
Suit of crying

Mercury lifted the dumbbell a few times before he nodded, then he looked over at Mars and asked

"So that's the plan? To get ripped?"

Mars shook his head 

"Nah, you're going into the suit of crying"

"... The suit of what now?"


Fast forwards 30 minutes Mercury was running around an underground running track, wearing said suit of crying, it was more of a bodysuit only it weighed about 5 metric tones without hampering his sense of balance or movement, Mercury wasn't really running as much as he was just making the movements of running but in slow motion instead as he heaved for air, he had only been running for about 15 minutes with the other 15 minutes having been used to by Mars to persuade/threaten Mercury into the suit

"It's… Really… The… Suit… Of… Crying…"

Mars was sitting at the edge of the field while seemingly meditating but still, he had time to comment on Mercury's complaining