
Play Store

[Elaia, is it true that you and D were a couple now? Please text back as soon as you read this. Please.]

[You just met him. Maybe that's just infatuation you're feeling towards D. And the truth is, I believe that I'm much willing to take care of you. I like you. A lot.]

[I'm sorry. I lied. I don't like you. I love you. And if there's a little hope for me inside your heart, then I'll take it. No matter how small it is. You've showed me happiness through your smiles and your laughs. I really want you to be happy but I'm selfish because 'Can't she be happy with me' were my thoughts right now. I'll do my best to make you happy. I don't expect you to try and fall for me right now. But at least give me a chance to fight for my way to win your heart.]

All these messages came from Arion. And D keeps on thinking about the deep words that the messages contain. And he thought to himself, 'What would be Elaia's reaction if she saw those messages? Will they break up because she'll find Arion sweeter than him?'

D's expression turned gloomy as he thought of the possible scenarios if Elaia found out about those messages.

Elaia felt the sudden change towards D's expression so she asked, "Are you okay? You're not focusing on the movie right now. Is there something bothering you?"

"What if you found out that someone else likes you?" D questioned Elaia.

"I'll be flattered. But that's just it. I now have a boyfriend so I won't be looking for anyone else."

"But, what if this guy is handsome, accomplished, and has a lot of knowledge in social media and cellphones?"

Elaia chuckled, "Are you thinking about that because you're insecure about you not knowing a lot of tech stuff?"

"Maybe? So, will we break up because I still can't download a candy crush app?"

Elaia bursts out laughing, "Oh my gosh, D! I told you to just go the the play store!" Then she smacks D's right arm.

D pouted then complained, "Hey! I tried finding it! But I can't navigate its location! I even asked some security guards inside the malls that I've went through to show me where's the play store but they only pointed out directions that lead me to arcades."

"Play store is an app in your phone and not a store in some malls, you idiot!"

"Hey watch it! You hurt my feelings. This idiot just want to play candy crush with you."

Seeing the pouty face of D, Elaia cooed him, "Okay. Okay. Next time just let me download apps that you want to play with me, okay?" As she pats D's head.

D snuggled to Elaia then said, "We won't break up, right?"

"We won't." Elaia answered.

'Mission accomplished' D thought as he fights the smirk to appear on his face.

I have a smile on my face while writing this chapter. Leave a comment so that I can read your thoughts about this chapter.

summerarthemiscreators' thoughts