
Reincarnation of the Duke’s Mysterious Daughter

Mila was born into the home of a Duke who paid no attention to her. In total stood four dukes by the emperor's side, she was born into the house with the surname Noble. Every child was born with a symbol that represented their nobility surname. Still, with the symbol they were also given the ability to control or use elements when tested to find their abilities. Those who were not born with the symbol were merely just commoners. Only those born with a symbol are of nobility. Mila died at the hands of her older sister who had her killed to get what she wanted. Being murdered, Mila wanted to have her vengeance against those who had murdered her along with the man she married who betrayed her. Read to find out more about Mila Noble's life.

Zermonoid · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Chapter 45

Thelma had taken a look at ZH who was resting in the small pharmacy. "He's fine. Your lucky that his wound isn't too serious." They had wrapped his head since the injury wasn't too big when they found him.

"Thank you, Thelma." Thelma was glad that she could be of help. Mila went to hold ZH's hand who was sleeping. Mila had a butterfly appear in her hand which was a letter for ZH. 'I can't let you go with me.' Mila thought long about it but knew that she needed to get stronger to protect those that she loved.

"My lady, are you really going to leave him?" Emmett asked seeing how Mila wanted to leave him a letter.

"Let's go." Mila wanted to be able to meet him when they were more older. She didn't want to keep endangering him whenever they were together. Leaving Rustmount, Mila had them borrow some commonly tamed elemental horses which were common around.


ZH grumbled feeling his sore body and panicked but soon relaxed once he felt that his mask was still on. He sighed feeling relieved that they didn't try to remove it. 'Mila?!' He looked to see that there was no one and he was in a small pharmacy. Seeing a butterfly, he went over to see it glow on the desk in the room. Laying out words that were forming for him to read.

'I'm sorry. This entire time that we've met, you've been through nothing but danger because of me. Do not look for me or follow me. I wish to grow stronger to be able to protect those that I love. Let us meet again in three years.' - Mila

ZH scoffed and saw how she could just think of running away when she said to never run but fight. "Strange girl, telling me to never run from a fight. Aren't you basically running from me like a fight?" He spoke out which he then felt something else within him.

[Hmph, that girl chose to save you. What makes you so special that she would refuse to form a contract with me?] He heard the voice of another beast within him.

"Who are you?" ZH asked seeing how he managed to get another beast without doing anything.

[That girl chose to save you rather than accept me as her next beast. I'm Lucia, the Crystal Dragon.] Lucia introduced himself and chuckled after.

"You couldn't choose between the two of us." ZH didn't understand why Mila wouldn't accept the rare Crystal Dragon.

[Hey, she's a smart kid. Maybe, she wanted to give me to you because she felt guilty or maybe... she really just likes you more than you know it.] Hearing Lucia say that, ZH sighed seeing how he could possibly only wait until Mila returned to Mireraweth kingdom. [You miss her already?]

"Hmph, if I can't wait three years then I'll take action ahead of time." ZH wore his cloak and headed out getting an early notice that there was a new governor who would manage Rustmount soon. 'She really didn't wait to see or hear about the new governor.' ZH left the town, going to manage a few kingdom matters.


Duke Reynard felt like time was passing too slow, but he tried to keep his patience. It was now near the end of winter, he worried if Mila was safe and warm. Once winter ended, then it would be spring but they would have to wait for Mila's fourteenth birthday to see her again. 'Mila, are you alright? Do you think of your family right now?' He sighed knowing that his daughter wouldn't hear his words or voice. He felt guilty thinking that he may have neglected her in some way for her to choose that route.


Mila woke up seeing everyone asleep like usual. This time, Sara was sleeping with Emmett once ZH was gone. Mila didn't feel right for leaving ZH but she didn't want to keep getting him hurt. She couldn't really sleep last night, but they had been on the move for some time now.

They needed to reach Maedda kingdom which would take at most the entire spring time since winter had already come to an end. Vivian needed to rest for some time due to the last battle which involved the fire element she was up against. Vivian has been harmed just a bit by its fire which she needed time to be able to heal.

[Mila...] Mila heard her name being called by Skye who was once again calling her. She was awaiting Mila, no one knew the voices of the beast other than Mila herself.

'I'll be there soon.' Mila spoke in her head hoping to reach Maedda kingdom before her twelfth birthday. She wanted to be able to keep her promise of three years.

Taking the entire end of winter and spring, Mila had been traveling with her group knowing that they had settled some matters already with the corrupted governors. Even saving slaves who were not supposed to be slaves from the beginning. It was illegal in all kingdoms to have slaves, but Mila felt that the emperor of Mireraweth kingdom may have been apart of it.

"We're here!" Emmett yelled out informing all of them who rode their horses. Stopping their horses, they saw Maedda kingdom which needed no horses. They acquired beasts which possessed the element of air or one that could already fly.

Letting their horses go, Mila grew fond of the horses but they couldn't go any longer with her. "Thank you!" Mila thanked the horses which gladly grew fond of her and trotted off into the forest where they would roam freely. Mila had offered them their freedom once they reach Maedda kingdom and she kept her words. "Let's go." Mila made sure that they all had their masks and cloaks on. Cotton once again hung onto Mila from the back with Vivian still resting. "Excuse us?" Meeting what looked to be a merchant man who was preparing to fly up to the kingdom which floated along with the town.

"What are you travelers doing here?" The man asked seeing how they didn't look to belong in Maedda kingdom.

"We are traveling to find something." Emmett didn't want to get into too much detail which they didn't want to stir up any unwanted trouble.

"Oh, well come along and join. Where are you all headed?" The old merchant asked allowing them onto his beasts which was indeed large enough for them all. It was a commonly used sky beast known as a Flat Tail Flying Squirrel which was about the size of two carriages.

"We're currently just exploring for the most part." Emmett could see that the man was a curious fellow.

"You all look like a family." He said smiling and looking to them all who smiled back only allowing the old man to see their lower faces. "Alright, take care."

He had dropped them all off at one of the towns, Swanrook. 'Skye, where are you?' Mila thought knowing that she had made it to Maedda kingdom finally.