
Reincarnation of normal boy to invincible emperor

Lin yu University student soul cross over to alternate world and reincarnated in prince of Great yan Dynasty and start his new journey Lin yu with the his new system recived supreme physics and become the Invincible emperor of the new era

Rahul_Atale · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 5 Lin yu Breakthrough 2

Great Yan Dynasty Palace,

Emperor: hhhha,"made your right, Supreme physique has many Mistry in it.but you have to careful about others there are not any void realm cultivater in Great yan not because we lack talent but they got hunted by others Dynasty.

Emperss " also Said Lin yu don't tale anyone about your Supreme physique, only 15 people know about in now, there are many people in Place so it not different to said spy in to get information.

Emperor: Lin yu i will assign you royal knight to your Protection but only after you tern 5 can you Form a your own squad for use.

Lin yu: "really my own squad can I choose The knight i want"

Emperor:" yes except od squad leader and vice-leader.

After chatting more they left

Lin yu check the profile of the Emperor and Emperss,

[ Name:Lin wu]


[Race: human]

[Title: Emperor of Great Yan]

[Cultivation: third level of Soul formation realm]

[Technique: Heavenly Dragon Slayer sword,

Heavenly black turtle shield...more]

[Physique: (incomplete) lighting Physique]

[relationships: 38 concubine]

[Favorable impression of you:72]

[Note: Emperor Lin has great talent and he love Emperss the most as you his son of Emperss has great talent he adore you and has protecting you from other people]

[Name: Lin Hongxuan]


[Race: Human]

[Title: Empress of Great Yan]

[Cultivation: seven level of Nascent soul realm]

[Technique: holy Supreme flame.. more]

[Physique:Vermilion falme physique (inactive)]


[Favorable impression of you:92]

[Note: Emperss has unparalleled talent and only want to protect her family]

Lin yu look at his mother profile in shook another powerful physique the vermilion physique is not supreme Physique but it still in top 100 physique of all physique.

" he just needs to activate it and his mother will definitely become powerful cultivater".

After thinking about it he Started cultivating again .

Day pass after one after another,

Year pass one year letter Lin yu become 4Year old and reach the nine level of qi refinement realm


"Congratulations Host your now four years old and has One more lucky draw"

Lin yu look at System in suprise last Lucky Draw given by System was half Years ago

He has now another one.

" Host you Can Draw Cultivation Technique or Subordinate ".

Lin yu look at System Ask"Can System also give People ".

" yes Host the the Person or Subordinate wil be like any normal Person but it Only has full loyalty to Host ",

Lin yu choose to Draw subordinate he only in qi refinement realm and does not lack Technique but he lacks loyal people.


" Congratulations Host to Drawing undying hybrid army".

Lin yu Check the Undying hybrid army information.

[ Undying hybrid army it Contains of Four Different Squad ,Wind,fire, water, earth it is the Name of Squad and it maid of hybrid,all Squad leader has Divine bloodline that Control the the element army maid of 800 mambers and 4 Squad leader that command the 200Member each]

Lin yu look at Undying hybrid army Mambers Cultivation and check ,the Squad leader Cultivation is at Nine level of core formation realm and mambers Cultivation is at second and third level of core formation realm .

Squad leader can use Formation to combine it power to Fight above it Level and the cultivation of Undying hybrid army improve with the user and it can revive after death until user is alive.