
Reincarnation of my favorite novel with the system

I reincarnated into my favorite novel as a commoner in the country of Yan. I possess a system that aids me in agriculture to become stronger, and I also know the ending of the novel and what will happen. I must prepare myself from now on, as all the main characters are nobles of the Yan country.

Raval_Wyx · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 1: Introduction

Zhang Ying was walking home when she received a notification on her phone. When she opened it, she found out that her favorite novel had concluded, and the final chapters were released. She hurried home and rushed to her apartment door.

She quickly changed her clothes, took a shower, and then went to her room to read the final chapters. When she finished, she started cursing the author for the ending and thought to herself, "I could have ended it better than this mess." She felt helpless watching the ending of the novel, thinking the author intentionally ended it this way. She continued cursing the author until she fell asleep.

While she was sleeping, both her phone and computer turned on, displaying the novel's chapters from start to finish. Suddenly, a sound was heard, and Zhang Ying's breath stopped.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a dark place. She tried to get out but couldn't and started screaming in fear until she heard a voice saying, "Beep, beep, beep. System installation error. Reloading." Listening to this mechanical voice made her scared, and she called out, "Please tell me where I am and who you are." There was no response. Just as she was about to lose hope, she heard the voice again, "System installation complete." Then the mechanical voice spoke again, saying, "Host, please calm down." She asked the system, "What should I call you? Where am I? What happened to me?" The system replied coldly, "Host, you died of a heart attack and reincarnated into this world. Because you are special, you were granted a system to help you adapt and become stronger. The one who granted you the system was partially responsible for your death and gave you the system as an apology."

Hearing this, Zhang Ying was initially scared, but she pulled herself together and asked again to confirm what the system had said, "Since I died and reincarnated, does that mean I was transferred? Did I reincarnate in a new body or someone else's?" She felt sad about her death because she hadn't achieved all her dreams, but since she was dead, she accepted the reality. The system replied, "Host, you will be reborn into a family in the Yan Kingdom of this world. The system will help you develop. You will be reborn in ten seconds."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Ying prepared herself as the countdown began, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0." Suddenly, she opened her eyes and saw a handsome man and woman in front of her. She tried to speak but only heard the cry of a baby and realized she had reincarnated into this body. Then, she heard a woman on the other side saying, "She is fine. I thought she had died after birth. Thank God she is okay." She was crying with joy until the man said, "Dear, what should we name her?" The woman holding Zhang Ying replied, "I will name her after my late mother, Ying. From now on, she will be called Zhang Ying."

When Zhang Ying heard her name, she felt happy and joyful because it was the same name she had used in her past life. Then she decided to ask the system, "System, can you hear me?" The system replied, "Yes, host." She then asked, "Where is this place?" while the woman was talking to the man, playing with Zhang Ying. The system replied, "This is the Yan Kingdom from the novel you read before you died, 'The Iron Blood Emperor'." Hearing this name, Zhang Ying felt fear because she knew that staying in this kingdom, known as the strongest, meant doom. It was annihilated by the alliance, killing half the population, and an additional character from an additional family like hers would be quickly eliminated. As she pondered what to do, the woman noticed that Zhang Ying was trembling and quickly said, "Bring the blankets, my little Liang is shivering from the cold. Prepare a bath for her, I will bathe her." The servants quickly prepared everything. Meanwhile, Zhang Ying asked the system again, "What are your features, and how will you help me?" The system coldly replied, "Most features are locked, but the main functions like status and task list are available. Other features will unlock as the host reaches certain power levels."

When Zhang Ying heard this, she asked the system, "How do I view the status or task list?" The system patiently replied, "Say or think the word 'status,' and it will appear. The same applies to the task list."

Thinking "status," Zhang Ying saw the following:

**Name:** Zhang Ying

**Health:** (10/10)

**Strength:** (1/1)

**Speed:** (2/2)

**Willpower:** (25)

**Endurance:** (10/10)

**Skills:** (None)

**Martial Arts:** (None)

**Combat Spirit:** (None)


- (World Guide, Summary of 'The Iron Blood Emperor' novel, Gold-tier Ticket)

Seeing her status, Zhang Ying felt a bit disappointed. Then her eyes fell on the golden lottery ticket, and she asked the system about it. The system replied, "It's a free lottery ticket recommended for use when alone. The system advises against cultivation now because the body is too young and might not withstand it, which could lead to death." Hearing this made her a bit scared, but she calmed down, not knowing how to cultivate or if her parents were cultivators.

She asked the system when it would be advisable to start cultivation, and the system suggested starting at the age of six or seven. Even if she started late, with the system's help, she could catch up with her peers easily.

Later, the woman bathed, fed, and took her to her room before leaving. When she met the man, she said, "I feel our daughter is conscious and understands what we say because she was watching us intently when we talked. I thought she was possessed and did a quick check using spiritual energy, feeling her body rejecting my energy." The man, Zhang Liang, replied, "Dear Su Ran, this means her body is special and might repel external energy, which will protect her. I don't think she will be unable to cultivate; I feel she will be talented and beautiful like you when she grows up."

Meanwhile, Zhang Ying was looking at the task list but found no tasks, feeling disappointed. She asked the system, "Why are there no tasks?" The system replied, "Host, the system issues tasks based on the host's abilities and prepares the host for this world. Until you turn six and can start cultivating, the tasks you receive will be simple and limited. The system won't withhold rewards."

Thus, Zhang Ying stayed silent until she fell asleep. When she woke up, it was morning, and with nothing to do, she went back to sleep until Su Ran came to her room and started playing with her, saying, "Today I will read a wonderful story to my little Ying." Hearing this, zhang Ying thought of using this time to learn to read. In her past life, she mastered five languages and was about to start learning the sixth before she died.

As time passed, Zhang Ying turned six and excitedly asked the system, "System, how do I start cultivating now?" Her eyes shining, she asked the system, which replied, "The host needs a cultivation manual to start."

This is my first novel and my first chapter i hope you'll enjoy with my novel and if you want me to paint a picture to the character i will do it just write it in the comments below (^¿^)

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