
Reincarnation of the Duke’s Mysterious Daughter

Mila was born into the home of a Duke who paid no attention to her. In total stood four dukes by the emperor's side, she was born into the house with the surname Noble. Every child was born with a symbol that represented their nobility surname. Still, with the symbol they were also given the ability to control or use elements when tested to find their abilities. Those who were not born with the symbol were merely just commoners. Only those born with a symbol are of nobility. Mila died at the hands of her older sister who had her killed to get what she wanted. Being murdered, Mila wanted to have her vengeance against those who had murdered her along with the man she married who betrayed her. Read to find out more about Mila Noble's life.

Zermonoid · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 4

Mila awoke that night to see her mother, who stood over her crib holding a kitchen knife. "Wahhhh-!" Mila's mouth was covered by Lady Sydney's hand, which she started struggling to get out of her hold.

"Since you are of no help, then I will just end your miserable life here than to let you live miserably." Lady Sydney said with her knife going down towards Mila. Luckily, Mila's teeth had barely started growing as she bit as hard as she could onto her mother's hand. Being tossed out of her crib, Mila fell and started crawling and trying to leave her room. "Don't think that I will let you off." Feeling the knife cut her leg, Mila cried loudly, feeling the pain.

Being held with her bleeding leg, Mila cried, seeing that the knife was coming towards her. 'I guess this is it!' She had shut her eyes and sensed the blade coming forth.

"Lady Sydney!!!" Sara had rushed in and held onto Lady Sydney's wrist, which had the knife. "Stop this madness!!!"

Waking up everyone in the mansion, Mila took the chance to start crying. Not even knowing that the three orb lights were then holding Lady Sydney back without anyone noticing it at all.

"Someone help!!!! Help!!!" Sara started yelling while Lady Sydney knew that she would miss her chance.

"Let me go, you imbecile!!!"

Mila was finally released and about to hit the floor when the backside of her collar had been caught her, then held in a big pair of arms. Too much in pain that she didn't see who caught her. With a glowing light enveloping her injury, Mila looked up to see Duke Reynard angrily at Lady Sydney.

"Have this woman locked up in the cells! She will be handled later! Do not let her escape!" Duke Reynard took Mila away while the guards took Lady Sydney away. They could all hear her mother yelling from afar.

Sara had followed after Duke Reynard since he had Mila. "Your Grace, I am sorry for not being with Lady Mila. I am willing to accept any punishments!" Sara kept her head down, blaming herself.

"No need. We didn't see this coming. I only ask that you take care of her as you always do." Duke Reynard said, looking down to Mila, who was still crying. "I'll keep her with me tonight. Go ahead and rest, and in the morning, you can tend to her again."

Sara left but still felt guilt and worry about Mila, who was injured by none other than her mother. Mila was taken to Duke Reynard's room, being set down. He had the family doctor rush over who was barely awake. His family had been the Noble's family doctor for many generations with his rose quartz eyes and cinereous hair, Bert Conner. "What happened to her?" Bert looked to see the young infant injured on the leg, looking pale. Examining the injury, he saw that it wasn't anything too wrong since he had seen the worst. "Henry, keep her distracted."

A Herb Feathered Kakapo appeared out, finally flying around for Mila to see him. Bert casts a spell to be numb the injury while his beast keeps Mila distracted. "She was about to be assassinated. That's what happened." Duke Reynard said, looking down to see how Mila still had teary eyes.

"By whom?" Bert stitched up Mila's wound, which would be a scar for her entire life.

"Her mother." Duke Reynard hated to admit it, but it was too true with what they had all witnessed. Bert didn't know what to say, but he learned to never speak a word about it.

"She will have this scar her entire life. She will have to be kept an eye on for the time being. She is still an infant, so a fever occurring later is common. When she wakes up in the morning, then she'll feel the pain." Bert advised Duke Reynard, who nodded in response. Having Bert leave after, he went to see Mila, slowly falling asleep.

Later that night, Duke Reynard stayed awake, finishing his little paperwork in his room. Until he noticed Mila crying and mumbling in her sleep, he had gone over to feel her burning head. Getting a bowl of water and towel prepared, he had wiped Mila's head all night, ignoring his workload.

He heard his room door open, seeing Leo enter his room. "Father, I will help you. You still have some paperwork to do, so I'll give you a hand." Leo went ahead and took the towel from his father and started wiping Mila's head down.

Duke Reynard decided to let his two children bond while he finished up. After some time, he had finished and looked over to see his two children asleep.

He saw that Mila's fever had finally subsided while Leo fell asleep on the other side of the bed. Duke Reynard decided to sleep on the other open side of his bed. Wrapping his arm around his two children as they slept for the night.


[Will she be alright?] The green orb worriedly asked. They were flickering around from one side to another at that moment.

[She'll be fine. She has those two loving people to take care of her.] The blue orb knew that a family bonding would be suitable for Mila to experience.

[We can only do so much to help her avoid death's door.] The snow-colored orb knew that they couldn't help too much in it and be found. [If we get too involved, then we will be breaking most of the law of nature.]

The three orbs spoke to another outside the room and watched from the window. Seeing how Mila was taken care of by the two people who were still unsure of their feelings for her, they still loved her.


Mila awoke to see a different bed frame above her. Looking to her right, she saw Leo, and then to her left was her father. 'What happened?!?!?' She panicked for a sec and tried to get up. It all came back once she felt the pain in her leg that had been badly injured. "Wahhhhhh!!!!!" Mila started crying, which woke up Leo and Duke Reynard.

"What's wrong with her now???" Leo woke up sleepily, seeing Mila, who cried loudly in the early morning.

"She's in pain." Duke Reynard held Mila, casting a spell onto her leg. It kept her calm which had Mila stop crying and hug into Duke Reynard's chest, trying to sleep.

'So they saved me. Thank you.' She couldn't say it, but she wanted to repay them for saving her in the future. Going to sleep, Leo and Duke Reynard decided to sleep after knowing that she was no longer in discomfort.


Sara smiled, seeing the cute family of three there together. She was going to make sure to stay with Mila forever and take care of her. 'My little lady deserves the best!' Sara said within herself.