
Reincarnation Isn't Always a Good Thing.

This story has changed from what I originally planned to write. I struggled with writing chapters because I didn't have a clear vision and that brought out a lot of generic stuff. that being said here we are now I've finally got it. This story will follow a main character who follows an unconventional path. you see being in a magic world he's born without magic do to being tainted by a demon in his past life. He'll have to work hard to achieve anything and I hope you'll stick around and give advice. I'm looking to improve my writing here. The first couple of chapter will be very fast paced but it should slow down a bit after. I'm going for a story that explores the essence of human desires and a redeemable main character. You'll see in the first 30 or so chapters the type of person the main character is and hopefully will stick around to see what he becomes.

Demonic_Silver · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Force That Makes Dragons

There were three key events that made Leo into the man he was in his previous life. The first was the death of his mother. This would traumatize just about anyone to have the sole source of love in your life killed before your eyes, the second was the loss of his virginity to a woman he thought loved him but had actually only been using him, and finally the third and possibly most critical was the death of his father, whom he killed.

The first event took place when Leo was a child. His mother had always doted on him and tried her best to provide every luxury she could to her children but unfortunately as fate would have it she had married a man do to a pregnancy out of wedlock. He was a deranged individual who would often beat both her Leo and his sister. It was during one of these beatings that a tragic mistake occurred.

You see his mother was cooking dinner when his father decided she had made some mistake and hit her little did he expect that she would fall forward onto the knife in her hand. A blow that would normally not be fatal but do to the Leo's young age and there fathers drunken demeanor the police weren't called and the woman died. It was ruled as an accident and the father was let off.

The second major event occurred while Leo was in high school. He was confessed to by a girl and excepted her feelings. While in said relationship it progressed to a point, he got physically intimate with the girl and found himself in love. As fate would have it though she had been seeing three other men at the same time as him. This betrayal shaped his viewpoint towards relationships in a negative light.

The final event occurred shortly after graduation. He came home to seeing his dad attempting to rape his younger sister and in a fit of rage killed him. This event shaped him the most. He was finally able to get revenge on the man who killed his mother.

Some people say revenge is cheap and only hurts but to Leo you must understand it felt good. It filled a hole that had been in his heart for years at this point and after it he slowly sank into an abyss he wouldn't return from.

He would use drugs to numb the pain of the past and vent his anger anyone who wronged him. He would use women the same way he was used and as you know this led to his death. In a way he had become like his father whom he once despised.

It was because of all of this that as Leo buried the body of the woman who saved his life, he was no longer thinking about what she'd been doing he was only thinking of his mothers death and how good it felt to kill his father. It was at this point that he decided he would kill the man who did this to her.

He wasn't sure how at this point, but his mind was drawn to the conversation he had overheard earlier and the mention of dragons. He decided it wasn't a bad idea to investigate what was said.

Sure, enough as fate would have it Leo found a research journal with a list of what the two had been doing.

subject 1 "The blood was rejected human dead"

subject 2 "blood rejection human dead"

3 "human dead"

4 "human dead"

5 "human dead"

6 "partial success due to the dilution of dragons blood, human dead"

7 "Success but the subject could not use the force of dragons"

8 "human dead"

9 "The subject lasted three days with the force of dragons"

After finding the research journal Leo ended up searching for how the experiments were conducted and to his surprise found nothing. It appeared whatever they where doing they didn't want it written down but luckily, he shouldn't need anyone to write anything since he had a prime subject to ask what happened in the lab.

"Sure, enough here it is."

He approached the strange beast he had seen earlier. It appeared to be some mix between a man and a lizard.

"I guess I got lucky this time. So then would you mind telling me what happened to you and just how you ended up like this?"

The beast person just stared for a moment before suddenly bursting up at Leo.


Being scared suddenly Leo fumbled back almost falling catching himself on a candle stick.


A mysterious door opened behind a wall in the corner of the lab.

"You have to be kidding me what am I the protagonist of a mystery novel."

And with that he walked over ignoring the woman in the corner of the room. Upon entering the room he first noticed how cold it was. It was almost like a fridge. He then noticed a series of syringes with small notes next to each of them numbered from 1 to 13. The last 3 were filled with differently colored liquid. Each tube appeared to have a label.

1 "pure blood no dilution"

2 "diluted with human blood"

3 "diluted with beastmen blood"

4 "diluted with the blood of a lesser wyrm"

5 "diluted with minotaur blood"

6 "diluted with the blood of a nymph. Nearly impossible to get again"

7 "diluted with fairy blood subject escaped. Possibly immortal"

8 "Diluted with elf blood"

9 "diluted with mermaid blood. Partially compatible."

10 "diluted with Siren blood. Possible success"

11 "diluted with goblin blood. Expected failure used for control."

12 "diluted with ogre blood. Expected failure used for control."

The last vile however had a word Leo hoped to not see again for the foreseeable future and made him question just why Glenda had brought him in.

13 "diluted with incubus blood. "Cursed child" required for further testing."

It was the same word his father had called him when throwing him out of the house. And at this moment he had realized just what he would have to do. Of course, he was going to tie off and inject that shit. As any sane person would.

"Who would've thought a new body means my veins don't roll anymore."

Well to little surprise after injecting the mysterious substance he was met with sudden heart pain and a piercing headache while his world faded to black.

Next time a meeting of three


Authors note. I know the writing up until now has been a little messy. I'm not the best at exposition and ended up rushing it. from here on out though the progression should slow significantly. Also I'll be introducing a few new and important characters over the next 2 chapters.