
Reincarnation of Big Shot: Cannon fodder against the regime

In a confrontation between the Order and the multi-layered God, I wonder who will prevail. When the big shot goes into a novel and becomes small cannon fodder, you not only tear up the original text, but begin a happy, lazy life. But after giving birth, the novel's heroine is connected to a powerful system that helps her address her grievances and bring her to the pinnacle of life. The heroine of the novel was staring at the big shot all the time, and one day the big shot felt the heroine’s desire to destroy her life, so the big shot decided to make that alleged heroine and her regime live a life worse than death. So who will win in the end, the heroine of the novel and her regime, or the crazy and lazy Big shot?

Ghost_eating · Fantasy
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113 Chs

The chapter has been re-updated: Chapter 24: A new job. George arrives and begins treatment

On Mia's side, after riding the train for a while, the train arrived at City H station. Mia got down with two bags to the station and asked for a car. She went first to the pharmacy to buy some of the herbs needed to stabilize Little Candy's condition until arriving in City F and starting the treatment plan.

Then Mia arrived at the nearest hotel, opened a room, and then took Little Candy out of the bag. Mia woke him up and asked for breakfast. After eating breakfast, Mia began preparing the low-level strength and marrow cleansing potion for Little Candy to bathe with.

He first used the Marrow Cleansing Potion, and after Little Candy came out of the bathroom, he fell asleep immediately, and Mia also rested. Five hours later, Mia and Little Candy woke up and were taken to use the strength potion, and after he left the bathroom, Mia prepared lunch for them to eat.

Then Mia put some makeup on Little Candy to change his appearance, then she took him to buy some clothes and toys, and they rode the train, and after two days they finally arrived in City F. Mia took Little Candy straight home, and when they arrived, Father and Mother Ryo were not at home.

Mia prepared some food for her and Little Candy, then prepared the room where he would sleep, then changed Little Candy's hair color from black to blonde.

She called her mother and explained that she had returned and met a kidnapped child, rescued him, and reached out to his family, and he would live with them until his family came.

After explaining the situation, she hung up the call and asked Serena to tell Max that she had arrived home with Little Candy, and also to search for all the information related to nanotechnology, and Mia sat writing her complete plan about making the nanomachine, what materials she would use, and what its shape, size, and functions would be. The materials you want are available, who owns them, and many other things.

Also developing a comprehensive plan for Little Candy's treatment, his daily routine, the sports he can practice, his diet, and thinking about building a comprehensive laboratory in City F, the type of equipment she will use, and the materials she wants to make any crazy inventions she has. Sigh, you need many things, but step by step. You will do everything you want.

After a while, Mia checked the time and brought back dinner. Then Father and Mother Rio arrived at the house. Mia ran to her mother and hugged her and said, "Mom, I missed you so much. Look, you have become more beautiful."

"You really are a girl, why is your tongue like honey?" Mother Ryo said with a beautiful smile.

"Dad, I missed you too," Mia said to Father Rio.

"I miss you too, my child," Father Rio said with a smile

"Mother, Father, I want to introduce you to someone...Little Candy. Come and introduce yourself," Mia said.

"Hello, Uncle and Auntie, my name is Martine. My nickname is Little Candy. Nice to meet you." Little Candy said in a milky, nervous voice.

Father and Mother Rio saw Little Candy's tension and quickly said, "My darling, don't worry, Auntie knows everything and is happy to have you stay with us."

"Yes, yes, uncle is also very happy and will take you to the park."

When he heard that, Little Candy smiled happily and said, "Thank you, Uncle and Aunt."

"Come on, dinner is ready for us to eat," Mia said, and the whole family ate dinner happily and went to sleep

As for Fifi, during Mia's trip to the capital, she was working hard to study medicine and improve her relationship with her family and her future mother-in-law, and she was attracted to her with the same beauty recipe, and Mrs. Anthony began to love her very much. The day before Mia returned to City F with Little Candy, Fifi received notices from the regime. .

«DING The learning points needed to upgrade the system have been collected. Does the host want to upgrade? Yes No".

Vivi was in her room studying medicine, and suddenly she heard the system sound. She froze for a while, then pressed Yes to hear, "Ding, it will take 24 hours to get promoted."

The next morning, Vivi was preparing to go out with Charlie and waiting for the system to be upgraded in her room. "Ding, the system has been upgraded. Please open the main window to see the new system functions."

Vivi was surprised and said, "The main window."

Status / Life Skills / Money Making Skills / Scientific Skills / Preference Values / Store / Missions / Wheel of Fortune / Classroom Space / Laboratory Space / Strategies for various situations.

"What system is this new function (strategies for different situations)" Vivi asked.

The system replied, "Ding. The system discovered that the host is lazy and does not have a love of discovery, so the system decided that every question asked of the host should be at a certain price. The host asks and pays the price, and the system responds."

"Ding to answer the host's question with 50 learning points."

Fifi was astonished by the system's stinginess and was silent. Then Fifi looked at the system's new direction and chose the case.

Name: Fifi Rocks

Age: 15




Endurance: 11.5 (normal)

Memory: 8.5 (photographic memory)


Comprehension: 4.5 (normal)

Absorption: 6.8 (normal)

Thinking: 8 (outside the box)

"Intelligence Rating: Intelligent Person"

Beauty value: 20 (unique beauty)

Luck value: 20 (clear green orange)

Title: Junior doctor

"Finally I became a doctor. I worked hard to learn all the knowledge of Western medicine and ancient medicine. I became free, and my luck increased

Improving my relationship with my mother and Mrs. Anthony," Vivi exclaimed in joy.

"Yes host, well done. Please continue working hard." The system praised after seeing Vivi's hard work.

"Open the storeroom. Think of some bonuses that I haven't used yet. Mastering applying makeup in a professional way."

The store: "Aura of beautiful eyes like broken stars / Aura of snow-white skin / Aura of a beautiful sweet voice / Aura of never a double chin / Aura of light rose perfume."

Vivi was confused about what to apply, so she said, "A job-filling system with strategies for different situations."

"Ding function has been activated. Choose the situation for which you want to create a strategy."

Vivi wrote that Charlie Anthony would love her and be loyal to her forever.

"Ding Ding, all information related to Charlie has been collected and the appropriate strategy has been developed."

"Ding, a date with Charlie has been discovered. Now the best strategy is.....

First, wear a modest dress with sky blue sleeves and tie your hair into a loose ponytail Bangs, wearing some simple accessories and applying simple makeup with a cute pink lip color, wearing medium-length white wide-heeled shoes, applying rose perfume, and finally applying a halo for beautiful eyes like broken stars."

Fifi followed the instructions and looked at the final result and became happy with her beauty, especially since this method highlights her youth and vitality. Then she heard the maid say that Charlie had arrived, so she quickly went downstairs.

Charlie was sitting with Mrs. Rocks and talking until he saw Fifi and froze at her stunning beauty. He regained consciousness when she was standing in front of him and said, "You are so beautiful. I thought you were a fairy who came down from the sky."

Vivi laughed happily at Charlie's sweet words and said goodbye to her mother and went out with Charlie to spend a nice day on a date. She was happy to capture Charlie's attention and found the system's new function very exciting and was looking forward to trying it to get rid of Mia.

After two weeks in the capital, Little Candy's death was dealt with, and after George became depressed, he suddenly disappeared, his traces were erased, and he could not be found.

Then George came to Mia's house and was surprised to see his son in better health. "My love, is that you?! I almost didn't recognize you. You have become healthier," George said with tenderness and happiness at his son's healthy and strong appearance, despite his hair color changing to blonde.

"Yes, my father is much better, and I learned to ride a bike and play with a ball, and I went to the zoo, and next week I will go to the aquarium," Little Candy said in a childish voice.

"Yes, yes, my father will take you to all the beautiful places, such as amusement parks, the beach, ice skating, and fishing, and we will do very fun things," George said happily as he thought about how to spend quality time with his son.

"Okay, calm your enthusiasm now. Let's talk about important things. Little Candy. Go to the room," Mia said.

"Okay, I understand, you're talking about grown-up things," Little Candy said annoyed, puffing his cheek.

"Yes, yes, please," George said lovingly.

Little Candy entered the room and Mia said seriously, "Well, I bought the two apartments next to us and prepared them, one for you to live in with Little Candy, and one for setting up my own laboratory to research and treat Little Candy. I prepared all the necessary materials to treat Little Candy completely, and prepare yourself to change your hair color and add Mustache and beard ".

Mia put on a mustache and beard after his hair color changed to blonde like Little Candy and took them to buy some clothes and personal necessities, buy groceries, and go for a walk, then they returned home after spending a happy day.