
Reincarnation of the Robot Captain

After dying in his house when his apartment was burning, Karl Johnson got reincarnated in a new apocalyptic sci-fi world, where he plays the role of a strong robot captain of a huge Organization. Now Karl's mission is simple, survive and protect this world from vicious enemies.

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25 Chs


Later, we see Kryzius and Aeti outside, waiting for Darius to join them. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink as the sun began to set.

Aeti looked at Kryzius with a smile. "What you did inside was amazing, Master."

Kryzius nodded, a hint of a smile on his face. "Thank you, Aeti. And thank you for today... I really had a good time."

Aeti blushed slightly, her smile widening. "It was nothing, Master. You made this day special."

They shared a quiet moment, their gazes, nice and comforting.

Suddenly, Darius emerged from the gym, stretching his muscles. "Damn, what a day... huh?" he said, noticing the two of them.

Kryzius and Aeti turned to him, their expressions still reflecting the warmth of the moment they had shared.

Darius raised an eyebrow. "Did... I... uh, miss something?"


As they walked through the vibrant city streets under the night sky, the lights of the buildings and streets created a mesmerizing glow.

Darius glanced at Kryzius, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "Yo, Master... thanks for the match earlier. It felt good to fight you."

Kryzius chuckled, feeling a competitive spark. "No problem. It was a good challenge."

Darius sighed, looking a bit wistful. "I kinda wish my mom had seen this..."

Kryzius noticed the shift in his tone and grew curious. "What happened?"

Darius looked off into the distance, his expression tinged with sadness. "My parents divorced when I was young. My mom was a gym leader—strong, determined, and dedicated to her passion. My dad, on the other hand, was a businessman, always chasing after money and success. They just couldn't find a way to make it work."

Aeti listened quietly, her expression empathetic.

Darius continued, "After the divorce, things got tough. Money was tight, and my mom had to work twice as hard to keep the gym running and support us. She always encouraged me to follow my dreams, but I knew how much she struggled. I tried to help out as much as I could, but it was never easy."

Kryzius nodded, understanding the weight of Darius's words. "Sounds like she's a strong woman."

"She is," Darius agreed, a hint of pride in his voice. "She taught me everything I know about strength, both physical and mental. I just wish I could show her how far I've come... and that I'm doing okay."

"What... happend to her?" Kryzius ask.

Darius took a deep breath, the weight of his memories evident in his eyes. "She disappeared when I turned twenty. It was sudden and out of the blue. No one knew where she went or why she left. It was like she vanished into thin air."

Kryzius and Aeti exchanged concerned looks.

Darius continued, his voice tinged with sorrow, "I ended up staying with my uncle after that. He was the only family I had left. Together, we maintained the gym, keeping her legacy alive. But it's never been the same without her."

Kryzius nodded slowly, understanding the gravity of Darius's situation. "So the gym we were at earlier..."

"Yeah," Darius confirmed, "it was hers. My uncle and I have been running it ever since she disappeared. Every punch, every fight... it's like a tribute to her. I keep hoping that one day she'll come back and see that we never gave up."

Aeti placed a comforting hand on Darius's arm. "She would be proud of you, Darius. You're keeping her spirit alive through your dedication and hard work."

Darius smiled faintly, though his eyes remained sad. "Thanks, Aeti. That means a lot."

Kryzius added, "And remember, you've got us now. We're here to support you, no matter what."

Darius looked at Kryzius, then Aeti, and felt a sense of gratitude and camaraderie. "I appreciate that, Captain. More than you know."

Suddenly, they heard the voice of an energetic person.


They turned and saw Rina, Sara, and Yamaha approaching.

Kryzius smiled, "Hey, you all seem energized!"

Rina nodded enthusiastically. "Yep, I haven't felt this good in a while."

Aeti looked at them curiously. "Where's Alex?"

Sara sighed, "He wanted to stay at the castle."

Kryzius felt a pang of disappointment, sensing that Alex still didn't trust him. "Is that so..."

Yamaha added, "Well, on the bright side, we were about to go see Liora at her grandma's restaurant."

Kryzius was surprised. "A restaurant?"

Darius nodded. "Yep, her grandma is a famous cook. Best fast food in town!"

Kryzius's curiosity and excitement lit up. "Fast food, huh? That sounds like a great way to end the day."

Rina ran past them, her enthusiasm infectious. "Let's go, guys! I'm starving!"


The team stood in front of the restaurant, taking in the warm and inviting exterior. "Ramen n' Luck" was displayed in glowing neon letters above the entrance, casting a soft, welcoming light. The building itself had a blend of traditional and modern design elements, with wooden panels, lanterns, and a glass front showcasing the bustling interior.

As they stepped inside, they were greeted by the cozy ambiance. The interior had a blend of rustic charm and contemporary flair, with wooden tables and benches, paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling, and an open kitchen where the sounds and scents of sizzling dishes filled the air. The walls were adorned with various knick-knacks and photos, giving the place a homely, lived-in feel.

The team looked around, admiring the lively atmosphere. The restaurant was packed with customers enjoying their meals, chatting, and laughing.

In the midst of it all, they saw Liora, expertly giving orders to the staff, her presence commanding yet warm. She wore an apron over her casual clothes, and her hair was tied up in a messy bun.

Liora's eyes widened in surprise when she saw the team. "Guys! What are you doing here?" she exclaimed, a bright smile spreading across her face as she walked over to greet them.

"We heard about this amazing restaurant and had to check it out," Kryzius replied with a grin. "Plus, we wanted to see you."

Liora laughed, a light, melodic sound. "Well, you've come to the right place. Welcome to Ramen n' Luck! Let me find you a table and get you all something delicious."

Suddenly, they turned around and saw an old lady approaching. She was an old goat with soft white fur, wearing a traditional purple kimono adorned with intricate patterns. Her hair was tied back in a neat ponytail, and her eyes twinkled with a mix of wisdom and kindness.

"Ah, you must be Liora's friends," she said warmly, her voice carrying a gentle authority. "Welcome to Ramen n' Luck. I am Keiko, Liora's grandmother."

Liora beamed with pride as she introduced her grandmother. "Everyone, this is my grandma Keiko. She's the heart and soul of this place."

Keiko chuckled softly. "Oh, Liora, always so flattering. Come, sit, sit. I'll personally make sure you have the best meal tonight."

The team nodded, expressing their gratitude as they followed Keiko to a large table near the open kitchen. The smell of various delicious dishes wafted through the air, making everyone's stomachs rumble with anticipation. The group settled into their seats, chatting excitedly about the day as they waited for their meal.


The team sat around a large table, each admiring their bowls of steaming ramen. The atmosphere was lively, with Rina and Darius playfully arguing about the best ramen flavor.

"Spicy miso is clearly superior!" Rina exclaimed.

"You're crazy! Tonkotsu is the king of ramen!" Darius shot back, grinning.

Kryzius chuckled at their banter, enjoying the camaraderie, when he felt a gentle touch on his shoulder. He turned to see Keiko standing beside him.

"Thank you for coming," Keiko said softly. "Liora deserves this."

Kryzius nodded. "That's what friends are for."

Keiko's smile deepened, a touch of melancholy in her eyes. "She works so hard, even when things seem to go wrong..."

She paused, her expression briefly clouded, before she brushed it off and smiled warmly again. "I'm really glad she isn't alone."

Keiko walked away, leaving Kryzius with his thoughts. What could she have meant? He glanced over at Liora, who was laughing with the others, and wondered about the hardships she had faced.


As the night wore on, the restaurant began to empty, the once bustling atmosphere quieting down. Kryzius gathered the dirty plates from the tables, his movements efficient and practiced. The rest of the team was helping too, each person contributing to the cleanup.

Liora was wiping down a table, lost in her own thoughts. Her movements were automatic, her mind clearly elsewhere.

Kryzius noticed her distraction and approached gently. "Hey, Liora," he said softly. "You okay?"

Liora looked up, a bit startled. "Oh, Captain...Yeah, just thinking about things."

He nodded, understanding. "You've been doing an amazing job tonight. Your grandmother must be proud."

Liora smiled, a touch of gratitude in her eyes. "Thanks, Captain. It means a lot to hear that."

They continued cleaning in companionable silence, each lost in their own thoughts, but comforted by the presence of friends around them.

Liora looked at Kryzius with a soft smile, touched by his concern. She set down the cloth she was using and sighed gently before speaking.

"Well, this restaurant... it's more than just a place for me. It's my grandmother's legacy. She and her late wife, they built this place together from the ground up. It was their dream, you know? To create a place where people could come together, enjoy good food, and make memories."

She paused, her eyes reflecting a mix of fondness and sadness. "When her wife passed away, it hit Grandma hard. But she kept this place going, not just for herself, but for and her wife...and me too."

Liora glanced around the restaurant, a hint of nostalgia in her voice. "And now, being part of the Vanguard, it's another dream come true for me. It's what I've always wanted—to protect and serve, to make a difference."

Kryzius listened intently, nodding in understanding. "It's a lot to carry, Liora. But you're doing an amazing job, both here and with us. Your grandmother must be so proud of you."

A genuine smile crossed Liora's face. "Thank you, Captain...That means a lot."

They stood together in the quiet of the restaurant, the hum of the night outside barely audible through the walls. Keiko look in the distant, a pure smile on her face as she look at Kryzius.