
Reincarnation of Cain, the Angel

Story about a 16 yo teenager who dies and get reincarnated on a world with magic. I'm not a good writer and english is not my first language. Just writing for fun. If you want to give me your opinion, please do so.

Jorjin · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Born again

I was in a dark and warm place. It was very cozy and being here makes me want to sleep. But suddenly a bright light appeared in front of me.

(Huh? Why is it so bright?)

Someting started pulling me towards the light. Althoug I perceived that I was getting closer to the light, I coulnd't feel what was making me move. It was like my senses were not working as they should. After a few seconds I reached the light, it blinded me for a few moments. When my vision recovered, I saw a few people I had never seen before. They were looking at me.

(Where am I? And why are they looking at me like that?)

[Excuse me can you please tell me where I am?] as I tried to speak I noticed I didn't make any sound.

(Why can't I speak? Now that I look at them closer, why the hell are they so big? Do they have that gigantism thing?)

After a few moments looking at me, I was passed to a beaultiful woman with red hair and red eyes. Her eyes were something I had never seen before, when looking at them, I lost myself for a few seconds. It was like looking at a masterpiece from a famous painter.

(What a pretty lady), I thought as soon as I saw my mother.

(Hold on, it can't be that everyone is so big.)

With that in mind I started looking around.

(Wait wait wait, what is this arm? It's so short and fat. I'm 16, why do I have a baby arm? Something must have happened for me to be like this... If I remember correctely, I was at my part time job at the chinese restaurant and my boss told me to go get some rice on the freezer. I went there as he sad and... no way, did I really froze to death? So I'm reincarnated? Then this lady must be my mother, I hope my eyes are like hers.) Althoug it was something unexpected, I had read many stories in my past life about reincarnation, so it was something I had thought about many times before.

At this point my senses started working. I coud feel the warmth of my mother's arms and started hearing other poeple talk. I couldn't undertant what they were saying but one word appeared repetedly, it was Cain.

(They keep saying Cain while looking at me. It must be my name. I actualy really like it, it sounds nice.)

After I learned my name, a handsome youg man with purple eyes and white hair approached me with a bright smile.

"I can't understand anything he is saying, but he is much happier than the others and he was also hugging my mother, so he must be my father. With such good looking parents, I guess I'll be really handsome. Wait, I'm a boy, right? Please, be there. Please, be there."

After calming down a little, I looked down and luckily it was there.

Looking at me, my parents were confused at why I got so happy out of nowhere, but even so, it made them smile like they saw the most adorable thing in the world.


It's been a few years since I was born on this new world called Egion. I am now 5 years old, because of my past life memories and already developed intellect it was fairly easy for me to learn a new language. At the age of 2, I started talking. I decided it was better to wait for a certain age so I wouldn't scare the people around me.

Even so, I am usually praised for my intelligence and aptitude on both magic and swordsmanship. Since I was able to walk, I decided to start improving my skills. A few moments after I was born, I realized that this wasn't Earth. What made me realize this was one of the maids using magic to heal my mother after giving birth. Seeing this, I was extremely interested, because, like almost all young teenagers, magic was something I would love to use, and now I had this chance.

On the first chance I got, Cain went to his house library and took some books about magic. Throug that, I discovered that the magic one of the maids used on my mother was light magic. Light magic doesn't have any offensive power, it is used to heal and on other support roles, like illuminating a dark place. I was told by the house servants that, because of this, light magic was mostly used by priests and healers. But that wasn't my case, I decided to study this type of magic too, since being able to heal myself or someone else during a fight was very useful.

Ruby, my mother, althoug beeing good at magic, is exceptionally good at swordsmanship. Knowing that, as soon as I was able to, I asked her to teach me. When we first started, my mother was surprised. I quickly learned everything I was taught. In just a couple months, I managed to dominate all the basics. Seeing this, she got very excited and started teaching me more complex things.

Muriel, my father, on the other hand, focused on using magic. The couple weren't adventurers or anything of the sort, but because of their talent and interest on such things, they are strong individuals. After talking with his wife about my training, Muriel was extremely happy to know that his son was so talented. Thus, he decided to talk with me about learning magic. When he was searching, he found me inside the library with a pile of books by my side and one on my hands, named "Efficient usaged of mana vol. 2". He was perplexed at such sight. A two and a half years old boy reading a complex book about mana usage. After a few moments, he was able to comeback from his surprised state and was even happier about his really smart son.

Seeing that I was already interested in magic and also already knew a lot of things, Muriel started to help me on my studies. This made me very happy, since I could spend more time with father and it also increased my learning rate.


At the age of 7, I had incredible control over my mana and was able to use all of the elements. Not only that, but I also excelled at swordsmanship. Thus, I got known in the noble and royal society, since other kids at his age knew, at most, 3 or 4 elements and were pretty bad at using a sword because of their small body. Even though I also had an undeveloped body, I had good control of it and was able to use my mana to reinforce it if necessary.

In this world the mana someone was born with wasn't something absolute, it was possible and normal to absorb mana throughout someone's life. Even so, I am a special case. I was born with several times more mana than a normal person. Because of this, and my good control over it, at the age of seven I already had a big amount of it.

Hey, I'm thinking about writing as I cassualy think about the soty. Since I'm not a good writer and it's my first time doing this, please comment what you think and give me suggestions. Thank you for reading.

Jorjincreators' thoughts