
Reincarnation of a vengeful woman

Chu yunyun was a young lady who lost everything she own in a day. Her only family her friend, her inheritance, including her life. Her innocent looking half sister betrayed her, her fiance was snatch by that sister. She was disgraced and humiliated. She was tortured so badly that she didn't even die with a complete body. Yu Chen woke up into the body of a 15 year old girl with low aptitude. Her innate talent was so low she could not help but sign. "How did I enter such a body. This person is too pitiful. Oh, a body full of treasures without the former realizing at all. Spirit beast, medical books, seven coloured spiritual element and lot more she as it all. "Sir, miss has destroy the fire clan temple", they came to report hastily. "My woman can do as she likes, also why are you making her destroy that with her hands don't let her hands get dirty with those stuffs, go destroy more for her", said a very good looking man expressionlessly ---- Most reincarnation stories always comes with the lead been cool with the fact that they reincarnation, but get to an unknown place for the first time is not an easy fit at all. So this story will also talk about the struggle they face after reincarnating. I hope you support this story. I'm an amateur writer and can make mistakes so please don't take it to heart.

Emilie_09 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Pain

In an underground dungeon dark and damp. The stench of rotten flesh hung in the air. Chains clanked in the wind, crying out for someone to shackle. The cries of the chains send shivers down one's spine like a vengeful ghost seeking souls.