
Reincarnation Of The Ill Treated God

Summoned to another with my classmates to save the world. What will Negative Artim who is a suspicious of the whole situation do? If giving a task of such immense difficulty wasn't enough, he now starts having head aches with flashes of memories that weren't his. Read how Negative Artim rises to the peak of power while unlocking his past memories to lead the life the way he wants to. discord: https://discord.gg/jaTsyhdk7C

Negative_Artim · Action
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14 Chs

The royal city visit

I wanted to know more about this world I'm in currently so I requested the king personally to let me visit the royal city in the which the royal palace is situated before all the summoned heroes are taken to the Lorehaven academy. It was difficult to convince him but I was able to convince him at the end due to my persistence and my reasoning of me wanting to know the kingdom that I'm going to serve more.

Today was the day I am going to visit the city, looking at the sky it should be 9 am currently. I am getting ready currently, I was given a black colored cape beforehand to hind my physical features from outsiders so as to not be spotted. Apparently it's a well know fact that black haired individuals are other worlders or descendants of other worlders and that is why I'm needed to hide my physical features.

Other worlders are revered as heroes, those who are descendants of heroes are also revered but not as much as the read other worlders. All the descendants of heroes are well known that;s why unknown black haired individuals are assumed to be otherworlders. Dying your hair black is also not allowed in this kingdom so as to spread needless chaos in the kingdom.

Though it is not necessary for a hero to have black hair only. For example, this time's summoned ones were individuals from the same class of a school where children of rich from every country studied; meaning hair color of people from different country might differ. So not all heroes have black hair but all black haired people are heroes. 

After putting on my cape I called in the maid to let her see if there were any mistakes in my getup. Fortunately enough there was no mistake in my getup and I got the green pass from the maid to go ahead.

King let me go to the city doesn't mean that I'll be going alone, I'll be accompanied by 2 guards when I'm going to the city. These two most junior knights from the royal knights who are responsible for the protection of the royal family. They might be the most junior and least experienced of the royal knights but they are a lot stronger to regular knights as each royal knight has strength equivalent to a battalion of soldiers (500-900 soldiers) at the very least. It sounds crazy to hear that a person has strength equivalent to 500-900 trained soldiers but that is how this world is. 

I walked through the passage that led me to the back gate of the castle only to see a few guards watching over the gate, some standing afar in a distance looking over the castle walls, and 2 people standing idly as if waiting for someone.

I walked towards the two people waiting idly who were looking at me after noticing me walk towards them. 

Negative: "Are you the guards the kind assigned to me???"

(Guard no. 1): "yes, we were given the duty of guarding you today in your visit to the city. "

(Guard no. 2) nodded in agreement to the (Guard no. 1)

Negative: "As we will be spending the evening together, I believe we should introduce ourselves. I'll go first, I am Negative Artim. One of the summoned heroes"

My voice wasn't loud enough to be heard by others but also not low enough to no be heard by the two guards. I didn't want my identity to go public so as to cause chaos.

(Guard no.1) looked at (Guard no.2) and then started introducing himself

(Guard no.1): "I am Ranold"

(Guard no.2): "I am Ben"

They seemed pretty reserve, maybe that's how one becomes if they stay in an environment which makes them stay cautious all the time.

I looked at them and then said.

Negative: "I will depending on you guys to safe guard me today."

Both the guards nodded and started putting on the capes they were carrying with them. The armor they were wearing was pretty eye catching and some might even get to know that they were the royal knights if didn't cover it with a cape.

The capes were put very quickly as if they have experience in putting it on. After putting the capes the the three of us started walking towards the back gate where the guards where the soldiers were standing guard.

Ranold stood forward and showed the soldiers a paper, after reading the paper for some time the guard gave the paper back and told the soldier standing besides the gate open the gate for us to go through it.

The three of us walked through the gate and were finally outside the castle. This was my first time in another world, not like being in the castle in another world was much different but staying cooped in a castle and going outside it and discovering new things about the this world seemed more interesting.

The city from what I was told is divided into four parts. The elite, market, residential, governance area.

The elite area is where the nobility lives, they have their mansions located in this area.

The market area is where the business takes place, the merchants have their shops in this place.

residential area is the place where all the commoners live, commoners housings is in this place.

governance area is the place where and the buildings for difference sectors are located, this place has buildings of defence, finance, agriculture, education, etc sector buildings for governance of the kingdom.

The royal castle is located in the center of all the four areas and the gate we exited through was located in the market are side.

After we walked away from the castle we were able to see a bustling market in sight with lots of people talking to each other.

Looking at all that was happening excited me a bit with anticipation for what all am I going to discover when I enter this place.