
Why Fear Death?

Elaia occupied a seat across the man and stared at the altar in front of them.

A few seconds later. The man spoke.

"Why do people close their eyes when they're about to die?"

She was shocked that the man spoke to her, but she was even more shocked about the question that he asked. It took her a while before she answered the man in black.

"Maybe because they feel at peace by closing their eyes. As if they'll only sleep." that's the most logical answer that she can think of.

The man smirked and said, "How can someone be at peace when they knew they were about to die?"

She chuckled. That also made sense, she thought.

Elaia turned her head towards the man's direction and looked at his eyes. This guy's eyes were beautiful Well, the word beautiful would be an understatement, for this man's perfect gray eyes that seems to suck up your soul and as if you're looking at the galaxy itself.

Then she asked the man, "Why fear death?"

The man laughed. But it wasn't a joyful kind of laugh. It was a sad one. As if her answer cause him pain but can only hide it behind his laugh.

"What's your name?" the man asked.

She knows about what parents always advised their children. Don't talk to strangers. And Elaia knows that giving her name to a complete stranger is like letting him took one step towards her personal bubble. But she didn't feel any harm by giving her name to this man. So she answered.

"Elaia. You?"

"D. Just D." he said.

D? I don't know if he's hiding his real name or his parents just don't give a shit about giving names to their children. She imagined that maybe he was the fourth child of their household, and maybe his siblings' names were A,B, and C. Maybe the one who followed him was named E.

The thought made Elaia chuckle.

"I know what you're thinking." the man said.

"And what exactly am I thinking, D?" she asked.

"I'll just answer the question inside that head of yours" then he gave her a small smile and continued speaking "I'm just D. And I don't have a shitty kind of parents that would name their children A,B,C, or whatever letter in the alphabet that your preschool teacher taught you by singing in the same tune as twinkle twinkle little fuckin' star."

And she knew then and there that she lost it. So she laughed so hard that there were tears forming from the side of her eyes. "I thought no one noticed the similarity of the tune between those two nursery rhymes" she said. And continued laughing her ass out.

At that moment the man stood up and was about to leave, but he stopped a few inches away from the chapel's door. He turned around to face her once again and said

"Everyone fears death because everyone is afraid of losing." then he walked away.

Who do you think is D?

summerarthemiscreators' thoughts