

when the most strongest astral being gets tired of all his privileges, tired of the lavish life, tired of being lonely, tired of his mother who used him as a tool to gain power. Alaric seeks death but being gifted with eternal life, he tried everything at last death came. but even in death there was a loop hole, he battled with death him self to die ( that's right) he succeeded but instead of him to rest peacefully in death, the lady in charge of the reincarnated soul , knew his father , so she decide to give him another chance. he woke up in a different more modernized world , were cultivation and science blend. he was reborn( literally ) as a new born baby called astra ( ironic isn't it ) to a family called night-caller . being in a modern world as the most powerful being in a common family, he decided to leave a life of Peace and accidentally got obsessed with two thing ( a mobile phone and potato chips) he wanted a peaceful life with friends and family but fate has it ways. join astra ( Alaric) in his knew journey, will he be lucky or will fate place another card in his destiny . Warning : the MC in this story is not a super hero who will run to anyone at their time of need , he doesn't have a heart of gold or anything like that, he doesn't stand for justice or right, he is a selfish person that will do anything to get what he wants, he is a TWISTED character, so any dark humor he show is just the real him. PS : leave a review, it will really help. PSS : the cover is not mine, and I do not know the owner , if the owner wants credit or wants me to take it down, I will, my cover will be done in time

Favour_Kennedy_0315 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

Chapter 54 : you are just like him

" but, why should I comply " astra asked, he didn't know what was going to happen but he had a very bad feeling about the so called practice.

" because I said so " Aquarius had already set her resolve, she wouldn't budge and her been one of the pillars of the school, she could bend things to her favour.

" alright, but I need a protective gear " astra said looking at a particular senior that was holding a pair of protect gear suits .

" you don't need one " Aquarius stated firmly.

* tch * ' as I thought '

" but miss, he can't fight you without wearing a gear, what if you hurt him badly " the senior whom was holding the extra pair of gear suit said in a worried manner.

" I said he doesn't need it, are you trying to defy my orders " Aquarius half screamed .

" no mam " the poor senior said as he stepped aside for the « I quote » practice.

astra descended the long ile of staircases, he walked with total dread and frustration but somehow he still managed to look defyingly hot and graceful ( and to be very frank, astra isn't just an ordinary beauty but heavenly defying defy )

and for some weird reason, astra could see Aquarius eyes twitching, not too noticeable but it was there, and what seemed really off was that, he couldn't detect her real rank, but he decided to shove all the déjà vu to the back of his head.

" are you ready " Aquarius asked as she was itching to brake Astra's jaw.

" oh, am ready "

" very well then "

astra wasn't even given a chance to take a stance, Aquarius punched him in the stomach and sent him flying hard, he broke a few pillars as he crashed into a concrete wall, he even made a life sculpture of himself, the hole in the wall was the exact shape of Astra's body, dust and tiny rock particle's were everywhere binding everyone's sight .

No one could see the horrifying smile of Aquarius, showing she enjoyed and purposely did what she did, Aquarius is actually the adopted sister of heather, after what she heard about what happened to her sister, all she wanted was revenge ' I am going to take my time pulling you apart ' Aquarius thought as she licked her cherry glossed lips.

" oh my god "

" she's really strong "

" she sent him flying with just a single punch "

" wasn't he the one who defeated titan "

" yeah, acting all high and might, look were your arrogance got you "

" serves him right "


" this is crazy, is she trying to kill him ? " Callie asked as her veins were becoming visible cause of the rising rage that overwhelmed her, she turned to Gina who wasn't hold on either, Gina was I raged, because Aquarius was hurting astra, and unknown to anybody someone was watching from the shadows, actually observing.

after a few more minutes astra came out covered in grey dust, he didn't look pleasant to the very list, he wasn't smiling nor was he frowning, he dusted his cloths before he put both his hands into his pocket, he walked to were he previously stood before he was punched by her.

" do I know you ? " astra asked in still that the same nice guys act, apart from his dusty cloth astra was practically unscratched, which enraged her more, making her blood boil.

" what kind of question is that ? " Aquarius tried her best not to snap but her rage was hanging by the last thread.

" I asked because I didn't do anything to you, for you to attempt killing me " astra casually asked, like any other unreasonable conversation he had in this life.


" what, she tried to kill him "

" no way, I don't believe it "

" idiot, if she tried to kill him, won't he be dead by now "

" yeah your right "

" he's just lying "


astra didn't pay attention to what the other students were saying, his sole focus was on Aquarius and it seemed like her good girl mask had came of, as her head hung low, she was shaking but astra didn't know if it was shame, guilt or anger, but if he would, he would bet his life on anger.

" because of you, big sis is lying in a hospital bed, because of you she felt weak..... " Aquarius stated in a quivering voice, which took astra by surprise .

" what ? "

" shut up, I swore I would never see my big sis cry, I swore that I would kill anyone who hurts her.... so prepare to DIE... " with that, she lunched her self at astra, aiming for an upper caught strike, astra was sent flying to the Sky's but was met with an incredible kick to the stomach.

he fell, and once again, astra dug a hole in the hard concrete floor, that wasn't enough for Aquarius still in mid air she point her finger towards the hole.


Suddenly a huge water dragon with red glowing eyes and sharp teeth made from water was sent at an incredible speed down the hole, then suddenly there was a lowed thunderous roar before.

* BOOM *

the water dragon which had been conjured by Aquarius disappeared, she flew down and landed graceful beside the hole, she looked at it and felt contempt, no one could survive any of her attacks so she was pretty confident.

she walked away, imprinting fear on all the students hearts and minds, she was by far the scariest person in twilight academy, there were other monster's far more monstrous than her.

" jeez, what with this school and making people wet " Aquarius was stopped by a very angelic male voice, she stumbled a bit before she slowly turned back, watching astra shirtless, he held his school shirt in one hand and boy was it hopeless, the cloth was too thorned for even a hobo to wear { no offense, I didn't mean to insult the homeless )

" what ?!! impossible, h…how can this be ? " Aquarius stuttered a bit before she calmed herself down .

" look Missy, I don't know who you are and frankly I don't give a damn, but your paying for my new uniform.


" no way "

" he's still alive "

" who is this guy "

" hahaah, are you testing me " Aquarius eyes was now blood shot, as her emotions took over.

" jeez you still want to fight, that's enough , you win " astra stated as he started to walk away, but Aquarius wasn't ready to let go, it was way too personal to her, and his I don't care attitude wasn't helping, she lunched herself at him again but this time was met with a slap that sent her flying.

she broke three pillars and created her own art on the wall, she was stunned but got over it quickly, as she lunched herself again but was met with another slap, that sent her flying braking even more pillars.

again and again she tried but was met with a slap, ' doesn't she ever gives up ' astra asked himself as he was growing irritated by her, she lunched again but this time astra caught her, placed her hands behind her back, had shopped her neck making her unconscious, he carried her up and walked to were the seniors were.

" heh!, will she be okay " the senior whom was holding a pair of protective gear asked, as astra handed her over to him.

" don't know " astra said and walked away.

Aquarius was able to open her eyes a bit and watched the retreating astra ' you are just like him aren't you ? ' Aquarius thought as she drifted back to sleep.

( made this chapter longer as asking for forgiveness, I had urgent things to do and my deleted files aren't making things any less easy, love you all, merry Christmas, I can't Wait, an I would give a mass release, for 6 days starting on the first of December )