
Reincarnation: My Wife is Cultivation Grandmaster

Caught in the whims of destiny, Feng Xuanyi, once the formidable Demon Lord, finds himself reborn into the past. But here's the kicker—his beloved wife has ascended to the exalted realm of Grand Mastery! Now, armed with the daunting task of convincing his wife that he's truly her husband, he blurts out in desperation, 'Oh, immortal beauty, I'm genuinely your better half. Do you trust me? What? You want evidence? I know of the azure lotus at your chest and the crimson birthmark at the root of your thigh. Hold on, let's talk this out, no need for violence!

zawzawaung · Eastern
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12 Chs

Chapter-7:A Fortuitous Turn

Near noon, sunlight streams through the clouds, casting its radiance upon the peaks of the Infinite Hall, illuminating the verdant mountains. The peaks stand tall, shrouded in mist, resembling a painting of an ethereal realm. In the distance, rivers and streams shimmer under the sunlight, like a silvery satin ribbon, embellishing the entire celestial landscape.

In the serene mountains and rivers, the Tranquil Heart Hall stood like a radiant gem, nestled amidst the peaks, singular and majestic. The majestic hall, with its walls crafted from cyan-blue stone, appeared profound and weighty under the sunlight, emitting an ancient and solemn aura. The path leading to the hall was paved with dark-grey stone slabs, tranquil yet mysterious.

Most of the disciples of the Infinite Hall had gathered in the Tranquil Heart Hall at this moment. Seated upon the elevated main dais are two individuals. One of them was the Master of the Infinite Hall Luo Qingfeng. The other was a quiet and elegant beauty dressed in palace attire. At first glance, she appeared to be in her thirties, but upon closer inspection, she seemed to be in her twenties. She was graceful and charming, the wife of Luo Qingfeng, He Xinyi.

He Xinyi was a disciple of the prestigious sect, Hua Yun Pavilion, within the realm of immortals. Not only is she the junior sister of the current Pavilion Master of the Hua Yun Pavilion, but she herself is also a cultivation master at the pinnacle of the Void-Returning Stage. It was because of her that Luo Qingfeng was able to maintain his position as the Master of the Infinite Hall despite its weakened state. It could be said that without her, there would be no Luo Qingfeng today.

At this moment, He Xinyi was holding a little girl in front of her. She was about the same age as Feng Xuanyi, around ten years old. The little girl was exquisitely beautiful, with features like carved jade, bright eyes, and a pair of watery, agile eyes, which were incredibly endearing. She had inherited He Xinyi's stunning genes. At such a young age, it could be seen that she would grow up to be a beauty that would cause the downfall of nations. This little girl was Luo Qingfeng's and his wife's cherished daughter, Luo Yuqian. The little girl, cradling a chubby, snow-white kitten in her arms, looked at Feng Xuanyi with curiosity written all over her face.

The disciples stood in rows on either side of the hall, with the foremost dozen or so adorned in light blue robes, denoting them as direct disciples. The rest were clad in grayish-white garments, signifying them as ordinary disciples and second-generation disciples. These people varied in height and build, but their eyes were all focused on Feng Xuanyi and Zhou Xuchen, or more precisely, on Feng Xuanyi.

Looking at Luo Qingfeng's family and the familiar senior brothers and sisters, Feng Xuanyi was momentarily filled with tears. In his previous life, he had struggled for more than twenty years before standing here and becoming their junior brother. In this life, he had taken advantage of others' efforts to be in this position so early. He just didn't know if he could successfully become a disciple of Luo Qingfeng.

Although he hadn't spent much time with his senior brothers and sisters in his previous life, they had gotten along well. However, the good days in his previous life didn't last long, only about thirty years. 

Thinking back to his previous life, his master inexplicably perished, and he was falsely accused of being an accomplice in his master's murder. He couldn't even bid farewell to his Master in the end and could only bear the infamy and flee to The Star Sanctum. After his Master's death, the Infinite Hall, without any Mahayana Stage cultivator, couldn't hold on for long and soon fell apart. Now, he secretly decided that since he had coincidentally come back to the Infinite Hall in this life, he must not let it repeat the mistakes of his previous life.

Just as he was lost in thought, Zhou Xuchen respectfully said, "Master, Mistress, I've brought the new disciple."

Luo Qingfeng's mood was extremely bad, his fair face was dark, and he seemed somewhat impatient. He Xinyi had already learned about Feng Xuanyi's situation from Luo Qingfeng and had taken a few more glances at him. Seeing his clear and teary eyes, she thought he was emotionally affected by his experiences. Her heart trembled involuntarily, an inexplicable pang of pain surging within. She couldn't help but associate him with a shadow in her heart.

He Xinyi sighed inwardly and softly said to Luo Qingfeng, "Qingfeng, as you can see, our Infinite Hall hasn't accepted any disciples for many years now."

"As Senior Guanghui said, this child seems to have some fate with us."

Luo Qingfeng hesitated a bit and asked, "Madam, what do you mean?"

He Xinyi spoke softly, "Isn't Qian'er in need of a playmate now? They're about the same age and should get along well. Why don't you take him as your disciple? He can accompany Qian'er. At worst, I'll personally teach him."

He Xinyi, in the arms of her mother, looked at Feng Xuanyi. Being the youngest in the hall, Luo Yuqian was considered the little princess of the hall. Due to the Infinite Hall not accepting disciples for many years, the other disciples were relatively older, and she always felt that she couldn't communicate well with them. Upon hearing this, Luo Yuqian joyfully jumped out of He Xinyi's arms and ran excitedly to Luo Qingfeng, clapping her hands and saying, "Great, great, Dad, am I finally getting a little junior brother?"

Although Luo Qingfeng had a bad temper, he was very affectionate towards his wife, especially his cherished daughter, Luo Yuqian. He gently touched Luo Yuqian's head and hugged her into his arms, saying softly, "Qian'er wants a little junior brother?"

Luo Yuqian blinked her round eyes like a little chick pecking at rice, nodding vigorously, "Of course. Mom said this morning that you were going to find a little junior brother or sister for me. Isn't he it?"

Luo Qingfeng hesitated for a moment but couldn't bear to dampen his daughter's enthusiasm. He helplessly nodded and said, "Yes, yes, Dad will listen to you."

It was quite strange. Originally, Feng Xuanyi was not supposed to become a direct disciple. With Luo Qingfeng's character, he would probably have made him a second-generation disciple even if he had returned. However, this lucky fellow, Feng Xuanyi, inexplicably soared to the top with the help of He Xinyi and Luo Yuqian. This made Zhou Xuchen, who had thought of taking Feng Xuanyi as his own disciple if Luo Qingfeng refused, feel a little confused. But he still sincerely feels rejoices for Feng Xuanyi. This little junior brother was indeed extremely fortunate.

He Xinyi smiled and glanced at Luo Qingfeng before falling silent. 

Luo Qingfeng looked at the situation and said impatiently, "What are you still standing there for? Instead of choosing another day, since everyone is here today, go ahead and perform the ceremony to become a disciple right now!"

Feng Xuanyi was utterly bewildered. He had prepared himself to become an ordinary disciple again, so how did happiness come so suddenly? How did he suddenly become a true disciple?

Although surprised, Feng Xuanyi, drawing from his past life's experience, he quickly reacted and solemnly knelt down and knocked his head nine times. He sincerely said, "Disciple Feng Xuanyi pays respects to Master and Mistress, and greets all senior brothers and sisters."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm finally not the youngest anymore. I also have a little junior brother now!" It was Luo Yuqian who couldn't contain her joy and clapped her hands, laughing.

Luo Qingfeng, inexplicably accepting a direct disciple, was in a bad mood, and he waved his hand, saying, "Alright, get up."

"Yes!" Feng Xuanyi stood up.

"That's it for today's meeting. Everyone can leave now!" Luo Qingfeng said, getting up and intending to take Luo Yuqian away. 

However, unexpectedly, Luo Yuqian, with her childish nature, insisted on playing with her new junior brother.

Luo Qingfeng, feeling extremely depressed, walked to the backyard alone.

The other disciples bowed and bid farewell to Luo Qingfeng. 

After he left, they also said goodbye to He Xinyi and the others before leaving. Only a group of direct disciples and He Xinyi and her daughter were left in the hall. 

They gathered around, and Luo Yuqian, who looked like a little girl, also happily ran around Feng Xuanyi.

She pretended to be an adult, circled around Feng Xuanyi, and carefully examined him. 

Feng Xuanyi noticed that she had already reached the fifth level of the Qi Accumulation Stage at such a young age. Her talent was truly terrifying. No wonder Luo Qingfeng and his wife cherished her so much. 

Feng Xuanyi felt a bit uncomfortable under her scrutinizing gaze, as she kept staring at him with her delicate and adorable face without blinking.