
Reincarnation of a shadow demon

An addiction to fantasy online role playing games and novels Cale distances himself from reality and chooses to reject it often dreaming of living in the fanatical world's he's played and read, friends and family are distant memories he's long forgotten he feels no attachment to his current life but still chooses to walk it. Cale' dreams turn into a reality as he saves a depressed man from committing suicide and paying the price with his own life instead, death isn't the end and he's awoken by an annoying voice within his head while inside of the body of a demon he's never heard about in a world much more dangerous and exhilarating than his previous one, has the universe sympathised for him or is it an ironic curse?

Kindred_spirits · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Thoughts beyond

Uniqueness? By technicality the term could apply to anyone, no person was a carbon copy of the next; similar at times, perhaps but never quite. I'd never thought of myself as anything but the average person, nothing unique, nothing outstanding, not even in the hobbies I drowned myself in repeatedly. The first? The title, though empty and albeit quite worthless felt somewhat refreshing. Here standing on these very sands, there could be hundreds, thousands of the demon in front of me but only one of myself was here which was me.