly dallying anymore.

"I want to learn Martial Art!" Daniel then ask straight away.

"HAHAHAHAHA" Grandmaster Old Feng laugh, shocked that this young man is more straightforward than his.

"What gives you the idea that I will accept that request, I don't even know who you are in the first place" Grandmaster Feng then ask another question.

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because I want to be strong! And for trusting me, only time could tell" Daniel then answered the question sincerely.

"And for the last one, I'll give you what you've been looking for" Daniel then smiled.

"And what's that?" Grandmaster Feng curiously asks.

"Rival, Oppenents, and war!" Daniel said firmly with a glint in his eyes.

Grandmaster Feng felt shivers in his spines, as he looks in the young man's eyes.

"Are you telling me that we would kill someone?" Grandsmater Feng then exerted a much stronger pressure than before.

"Yes, but not in this world!" Daniel gritted his teeth.

"Are you telling me to fight an alien?" Grandmaster Feng that laugh how ridiculous this young man's request.

"I'm serious!" Daniel then bowed, showing his sincerity.

Grandmaster Feng stop laughing, then look at him, then look at the sky as if he is contemplating something.

"You have my attention, but if this is something that I'm not satisfied with, you might not know what will happen!" Grandmaster Feng then stood up, with his hands on his back. He looks at the sky, then looked at Daniel.

"I never had a disciple in my life" Grandmaster Feng then started to walk towards outside.

Daniel was shocked by the statement.

Seems like I have to work hard. Daniel then also stood up and followed the Old man.

Grandmaster Feng then looks at the house, he bowed then walk again. Daniel saw this and bowed even if he didn't know what special about it he did it nonetheless.

"So where are we going?" Grandmaster Feng curiously asks.

"To my country Atlantis!" Daniel proudly declared.

"What? That floating city" Grandmaster Feng shocked by the background of this young man.

Daniel just smile don't that remarked.

I never thought that this young man was someone important. Then he put it in the back of his head. He didn't care who or what are they, because he is Grandmaster Feng, if he wanted to do something nobody could stop him.

Daniel and Grandmaster Feng walked side by side not making any noise as if they already understand each others minds.

The escorts waiting outside our anxious, this concerns the safety of their young master. If something happened to him, they might die as they know how his grandparents dotes their young master so much.

At this time they saw two people in their view walking out an Old man and a young man.

"Young Master!" One of the escorts shouted worriedly.

"I'm ok. Grandmaster Feng here has already approved my request, let's go, " Daniel then left leaving this mysterious mountain. At this time he realized that why is there a house in the middle of nowhere.

They took the flight as soon as they arrived at the airport and arrive after a few hours in Atlantis.

Atlantis was discovered by the Stark Clan before under the Bermuda triangle, it was an island with a weird atmosphere. At that time, many countries coveted the mystical land in the legends, yet no one has the capabilities until the stark clan drag the entire Island to the pacific for almost a year.

No one knows how they did it, but the countries coveted what is inside it. Lost technology from the ancient era. Question that can't be answered by science. Don't people ever thought how the humans lived or survived at the Ice age, and the other extreme climate.

Do humans have different hierarchy in the species, is there any lost civilization? The world powers drew the attention of the public saying that the secrets should be shared. But at that moment the Stark clan declared sovereignty as a country. This angered the world powers to attacking them as they coveted it so much.

The attack was shown on live TV, people are confused on why they would attack a country with those reasons. At the live broadcast people and the world powers were shocked at what they saw. Atlantis is already floating in the water and was protected by a giant dome. Nevertheless, they still continue the attack.

A group of jets our in flying at sonic speed breaking the sound barrier. They released a massive amount of missiles and firepower toward the dome.

Boom! Boom! Boommm!

As the world powers are watching on the satellite smirking that they succeeded threatening this clan, their face suddenly froze up as they saw something, as is their mind is cranking from the loose gears.

The dome was unscathed, they thought it was made of giant metal cage. Then they hear the radio communication.

"Bravo1 reporting, Bravo1 reporting we analyzed the protective barrier, it seems to be an energy shield!" Even the pilot was shocked, he has undergone a lot of missions in his life, yet this the first time he saw a technology that will exist in the future.

At this time a loud announcement was heard.

"We won't allow any intrusion to our national waters, if in another minute there is still intent to attack, we would retaliate, according to United Nation laws we can defend our own sovereignty"

Suddenly giant guns, suddenly show at the corners of the island.

People are curious if there anything special with it, they looked at intently and they saw a feature that they only see in a game it's an electromagnetic rail gun!

The higher ups watching the footage was shock, nonetheless they continue that onslaught. After a minute the rail gun station at the ground suddenly releases a sound as if charging a bullet.

"The pilots in the jets just smirked at these guns"

"Hmmphh, showing it like that, makes it easier to avoid its shot" Then they saw a light and that's it they died not knowing what happened. The people in the world were shocked they just saw a light and one of the jets just exploded. This scared the higher ups, they ordered an immediate withdrawal to all the jets surrounding the dome.

As the jets were leaving another shot was fired and one the jets exploded again.

At that time Daniel was just a baby so he doesn't care or doesn't have a rational mind to realize how shock the world was. The world power recognized the island as a country and never openly challenge its power until today.

Daniel brought Grandmaster Feng at the Dojo. Explained to him the circumstances.

"Why would I train a lot of people?, where are we fighting" Gransmatster was confused as why the Dojo building is so large as if to accommodate a lot of people.

"Hahahaha you will know in three months time, first you will train some of my people. There are other Masters here, you can exchange pleasantries if you wanted to, don't worry, you won't train every person here, just give them some advice. One day you will have students who are geniuses in their own accord" Daniel then left the building.

Daniel went to the villa and ate dinner with his grandparents talking about his plans for the next few months they concluded the night and sleep comfortably. Daniel then again thinks of what he should do.

"Looks like all the pieces are on the move. Now I have the time to train without interruption" Daniel then closed his eyes.

The next morning Daniel energetically ate breakfast and ran towards Dojo, the Dojo was at the center of the city so it was near somehow.

Grandmaster Feng was training the talented people that the Stark Clan handpicked. When Daniel saw him, he nodded, then proceeded.

Daniel bowed, then ask for advices, to what he should do about his training. Grandmaster Feng made a training plan for him. Daniel followed this training plan for the book, after 3 weeks he already can do it without any hardship, so he asked again for a new training. Grandmaster Feng refused, saying that it doesn't matter, he should complete it in the remaining time.

Daniel was annoyed, but still he finishes the training every day, Daniel then added a twist, every other day he will add another round in the training without Grandmaster Feng hears the news about it. But Daniel didn't know that Grandmaster Feng already predicted it at the very start and just smiled at Daniel everytime he ask for a new one.

Grandmaster Feng made a simple weird exercise that doesn't stress the body so much, it only has one purpose, to exercise every part of the body.

Usually an adult can't do things they could easily have done before when they're young. The purpose of the training is to reuse all the parts of the body that have been sleeping, and numb from after a long time. Grandmaster Feng understands that training can't be rushed. He needs to make a solid foundation first before actually starting. That is why it takes years to be a master in martial arts.

Daniel realized after 2 months that he felt light, his movement looks so natural that he felt weird about it. He never felt heavy, or felt ache and pain in any part of his body. He feels satisfied with the reason, but he always felt that it's not enough, he then talks it again with Grandmaster Feng. But the greatest gift of this set of exercises was never discovered by Daniel in which is reaction time.

"I told you, I'm not gonna change your training" Grandmaster Feng scolded Daniel for his persuasiveness.

"I already felt the changes, so I need a new one. I need strength to lead my people, " Daniel then bowed his head to the ground.

Grandmaster Feng felt weird that Daniel was a peculiar man, as he was a person of high stature, but he never saw arrogance in his eyes, he was also shocked that this young man already felt the changes after only 2 months.

"Hmph let me test you, if you say that you already felt the changes you must dodge this" Grandmaster Feng thought took out a marble in his pockets.

He threw it explosively at the head of Daniel, this force is enough to knock out Daniel. Usually a normal person would sidestep or froze in the face of a sudden situation like this.

Daniel was also shocked, that Grandmaster Feng already started the test instantly. Usually he would duck or block the marble, but somehow his brain was stimulated by the gush of adrenaline either from being excited or from his nervousness. He saw the ball slowly in midair, he felt incredible, but he found out something in the middle of it, he cannot move his body as easily as if they are made of lead. He then realized the purpose of his training.

"So my training is for this" Daniel was about to raise his hand to block the marble then he felt that he won't pass that way. Suddenly he tried to slightly move his head and upper body sideways, he felt that he had no time anymore.

In his mind Daniel shouted.

"Don't give up, I can do this. How can I be an expert by just this" Daniel then added willpower. It all end ups in his guts to face the marble or not this way.

If he fails, he will be knocked out by the force of the marble. On the other hand, if he successfully evade the ball, he can change his training routine.


A loud Shockwave suddenly exploded in the Dojo like a missile was dropped 1000 meters in the sky.

The ground has a small crater and dust that looks like made from marble.

Grandmaster Feng was smirking when he threw the marble. But right now he is looking at Daniel, impressed by what he saw. He only intended to scare this young man, yet he saw the confidence of this young man to himself.

"Seems like you really learned it. Not bad, I'll give you a new set. Find me in my room after 30 minutes" Grandmaster Feng then left.

Daniel was also happy, but he himself knows that he only slightly dodged the danger by a hair's breadth, he also has a cut on his cheek, and blood was flowing slightly. But he never felt pain because on the back of his body was full of sweat. As if he took a bath.

Daniel can only smile and waited in the Dojo. People are training in the center hall shouting in unison like a kung fu movie.

After 30 minutes Grandmaster Feng gave a book. Daniel took the book and felt weird because he thought that he will start to learn Martial art already, but he was shocked again because it is a set of exercise again.

"Damn it Old man!, what is this?" Look at the book over and over again looking if there is something special about it. He was disappointed that he didn't find anything.

"Hahahahaha Just do it, if you really want to be strong as you say then just follow it. If not, then just given up" Grandmaster Feng laugh then left.

Grandmaster Feng also thought of teaching Daniel after finishing the training he gave, but he changed his mind when he found out that Daniel might be talented or maybe his will is stronger than most people, with these qualities he might have unlimited potential. So he decided that to focus to training foundation once again.

The new training is for the elasticity and flexibility of the human muscles. To control his body as fast as his mind.

Daniel left the Dojo and train by himself, once in a while he will ask to spar with his people. In the end he will always lose the match as he didn't have any offensive arts, still he persevered for the last month every day.

Daniel also drinks S nutrient liquid every once in a while, as he doesn't want to depend too much he rarely drinks it. In the 3 months preparation training, he only drank thrice for each month. Grandmaster Feng also approved of this Idea.

He also believes that the potential of the body is endless, he only advised to drink the nutrient fluid if needed by the body. After training endlessly new cells will replace the old ones. But a lot of the leftovers are in the body unable to go out. Then that is where the nutrient fluid was used by Daniel and his people.

After the three month training the capsule was already ready in each different room in a new building. Each room has a designated nurse to check every once in a while.

This shows the power of the Stark Clan, some people found out about the operation in the Stark Clan.

In a room on the highest floor of the new building named Stark tower a young man was preparing a set of clothes, looking at the capsule. He felt excited that he already wants to jump on it.

After checking if everything is ok, the nurse and the escorts walk out of the room.

Daniel then closed the capsule and closed his eyes.

"God's Domain let's start the challenge!"

Sorry guys I can't update daily for now, because I'm busy with the report in the school. and for some other reasons.

This chapter has 2,700 words. I felt good at the last part. Hahahah

Reason 1:

I want each chapter to have at least 2k words.

Thats why it's on my draft all the time, putting a paragraph once in a while when I have free time.

Reason 2:

Wrting 2000 words is not easy as I thought, I estimated that it will took 8 hrs a day just to write one, rereading it and checking the grammer is already included. But it takes a lot of time. I have classes monday to saturday.

Reason 3:

Solidifying the Idea, even if the sypnosis is promising, the step by step take also a lot of time. Formulating those ideas, balancing pros and cons and more.

Stll I want to write, I'll just do my best. Give me some blessing thank you everyone!

Love you guys!

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