
Reincarnation of a living god

In Alfan the world where the (un)fortunate protagonist of this story finds himself, are there at any point in time 5 living gods, if one should die a new one is added to the mix, thought the history of Alfan there have been many living gods in the world appearing as hero's, king's and queen's, master chef's, tyrants, or as completely unknown people. join Mars as he sets out on a journey to explore Alfan to find out what kind of living god he wants to be. as soon as he gets there that is. Volume 2 going full steam ahead with 3 chapters a week! chapters are more than 1500~ words. Authors discord: https://discord.gg/uHVhX9m

zad1333 · Fantasy
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378 Chs

A trip to the holy union (2)

About a week later Mars, Mary and Victoria stepped out of a sky carriage, Mars looked around and gave a nod

"yup traveling with sky carriage is the way to go"

while they were not in the capital which is where they were heading they were close, about 5 days on foot close

"finally out!"

Mary collapsed on the ground and rolled around, she was not a flying person and had been parlized by fear most of the trip, after much debate they had decided to walk the rest of the way to the capital on foot mostly to spare Mary that was currently in the progress of hugging the ground

"oh solid ground, how I missed you!"

"....was it really that bad?"

"yes it was Mars.... ah ground, my one and true friend"

Mars gave a sigh and decide to leave Mary alone and went over to talk with the driver and after that he unloaded their luggage then the sky carriage took off and left then in the clearing of a random forest

"come on Mary let's move"

"okay.... this way"

"you know this forest?"