
Reincarnation of the five oppositions

A world where the Arts are everything. Spells, incantations, curses and everything in itself. It is simplified in an Art. The monarchs decided to rebel against god. Plunging the world into chaos. They wanted to establish themselves as the only five gods. Leaving god in oblivion.  When everything was going well for their interests. Five young men opposed their words. Their weak bodies were chains that prevented them from developing their potential. Finally, God created a plan to defeat the monarchs. With their last battle about to begin. God decided to freeze their souls in time. Allowing them to reincarnate after 120 years. Preparing for them, bodies capable of withstanding their potential. Thus reaching the pinnacle of the Arts and defeating the monarchs in their ascent.

German_Fuentes · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 25: The Dragon's Testament (I)

The dragon's will was one of the most sacred treasures of the empire of races.

This book contained secrets that had not yet been discovered. Many people of different races tried to open this book, but the seal that had been set on it always rejected them.

For the dragon kingdom, this treasure was one of the main reasons why they requested to be part of the alliance of races. They knew that they would not be able to protect him, therefore, they decided to be part of his empire and receive his help.

The dragons gave up and did not try to open this book anymore, having no other options, they decided to keep the treasure under strict security.

The level of security protecting this treasure was so high that it was composed of three defensive barrier arts.

"Art of Sorcery: Void Barrier", this Art surrounded the treasure and allowed any object or person who tried to take the treasure to be swallowed by the barrier.

"Aetheric Art: Barrier of Negation", this Art surrounded the treasure and allowed any spell cast towards the treasure to be immediately negated, keeping it safe.

"Spiritual Art: Probe Barrier", this barrier is placed over the entire room and generated an immediate alarm when detecting the presence of a possible intruder.

The empire of races was not negligent in its protection, so it spared no resources to take care of all those items that it considered national treasures.

With all these security measures it was almost impossible for the treasure to be stolen, since in addition to the defensive barriers there was a team that constantly monitored the area.

The Dragon's Testament was only taken out of its protective room when the coronation of a new royal family took place, since it was placed in the hands of the new king as a sign of authority.

POV. Prophet Ayub

"Now you understand why your request is too difficult" – said Owen, leaving me petrified.

I was not scared by the level of protection that this treasure had, my panic was due to the crazy ideas I had had on my way to the kingdom, I even considered the option of infiltrating the treasure room.

My hands were shaking uncontrollably, it felt like a guillotine was being removed from my neck.

After a few minutes I finally managed to calm down. Observe everyone present in the mansion room, Lady Beatriz was also present, she even seemed a little strange, since she kept caressing her stomach.

It was very frustrating to see everyone staring at Lady Beatriz's stomach, so I coughed awkwardly to get her attention.

"Cough! Cough! They could focus on the topic we are dealing with"

Everyone felt embarrassed by my words, they were too happy for Lady Beatriz's recovery that they had forgotten the explanation Owen had just given.

"So, what does my pregnancy have to do with the dragon's will, I know that my baby is a prodigy and I say this because of the memories that I was able to see of him, when I was in my coma, but this is not enough to believe you"

My eyes widened in disbelief upon hearing Lady Beatriz's comment.

"What do you mean!? What did you see about your baby!?"

My mind was in shock, Janus had not told me anything about this, therefore, this revelation was surprising even to me.

"Are you sure about this love, tell me, what did you see?" – Owen asked as he took her hands.

The servants who were serving tea were just as shocked as us, although they did not stop performing their services, their surprised faces did not escape my sight.

"Seriously, is my little brother that special?" – Persia asked, attracting my attention.

Lady Beatriz's gaze went back and forth, from one person to another, we all wanted to know what she had seen.

"Can you tell us what he saw?" - I asked curiously.

Lady Beatriz looked me straight in the eyes as if she distrusted me.

"Mr. Ayub, it's not that I distrust you, but his information is too superficial. If he wants to know what I saw, he must tell me everything about you."

I sighed tiredly, I knew there was no other way to get their information, so I decided to tell them a little about myself.


"Okay, but there is one condition. I'm not going to tell you everything about myself. If you agree to this condition, I will accept" — I stated firmly.

Everyone nodded their heads up and down in approval.

"I want the servants to come out and allow me to form a barrier of silence, since this information is very confidential."

Mr. Owen motioned for the servants to leave.

When we were finally alone, I sang my Barrier Art.

Divine Art of the God Janus: "Barrier of Silence"

This Divine art of Janus was intended to prevent any information from leaving her. The conversations that took place inside could not be heard by any being, even if it was a God.

The barrier spread throughout the room, covering the four present. When I finally felt like I could speak confidently I stood up and stared at them.

"My name is Ayub Human Devotee, I am one of the prophets of the only true God of this world, his name is Janus.

Thanks to a revelation from my God, I was entrusted with the mission of coming to heal your wife, I hope I don't offend you, but honestly I don't care about any of you, my objective here is the birth of your baby and The Testament of the Dragon.

I know that you worship the five gods of this time, although in truth they are nothing more than scum. If you knew everything they have kept hidden, you would not be idolizing them.

One hundred and twenty years ago I was sent to a dream prison imposed by my God for the sole purpose of surviving the genocide that was taking place.

It has been two days since I was awakened from my sleep. My God has entrusted me with the mission of ensuring the birth of your baby, since he is one of the five heroes who will destroy the reign of the gods.

It is of utmost importance that the dragon's will be opened, because if it is not opened your child will not have all the necessary resources to grow, and will also run the risk of being discovered by the gods, which will end in his death.

All this information and more of it is sealed within the Dragon's Testament and since I know it is difficult to believe my words, it is better that you see it for yourselves.

When I finished my explanation the entire room was silent. The expression of the three present was one of disbelief.

I was about to regret giving them this information when Lady Beatriz spoke.

"I see, this is why you had to form a barrier. "This information is very sensitive, you could even be murdered if someone reports it to the high command of the empire."

Lady Beatriz's words brought me relief. Although she had not claimed to believe me, she had not denied my words either.

"I think it's my turn to speak." — Lady Beatriz said as she stood up.

When I heard her words I stopped thinking about anything and focused on her story.

"My baby's memories were blurry, but I was able to glimpse a part of them."

"I remember seeing a desolate wasteland with a child on his knees, while in his arms lay the corpse of a little girl.

The child cried uncontrollably, causing the moor to receive constant cracks in the ground. Every crack that formed released intense steam pressure, it seemed as if the ground was being melted by an intense flame.

The boy's arms squeezed the girl's corpse tightly while a scream of anger left her lips.


When the scream occurred, the ground released seven columns of fire that surrounded the boy. The pressure released by each column was so great that the ground itself was immediately melted.

The Columns of fire rose to the sky, it was even impossible for me to see the end of them, while I was contemplating this vision I saw a man in a white tunic and blonde hair appear.

The man walked towards the boy and hugged him, while he shook uncontrollably in his arms like a wild beast struggling to be freed.

The man raised his face and turned to look in my direction. I don't know if it was just my imagination, but it seemed as if he knew of my presence.

"This is your baby. This is, The Advent of the Dragon, please take care of it"

I felt an indescribable burden fall on my back. The child's screams did not stop and I felt my heart clench in pain.

After a few minutes the boy had finally fallen silent. I wanted to see more about them, but I wasn't allowed, the next moment I was brought back to reality.

I know this is not part of my imagination, this had to have happened in the past, right?"

When Lady Beatriz finished her narration, I felt calm. My God had taken matters into her hands and she knew she should just go with the flow.

'I never doubted you my Lord'

A crazy smile appeared on my face making me look like a fool.

The three present stopped being surprised by Lady Beatriz's story and turned their gazes towards me.

After marveling at my God and silently praising Him, I spoke again.

"The person who dresses in a white tunic and blonde hair was Janus, my Lord and God. Furthermore, everything you have just narrated is effectively part of the past.

The child you saw crying is Cannon and the baby you have in your womb contains his soul, he has a great mission to fulfill, that is why the Dragon's Testament must be opened.

You can feel free to give him a new name, since this child has your blood and some of his talent, so I hope they don't see him as an unknown"—I declared.

Everyone in the room had held their breath. They were very shocked by my revelation, but it was Owen who was the first to regain his composure.

"I understand, this is very difficult to believe, but I think we have no choice. I will go to the king's palace and request an audience, in the meantime try to find a valid excuse that will allow us to make the king let us open the Dragon's Testament."

Saying these words, Owen left the room, leaving us in an awkward silence. He needed a way to break this mood, so he tried to make a joke.

"So, tonight I will sleep with Lady Persia?" – I asked while he tried to form a malicious smile.

"Want to die?" – Persia responded with another question while she took the handle of the sword that she hung from her waist.


'This is going to be a long night, I hope Asteria is having a better time'

I commented in my mind while thinking about my voting partner.