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Elaia woke up the next morning with an undescribable pain on her back.

She immediately rushed towards the bathroom.

As she went inside her bathroom, she removed her night gown and looked towards the mirror to inspect her back.

Bruises. Scars.

Even if she always told herself that she was used to it, experiencing and seeing the pain itself leaving marks on her body gives her enough reason to take a second thought.

She brought her face into her palms. "Am I being punished for something?" she mumbled.

Then the burning sensation started. Elaia screamed because of too much pain. She crawled towards the bathtub and hurriedly opened the faucet.

She let the cold water take away the pain. But it simply gave her a small relief.

Tears were now flowing from her eyes.

Then a name appeared inside her mind before she blacked out. 'D'

_ _ _ _ _

Inside a fancy restaurant, D was explaining to the manager how he wants the whole place to look like.

He was in the middle of choosing between roses or sunflowers when he felt the urge to see Elaia.

He excused himself to the manager, saying that he had to make a call.

The moment he stepped out the restaurant, he transported himself inside Elaia's hotel room.

The room was filled with the sound of water dripping coming from the bathroom.

D knocked at the bathroom's door and called out Elaia's name.

Hearing no response. He transported himself inside the bathroom.

And there he saw Elaia inside the bathtub. Unconscious.

He immediately carried her out of the water and wrapped her in a towel and placed Elaia on her bed.

D checked for her pulse. 'It's still there'

He was about to mindlink Akira to call an ambulance but then Elaia started opening her eyes.

"I'm going to let Akira call an ambulance." D said

Elaia waved her hand and said, "Don't. They can't do anything anyway."

D looked at her. He couldn't understand why Elaia don't want to go to the hospital but still he nodded.

Elaia now realized that she was only wrapped in a towel with just her undergaments underneath it. She instantly blushed.

"Uhm. Can you get me a shirt?"

"Okay." Then D disappeared in mid air then returned with an oversize shirt that looks like it belongs to him.

Elaia scratched her head out of confusion, "Uhm. My closet is just behind you. Why did you have to do the 'poof' thing to get your own shirt?"

D looked at his shirt then said, "Another boyfriend thing is to let your girlfriend borrow your shirt. And according to this 'google' thing it's called the boyfriend's shirt and most girls like it because it gives them a sense of belonging."

Elaia blushed and thought to herself, 'Oh, D. You're getting better and better at this.'

Elaia reached out for the shirt and said, "Thanks. And by the way. You're getting better on the tech stuff."

Hearing Elaia's praise, D smirked and said, "Your boyfriend is amazing right?!"

Elaia nodded, "Yep. Now you can add me on facebook."

"What novel is that?"

Elaia facepalmed herself. 'On the second thought, he's still a dimwit.'

Oh D. Hahahaha. What do you think of this chapter?

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