
Unopen Message

"Do you feel better now?" D asked Elaia with a tone filled with concern.

Elaia nodded.

D scratched his head. Unsure if he would still ask Elaia out on a date in the restaurant that he reserved.

Noticing the fidgety behavior of D, Elaia asked him, "What's wrong?"

D cleared his throat, "Uhm... I kinda reserved this restaurant for us. But I don't think it's a good idea right now after all that you've felt this morning."

Elaia smiled appreciating D's effort. "Well, I'm feeling better now. Maybe we should still go to this restaurant?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yep!" Then Elaia hopped out of her bed. "Now, shoo! I need to prepare. See you at the entrance of the hotel by 12 noon."

D nodded then disappeared in midair.

"Well. That's how you make a grand exit." Elaia mumbled. She's still not used to D's appearing and disappearing acts. It feels like being with D is like watching a magic show.

She checked her phone and it says that she only have an hour and a half to get ready for their date.

The moment she stepped inside the bathroom to take a shower, Elaia heard a 'ding' notifying her that she received a new message.

She decided to read it after her bath.

Elaia was humming inside the bathroom as she thought to herself, 'This will be our first date. What do couples do in their first date? Should we do some 20 questions? Considering that we're a couple now, I think it's okay to know more about each other in a more personal manner. Right?'

Then she nodded to herself. 'Right.'

After taking a shower, Elaia rummaged through her closet.

Half an hour has passed, and Elaia decided to wear a sky blue halter dress and matched it with a nude peep toe heels that were 3 inches high.

She still have 40 minutes left to do her hair and make up.

Elaia have a natural wavy hair so she decided to straighten it. Then she went for a light make up only using some powder, peach blush, mascara, and lipgloss. Then she put her pearl earrings.

With only 5 minutes remaining, Elaia panicked a little and just shoved her lipgloss, hotel keys, and wallet inside her clutch bag.

As soon as Elaia arrived at the main entrance of the hotel, she saw D standing there clearly waiting for her.

D has a dominating aura around him. 'He's a God, remember?', Elaia argued with herself.

Then another thought popped inside her head 'Were all Gods this handsome?'

She shook her head and continued walking towards D then she greeted him, "Hey."

"Hey. You look wonderful." D said.

"You too." As she looked at D's appearance. He was wearing a black long sleeved shirt, black fitted pants, and black combat boots. 'Wow. He could beat any rockstar with his look right now.' Elaia thought.

"You really do love black, huh?" Elaia said.

"Yeah. Just like your eyes." D answered.

Elaia blushed. "For a very manly guy, you sure do know how to say sweet things. But please lessen it a bit. My heart feels like it'll explode any minute."

D chuckled. "I'll try." Then he winked.

Meanwhile, inside Elaia's room, is her 2% charged phone with an unopen message that says

'Elaia, is it true that you and D were a couple now? Please text back as soon as you read this. Please.

- Arion'

Then the phone battery ran out of charge.

That ending tho. Sorry Arion

summerarthemiscreators' thoughts