

when the most strongest astral being gets tired of all his privileges, tired of the lavish life, tired of being lonely, tired of his mother who used him as a tool to gain power. Alaric seeks death but being gifted with eternal life, he tried everything at last death came. but even in death there was a loop hole, he battled with death him self to die ( that's right) he succeeded but instead of him to rest peacefully in death, the lady in charge of the reincarnated soul , knew his father , so she decide to give him another chance. he woke up in a different more modernized world , were cultivation and science blend. he was reborn( literally ) as a new born baby called astra ( ironic isn't it ) to a family called night-caller . being in a modern world as the most powerful being in a common family, he decided to leave a life of Peace and accidentally got obsessed with two thing ( a mobile phone and potato chips) he wanted a peaceful life with friends and family but fate has it ways. join astra ( Alaric) in his knew journey, will he be lucky or will fate place another card in his destiny . Warning : the MC in this story is not a super hero who will run to anyone at their time of need , he doesn't have a heart of gold or anything like that, he doesn't stand for justice or right, he is a selfish person that will do anything to get what he wants, he is a TWISTED character, so any dark humor he show is just the real him. PS : leave a review, it will really help. PSS : the cover is not mine, and I do not know the owner , if the owner wants credit or wants me to take it down, I will, my cover will be done in time

Favour_Kennedy_0315 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs


While Gina was telling Astra about her exam another genius was about to be born,

a young handsome youth with spiky red hair could be seeing walking towards the stand that astra just left, everyone's once attention was drawn to the handsome youth,

he sat down on the chair and filled in the questions, he then stood up and went to the machine, he took a stance just like astra but with more seriousness, he punched the machine, and the number went from 0%— 44,000 .

" wow, he got a high reading "

" yeah, he almost reached the same number as that guy earlier "

" he's so handsome, but not as that other guy "

" he must be from a royal family "

" yeah, wait what about the other guy "

" yeah, judging from how he looks and his ability am sure his from a royal family "

All these comments suddenly attracted Gina and Astra, they looked towards were the commotion was,

when astra looked at the youths he felt that the youth had such amazing power although it couldn't be compared to him, but he could bet that the guy could with stand an attack of his in 0% .

" oh look, that guy almost reached your number " Gina said as she pointed at the handsome youth.

"yeah , he's strong " astra said not fazed at all, he just stared at the guy for a few seconds before he heard a Beebe from his phone.

" heh!, hehehe, I'm in the lead, I will show all of you " astra said as he laughed like someone who had a few loose knots.

he was in the 8th place of his ultimate game, before he remembered he was missing something, he looked around for a stall or a supermarket or something, when he saw a small stall he smoothly sneaked away from the event, he walked in a way that no one will see or figure out he was gone.

he walked into the stall which was surprisingly big, he looked around the shelf to see if what he was looking for was actually present, when he spotted what he was looking for his mouth started to water, if he hadn't had a little control of himself, he would have started salivating.

what was in front of him was a beautiful bag of potato chips, the chick monk brand, he stared at it for a few minutes before he grabbed 10 bags,

he went to the cashier which was a beautiful red haired girl, when he was about to pay he noticed the weird stares he was getting from the cashier, but it wasn't from only her, the other customers were also staring at him weirdly ' yeesh, haven't these people seeing someone this handsome buying ten bags of potato chips before, hmmph ' astra knew he had abnormal eyes and could captivate who ever he looks at or whoever looks at him, originally anyone who asks about his weird eyes, he'd just say it was a rare disease.


" is seems like we have another genius " the tester who evaluated astra said while looking at the papers before him, completely impressed by the two youths who took the test " they should be perfect students to senior " the tester said.


" hey astra, I bet we can get into the academy what do you think " Gina asked but got no reply , she turned around only to find out astra had sneaked out .

( A/ N reviews for mass release , thank you all )