
Reincarnation of a Vigilante Gunsmith

My name is Rey McMillan and yeah I'm a vigilante. My gig is all about killing villains with the gun's I made from the games I love. yeah a lot of FPS, Third person, and post apocalyptic games with guns. So yeah I just wanted people to live easily without issues and killing them is my only option to avoid any future crimes made by the same villain. So c'mon now let's blast some villains and Corrupt heroes head and turn them into minced meat. This story is also available in FanFiction.net (Warning: My Proof reader has some issues)

Mart_Lopez · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 23: Orion's Down fall

Rey and Orion stare at each other with an intimidating intent but Rey's hat and mask covering his head, mouth, and nose except for his eyes shadowing a bit it was more intimidating. With Orion he has an angry expression on his face due to a few reasons, 1-He lost control to the city, 2-He lost all of the gang members and his close friends, and lastly Gunslinger, He knew about this hero a former vigilante turned hero and he is now in Otheon killing not just gangs under him but also his gang they died in agony while him he doesn't know but only two things either Gunslinger will apprehend him or kill him on the spot. Whether he likes it or not Orion then uses his quirk and began to charge to him with his force quirk and began to engulfed his fist and was about to punch Gunslinger. But Rey leaned backwards then with his electric gauntlet punched his gut with a charge of electricity if anyone understand physics the impact cause the both of them to create a distance as both of them began to stand their ground and withstand then impact until they stop.

And Rey began to use the pain giver RPG as he shoots out several explosive projectiles as Orion tried to hold and using his force quirk but it exploded in a proximity. Which caused a problem for him to focus as one of the explosions burned half of his body also burning his clothes. As the dust settles the spectators sees Orion is now tired and burnt but Rey was not done yet as he began to punch Orion right at his jaw causing him to feel dizzy with a charge of electricity he was in pain until Rey began to pull out many blunt weapons from existing ones to Makeshift one from post apocalyptic games. Every swing made contact to Orion's body as Rey began to pommel down Orion his body was bloodied and bruised as he can't see things straight. Then he regained his senses and used his force quirk to negate a strike then punched Rey as Rey was sent flying and at the same time and hot the ground hurting him badly that Rey began to shake his head from that impact and that moment where he was sent flying.

It was a tense fight as many of the Heroes, captured villains, Military and the Police were spectating the battle as well as the media following as one of them using their drones and other news outlets showing the big news the biggest gang of Otheon Orion gang leader vs. the Gunslinger. Rey then did his best to charge forward and fight once more as they both began to exchange blows.

In Japan many of the people were watching the fight thanks to one of the news outlets in Japan. Seeing the battle unfolding Heroes Civilians, Vigilantes, Villains, Students of Japan were watching the tense battle. With 1-A watching the news in their forms they saw the battle seeing Gunslinger switching between his guns, and Melee weapons, blow after blows of impact hitting Orion as hard as he can. Many were in shock, awe, dumbfounded, interested, and denial. Why some in denial due to the point where no one know his quirk some think he is quirkless or some saying he has a storage quirk or a quirk that he can create guns by appearing them out of nowhere.

With 1-A students they saw the news including Shota Aizawa A.K.A Eraserhead as some began to complain a bit.

"Gunslinger may have done the biggest thing in history but what he did was wrong" A blue hair boy named Tenya Iida Chopping the air and debating about Gunslinger's actions.

"Yeah... He should have just incapacitate them not killing them they should remove him from the Hero position" One boy with Green hair and freckles in his face named Izuku Midoriya.

Everyone was about to Debate about America's Decision making Gunslinger a Hero until Aizawa cut them off. "I was aware about Gunslinger's actions but You didn't know about the state he lives in, it was full of crimes and gun violence were a thing and how easy it is to buy a gun in that country. With Gunslinger on their side he have solved the crime rate there since some gangs and crime organizations only answers in violence. The state of Texas has a crime rate of 60% to 70% percent. He then began his vigilante work and started to hit the dark areas of his state killing them from afar and up close and personal. He did have an interview and I will quote" he then shows a video from the US seeing Gunslinger in his hero outfit in his Workshop making his guns.

"Many will think of me as a Psychopath, Bloodthirsty, sadistic killer, or a Heartless being not called a human but in reality try and ask veterans from the military, the police, and some heroes. They actually killed a person think of it as a last resort where every option is thrown out of the window the only thing you have to do is to kill them yeah I will do it if it's saving a life. For pacifist people well in japan of course we'll..." He said as he finished making his gun the Lancer rifle from Gears or war as he revs the chainsaw and checking his gun.

"Don't admit yourself that you didn't kill anyone but I knew some of your hero's done it your police have done it and even your Military also did as well for the student who are studying Hero courses there There is someday that you have to kill a villain as a desperate measure." He said as the interview ends as the music in his office began to play as one student from 1-A with Purple hair and earphone jacks on her ear lobes named Kyoka Jirou vibing to the song.

Midoriya was about to complain that killing is wrong until Aizawa interject about it " I have to be honest with you as a Underground hero there is a moment I have done that before" he said which shocking everyone in the room.

"Midoriya... You should know that Heroes like me and others including Gunslinger had done the toughest decision in their hero carer other heroes aren't handling these types of situation but since he appeared everyone has a different view of a hero not just us but also the first responders. Like the police they have also killed even the detective. Remember this everyone the moment everything goes out of the window and the only option is to sacrifice one life to save millions. Look at Gunslinger for example he didn't just wipe out the biggest gang in Otheon but he have also save millions of lives for there." He said as Everyone from Class 1-A.

Class 1-A were having a hard time processing these kinds of decisions and moment where everything is thrown out of the window as every one is having a hard time to kill someone including the stubborn and also ash blonde hair as he was in shock that his screams of Murder, Die, Kill, or anything that is a threat to life is now happening. Even though they are still naive and young but someday they have to face this toughest decision that will make them take a life for millions to live. And many were either worried or even determine to make sure they will continue their dream of becoming heroes.

Back to the fightboth Gunslinger and Orion were tired as they both breathe heavily from the exhaustion Rey who is holing a bat with barbed wire and the other holding a police revoler as Rey reloads the revolver. And for Orion he is taking several Deep breaths as he began to charge right at Gunslinger until Rey switches his bat to a scrap hammer from Dying light which is just a bunch of scrap metal mixed with a heating torch making the hammer part red hot. As it was odd to use a metal made of scrap metal but if it is the hands on Gunslinger it can work as he slams the hammer upwards hitting Orion's jaw making him stumble back losing his balance then on the ground dizzy. Then he felt a blunt pain in his knee cap that he felt like his knee was shattered into bits as Gunslinger slammed his hammer right to his knee cap which quarterize the wound and Rey switched his hammer to his Lancer rifle. As everyone see this gun with a chainsaw bayonet attached they knew what will happen as many began to cover their kid's eyes and as soon as Rey was up close in personal to Orion he then began to insult Rey.

"What are gonna do about that are you going to shoot that thing huh you ain't killing me idiot" he said but Rey replied " Nope! I'm going to use this one" He said as he revs the chainsaw making Orion's eyes widen.

Then Rey began to cut him down to the right shoulders to his left him as Orion Screams in pain so loud that everyone heard his screams of pain then after cutting him diagonally Orion died as his cut off part of his body can be seen. Everyone felt bad for him except for the people and the residents of Otheon as Rey then walks away Gunslinger or Rey was feeling a bit dizzy then flopped down face first from both exhaustion and pain then fell unconscious.