
Meeting 1of 7 demon emperor

Next day in class, teacher says today you are going to meet 1 of 7 demon emperors the Neckron family head Adalm neckron Adalm come's inside and talk about Neckron family's special magic fusion magic, Anos says to Sasha why are you not taking notes she says that it is Neckron family magic she has already mastered it then Anos gets up from his seat and says to Adalm you seem to have forgotten me after 2000 years the teacher says Mr. Neckron I am very sorry for my students mistake Anos quickly apologize to Adalm neckron says I have forgotten my memory of 2000 years ago after the class he meets the Adalm neckron and and makes his all memory come back then Adalm neckron gets on his feet and say sir Anos please forgive me for my foolishness then Anos says someone has erased everyone's memory from 2000 years ago that's why no one knows the real name of demon King

Creator : sorry for uploading

so late 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅