
How did I end up here?

Hi my name is Izuki, and to be real honest, I hate school quite a lot. It's a waste of time and I wish there was a place with no school. That's nearly impossible though, and as much as I wish that was true, it would never happen.

"Wake up you stupid lousy head." My mom said as she kicked me.

"Alright I got it." I replied.

I am just happy to be alive with my family. There is no place like home right?

"Alright you are gonna not gonna be late to school if just sit there doing nothing." My mom said with a sarcastic tone.

I got up from my bed and folded my blankets, and rushed to the bathroom. I did my usual, comb my hair, brush my teeth, and wash my face. Nothing was strange today.

"Here take your breakfast and i'll take you to school today!" My mom shouted.

"Alright, I just gotta get dressed." I shouted back.

I got dressed and I took the toast on the kitchen table to the car. School wasn't really far from my house, but my mom insist that she takes me all the time. Something about people going missing has gotten her paranoid. I guess it's less work for me as well.

"So you like the new school?" My mom asked.

"It's somewhat better, made a few friends." I replied.

"Well i'll be picking you up everyday." My mom added.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't want you to get hurt, and you've seen the news you know why." She replied

"I guess your right, it has been quite dangerous lately." I replied.

I looked out at the window and saw a strange light from a hallway. It was flashing green and blue, and I didn't think much of it. Maybe some kids just pranking each other.

"Here we are." My mom said as she got off.

"Well see ya after school." I shouted.

I walked into my classroom, and to my surprise nobody was here yet. I stood up and walked around the school for a little. I thought I was gonna be late. I guess I got tricked again.

"This is new." I mumbled

I walked towards the back of the school. Normally this door would be closed, but it was open.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The sound of a girl behind me yelled.

"Checking this out?" I replied.

I continued to walk towards the door, and again I saw the flashing of green and blue. I turned around and she was following me. I tried to get a sneak peak inside, and it was a little portal of some sort.

"Hey what is that?" The girl asked.

"Wanna see what will happen?" I asked.

I walked closer towards to portal. The girl was holding my shirt tight, and it slowed my movement a little. I walked closer towards the portal.