
Reincarnation Isn't Always a Good Thing.

This story has changed from what I originally planned to write. I struggled with writing chapters because I didn't have a clear vision and that brought out a lot of generic stuff. that being said here we are now I've finally got it. This story will follow a main character who follows an unconventional path. you see being in a magic world he's born without magic do to being tainted by a demon in his past life. He'll have to work hard to achieve anything and I hope you'll stick around and give advice. I'm looking to improve my writing here. The first couple of chapter will be very fast paced but it should slow down a bit after. I'm going for a story that explores the essence of human desires and a redeemable main character. You'll see in the first 30 or so chapters the type of person the main character is and hopefully will stick around to see what he becomes.

Demonic_Silver · Fantasy
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6 Chs

R18 Getting your soul sucked out.

As I stood in a place I couldn't begin to describe I saw one thing and one thing only. An arrogant looking beauty. I'll save my conversation with her for later but I guess I'll have to tell you how I got here and just how I died.

I'll start with my unfortunate death and apparent reincarnation. I'm sure you've heard the story a thousand times before. Some virgin sap about 16 or 17 gets hit by a bus and ends up in some happy other world where he gets all the b*tches he could ever hope for and weird mysterious powers that make him the strongest or maybe a system to help him out.

Well my stories a lot like that but well the opposite. You see I was 28 when I died. I was what most would consider an unfortunate product of society; in lay mans terms a douchebag.

I was a pretty bad womanizer struggled with alcoholism and a few other things I'd prefer not to mention (don't do drugs kids). Well, I wasn't hit by a bus or worked to death; no my end was entirely my fault and the fault of my lifestyle well sort of.

You see there was this girl, my word was there this girl. Her name was Leona, and she was the definition of perfection. She was the perfect height with these adorable blonde curls. Her skin was like porcelain and her eyes well they were the only weird thing about her. They were a deep violet. The amount of guys that wanted her was endless and never in a million years did I ever think she'd give a guy like me the time of day but she did.

It was during a party an old acquaintance was throwing. Between the flashing lights loud music and a bit of molly I was in the perfect mood and decided to invite her to dance she agreed and one thing lead to another and we ended up alone in a room.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? I mean we haven't really gotten to know each other that well." I said. I mean I might be a scum bag but I haven't heard of anyone sleeping with this girl and I don't want to be the douchebag who stole a girls first.

"I'm sure I can barely hold myself back anymore. You wouldn't leave a girl after you've already got her riled up would you?"

Her breath was ragged already I was honestly surprised this was a first for me up until now every girl I'd been with was usually not as into it as I was. Of course there was a few odd balls but this one she was already soaked.


"In case you couldn't tell I just gave you permission hurry up and stick it in. I can't wait any longer~"

"No foreplay?"

"Don't need it just hurry up. I'm dying over here."

And wouldn't you know it I've never been one to leave a girl waiting. So of course, as any respectable gentleman would I took my rod and started going to town. At some point though the roles reversed and she ended up being the dominant one.

I couldn't honestly keep up. I felt the sheer amount of energy I was using just being in bed with her was the same as all my previous partners combined. I was getting closer and closer to the edge as I watched her body do things I'd never seen a girl do before. I'd give you the specifics but I'd be too embarrassed. Honestly she seemed to be reading my mind and fulfilling my darkest fantasies which could cause some issues if told here.

As I was finally about to blow I turned her over and started to thrust my little brother trying my best to ride this feeling for as long as I could.

"Ah~ yes finally. I haven't had this in so~ long. Please You can't stop. Let it out inside. I want it inside."

And with those words she wrapped her arms and legs around me. And as I said I'm a gentleman who always treats the ladies requests and sure as hell wasn't about to turn down that one.

The strange thing though was as I finally released my beloved yang Qi my little brother just kept spewing and spewing and wave after wave of pleasure was felt. It was the most intense thing I've ever felt. Better then any drug or any woman I'd ever had before.

As I felt it I looked into her eyes feeling a little bit proud of my performance. As I did I saw the strangest thing. You see her eyes they were glowing. It was one of the most beautiful sights I'd ever seen and after I finished spewing I laid down on my back and stared at the beauty next to me. I felt my consciousness slowly slipping as I looked at her and those eyes.

"Thanks a lot." She said "I haven't had anyone who tasted this good in a while. You must've been pretty bad. Oh and please try to be on your worst behavior next time around too. I'd love another taste."

"wha…" And with that my consciousness faded and I woke up in a heavenly plain with a goddess staring me down.