
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Myrefall's Struggles

The man on the ground slowly started to lift himself up. He was just about to be back on his feet when one of the three kicked him back to the ground. "I didn't say you could stand!" The man shouted angrily. "Kill him!"

"No!" Sona shouted and rushed towards the four figures outside the bar.



Both men called after Sona as he rushed over to save the man on the ground. "Leave him alone!" Sona shouted loudly. He extended his hand off to the side and started to focus his mana into his right hand.

"What the...?" One of the bandits looked up to see Sona charging them.

"Blade of ice, sharp as steel. Grant to me your unbound chill. Slice like wind, and burn like fire. Free them from their mortal ire. Grant to them a frozen kiss, and seal them in an icy bliss. Cut my enemies to ribbons. Icicle Blade!" Sona chanted loud and quick as he drew near. Blue waves of mana surged forth from his body and into his right hand. A massive, light blue sword materialized in his empty hand. "Haaa!" Sona shouted as he leaped toward the nearest bandit. "Get away!" He made an upward diagonal slash towards the bandit.

A stream of red splashed on the ground and a severed arm landed a few feet away. "A...Ahhhhh!' The bandit howled in pain as he rushed for his severed limb. "K-Kill him! Kill the Mage!" The one armed bandit barked as he fled for the woods. "The Boss will here about this, you stupid brat!"

"It's just a kid. Why did he get so scared?" One of the bandits snickered about his comrade.

"Master." Junichi appeared at Sona's side as two more bandits exited the bar. "I'll take those two. You got them?"

"Yes, sir. Jaesu, support me from behind!" Sona hoisted the massive greatsword with ease and pointed it at his two opponents. "Spare yourselves this dance. Tell me who hired you and I shall let you leave with your life."

"Shut the hell up! You're just a kid!" The bandit rushed Sona with his fist drawn back.

"Sloppy." Sona grinned and angled his blade to the side. The bandit's fist made contact with Sona's blade. "Bad move." He brought one hand up and placed it on the bandit's chest. "Freeze." Ice surged from the blade and started traveling up the attacker's arm.

"I...I'm stuck...? I'm stuck!!" The man cried as the ice crept up his arm slowly.

"Bastard!" The second bandit pulled out a club and smashed it against his comrade's frozen arm. Tink! The club bounced off the ice. "The fuck..??" He swung again. No effect.

"A..ahhhh...!!!!" The frozen bandit screamed as the ice continued to cover his body. "Kill him!"

"I don't think so!" Jaesu raised his hands quickly. "Blessed light, shining bright. I beseech thee, make your presence known. Take from them their sight. Flash!" A brilliant, bright light radiated from his body and surged past Sona. The other bandit dropped to his knees in agony, blinded by Jaesu's spell. The young prince rushed forward and tackled the now blind bandit, pinning him to the ground with his knee. "Finish the other one, Sona!"

Sona nodded at Jaesu. "This is the end." He watched as the bandit in front of him was slowly encased in ice. "Whew." The blade in Sona's hand evaporated as he fell backwards onto his ass. "Junichi." Sona called and looked over to see his familiar finishing off the other bandits.

"Yes, Master?" Junichi bowed and walked towards Sona. "Oh, good show. Froze him solid." He commented and tapped on the bandit icicle.

"Gather up the one's that still live. We need some information about their boss. I don't care how you do it, just get me that information." Sona sighed and slowly rose to his feet. "Jaesu, hold him." He pulled out some rope and made his way to Jaesu's side.

"As you command, Master." Junichi set off on Sona's request.

"Nice job, Sona." Jaesu commented and watched as Sona tied the bandit's arms and legs.

"Thanks for having my back, Jaesu." Sona dusted himself off as a small man in a pointy hat exited the bar. He couldn't be any taller than three feet. "Hello, sir. My name is Sona Harata, and this is Jaesu Woo. We are looking for the Barkeep of this establishment." Sona bowed his head as he introduced himself.

"Aye, yer look'n at im. Me name's Zanbar. I reckon you folks are here to solve me bandit issue." The little man's gruff voice belied his short stature.

"Yes, sir. Any information you have would be beneficial to us." Sona nodded.

"Aye, come in then. I'll pour ya an ale and tell ya wot I can." The little gnome creature staggered back into his bar with Sona and Jaesu hot on his feet.

"They showed up about three months ago." Zanbar spoke as he hopped up on the small step to the raised floor behind the counter. He now stood at eye level with Sona. He poured two foamy cups of ale and slid it to the two young students.

"Ah, my apologies, Zanbar. I'm not a big drinker." Jaesu scratched the back of his head nervously.

"More for me then, Jaesu." Sona bellowed loudly as he downed the first tankard with relative ease. "Now that hits the spot." Sona slammed the tankard on the counter upside down and reached for the second tankard of ale.

"Hahaha! A man after me own heart. That ale is a special brew. Been in the family for generations." Zanbar watched Sona down the last tankard and poured him one more. "If you can handle this, I'll tell you a secret." He pushed the tankard towards Sona.

"Good." Sona let out a loud belch and slapped his chest. "Excuse me." Sona down the last one and repeated his previous action. "That was delicious."

"Hahah! Are you sure you're just a kid? That ale is strong enough to knock a dwarf on his ass." Zanbar boasted with pride.

"Sona, you are something else." Jaesu shook his head and sighed. "Well, I believe we had a deal, right Zanbar?"

"Aye, that we did." The little gnome hastily made his way to the exit. Peaking outside, he locked the door tight and returned. "Listen." He leaned in close to the two students. "The mayor lied about the danger when he reported our struggles."

"What? Lied how? About what?" Sona jumped up from the stool where he was seated.

"Listen, kid. Villages like us? We don't earn enough to hire professionals. Even posting a two star bounty request nearly broke our village." Zanbar admitted reluctantly. "We didn't think they'd send a bunch of kids."

"Then what's really going on?" Sona leaned on top of the bar and locked eyes with the gnome.

"I like ya, kid. That's why I told you. I wouldn't be to pleased if you died. I want ya to be truly aware of what you will face." Zanbar hung his head low. "There's a mage among them. A necromancer. He took up refuge in the abandoned mines. No clue why. His army of undead have been digging non-stop. Searching for something, but those mines are supposed to be dry. That's why our village fell to poverty. This mission should have been a five star difficulty. I won't fault you if you want to back down. After all, you're young, you shouldn't throw your life away for a bunch of old fools."

Sona fell silent as he mused over the gnome's words. 'Junichi will have a fit if he finds out....but...' Sona tilted his head to the side. 'I can't just abandoned them. Arzotz gave me this power for a reason and Saphira entrusted her will to me, I won't run away.' He nodded his head when he reached a decision. "Jaesu, what I'm about to ask will be difficult, but, we can't tell Junichi."

"Are you sure that's wise, bro? Junichi is the type to hold a grudge, especially if you lie to him. I think we should tell him the truth." Jaesu admitted.

"Maybe you're right, Jaesu." Sona sighed heavily. 'But I can't just abandon them...'

"Master." Junichi appeared by Sona's side. "The bandit was very forthcoming. However..." Junichi was cut off when Sona raised his hand to silence him.

"I know. They lied about the trouble they were having, Junichi." Sona sighed and stared down at the ground. 'I'm powerful enough to stop them, but could I do it safely?'

"What are your orders, Master?" Junichi bowed.

'My orders? Does he mean...?' Sona looked up and locked eyes with his familiar. "I want to save these people. They have suffered so much already."

Junichi bowed his head lower. "I should have known you wouldn't back down, Master." Junichi sighed silently. 'Subaru, why couldn't you be here? Maybe you could have talked some sense into him, but...' Junichi raised his head and watched as his Master and this gnome discussed the bandit issue. ' ...But I suppose this is why we chose to serve him. A man who would turn his back on another in times of need wouldn't be worthy of us. I will follow you, Master.'

"Is something wrong, Junichi?" Sona looked back quizzically at his familiar.

"Nothing of the sort, Master. Well, let's come up with a plan. They know we will be coming, thanks to the bandit that escaped. He's probably already warned this Necromancer." Junichi pulled out a map of Myrefall and the forest just beyond the town.

"Zanbar. Do you have the slightest clue at all as to what's inside that cave?" Sona questioned as he pointed to the mine on the map.

"None, my friend. Myrefall has been here since before my ancestors made this place their home. Maybe you would have better luck with the Elder. He lives here..." Zanbar scanned the map before placing his finger in the middle of the woods. "He's an elf, so he was here when the village was first built. If anyone has even the foggiest idea, it would be him. But he ain't to keen on humans." He frowned and looked up at Sona.

"Don't worry. He'll see me. I know it. Junichi, do you think we should pay him a visit?" Sona turned to his familiar.

"Your call, Master. It would serve us better to know what this man is after so we can better prepare." Junichi looked to Jaesu. "This mission just turned into a nightmare, Jaesu. We won't force you to come with us. In fact, I would be more at ease if you returned to the Academy. Tell Headmaster Hawthorne what has happened."

"You want me...to run away?" Jaesu's jaw dropped.

"Not run, my friend. Get help. This mission might be beyond our skill level. The Headmaster must learn of what has transpired here. Please, Jaesu?" Sona pleaded.

"Ngh." Jaesu lowered his head and sniffled softly. "Don't die, Sona. The women will never forgive me for abandoning you."

"Hey." Sona placed his hand on Jaesu's shoulder. "I already died once, Jaesu. I don't intend to relive that experience anytime soon. Be quick, Jaesu."

"Mm. I'll be back, Sona! Kick his ass." Jaesu dashed for the exit. He unlocked the door and swung it open before he disappeared from view.

"Are ye sure that was wise? You'll need all the help you can get, me boy." Zanbar watched the young, green haired student dash from his bar.

"Yes. If this mission really is that dangerous, then, all the more reason for him not to partake in the coming battle." Sona watched with sad eyes as he pushed away his friend. 'Sorry, Jaesu, but even I can't protect you this time.'

"You did the right thing, Master. You know why we had to send him back. We told him before we even left the Academy. I know he understands." Junichi gave a reassuring squeeze on Sona's shoulder. 'We must protect Brunfar's Successor. You know this.' He sent these thoughts to his Master.

'I know. I still feel like an asshole, though.' He looked up at Zanbar. "We will pay the Elder a visit. I must know what's at stake." Sona stood up from the stool and placed his hand on the bracer that adorned his right wrist. 'I may be required to rely on this sooner than I anticipated. I would have liked to practice with it before using it in an actual battle.' He looked at Junichi and spun in place before making his way to the exit.

"Don't die, lad. Save our village and all your drinks from now until the end of time will be on the house. That's a gentleman's promise." He watched as the two young men left his bar. "Stay safe, kid." Zanbar bowed his to pray to whatever deity he worshipped.

"Master. We can still turn back." Junichi knew his words would fall on deaf ears, but he had to try once more.

"I know you're worried, Junichi. I am, too. And yet..." Sona raised his trembling right arm and clenched his fist tight. "And yet I can't help but be excited. Facing a challenge you might not overcome? I never knew it was such a high. We will save these people, Brother. And we will return home to our friends." Sona nodded his head, full of confidence.

'Good. He's burning with excitement, but he's also aware of the dangers. This will keep him alert and constantly on guard. I've taught you well, my brother. Now, show me what you can accomplish with my tutelage.' Junichi beamed with pride as he gazed at his Master.

"It'll take us about thirty minutes to travel to the Elder's House, correct?" Sona questioned as he and his familiar started their hike through the woods to find the Elder.

"Mm. That's right." Junichi watched as his Master fiddled with the bracer on his right arm. 'He's contemplating on using that. It may be our only shot.' Junichi stared at Sona's back. 'His Dragoon form is blessed with Holy Magic. With that Transformation, plus the Bracer, it should give Sona enough of a power boost to go toe to toe against this Necromancer.'

"Junichi." Sona stopped for a moment and turned around to face his familiar.

"Hm?" Junichi was disturbed from his thoughts. "Is something troubling you, Master?"

"Yeah." Sona picked up a rock and tossed it into a nearby tree. "Thing is..." He paused and looked down at the ground. 'Will I even have enough Mana to cast it? A level 10 Incantation left me completely drained. It's been two months, though, and Master Saphira unlocked more of her Dragon Mana that resides inside me.'

"Master. It's me. What's going on? You can talk to me." Junichi eyed his Master. 'He may have a plan, but if he's hesitant to admit it, there may be a chance it won't work.'

"I don't know if you will believe me." Sona scratched the back of his head nervously. "Even Saphira said it wasn't possible, but I found a way."

"A way? A way to do what, Master? If Saphira believes it impossible, why would you try?" Junichi was now curious about what Sona was trying to admit.

"So, the thing is..." Sona looked up and locked eyes with his familiar. "I found a way to create a Level 11 Incantation, Junichi. One of my own inventions, however, until now, I didn't have access to a significant amount of my Mana Pool. Now, though..." Sona clenched his fist tightly.

'Level 11...Incantation? Impossible! But my Master wouldn't lie to me, especially considering what we will be walking into for this battle.' Junichi eyed his Master. "I believe you, Master, but, if you're this nervous, then there must be something wrong."

"That's the thing, my spell, it'll completely drain my Mana and then some. It will immediately put me into Over Limit, so, if it fails, I'll be rendered completely useless...but it might be our only shot." Sona sighed and shook his head. "Nevermind. It's a dumb idea."

"Nonsense, Master. If anyone could pull this off, it's you. You can count on me to keep you safe." Junichi folded his arm across his chest and bowed deeply. "Leave your protection to me. I'll protect you while you are casting and keep you safe when you become vulnerable, but let's save that as our last resort."

"I'd like to not resort to it at all. The spell works, but I haven't had a chance to use it. I don't know what kind of destructive force will be unleashed. Come on, Junichi...and..." Sona turned around and smiled at his familiar. "Thank you, my friend." He turned around and started moving towards the Elder's Cottage.

"Whenever you have need of me, just speak my name, Master. I shall always come to your aid." Junichi smiled and chased after Sona. 'Master. Show me your resolve. Prove to me you have the power to change this world for the better.' He thought to himself and watched with pride as his Master set out with renewed purpose. 'I could not have asked for a better Master to serve. I hope you know how much I look forward to seeing you grow.'

A wizened elf sat on an old, wicker rocking chair, diligently packing something into a small wooden pipe. "Should be here any second." He muttered to himself as he pressed the mouth of the pipe to his lips. He put the flame to his bowel and took a long, slow drag. "There he is." He exhaled slowly and stifled a cough.

"Damn it, Junichi. Are we lost?" Sona cussed as he brought down a small, hooked blade, cleanly slicing through the brush that blocked their path.

"Of course not, Master. I don't get lost." Junichi replied as he cut down some branches himself. "It wouldn't have taken so long if this underbrush hadn't blocked our path at every turn."

"I think I see it." Sona cut down another big bush and stumbled through the weeds as he tried to push forward. A small tumble and a hard face plant later. "Ah. Son of bitch that hurt." Sona hoisted himself up slowly and proceeded to dust himself off.

"Ha. So the whispers of the forest were correct. You are human...and...something more." The old elf opened his eyes and appeared to stare inside Sona's very essence. "I see. Then it really is you. The White Dragoon walks among us once more! Finally!" The old elf laughed loudly as he rose to his feet.

"Wait..." Sona paused and stared up at the Elder with confused eyes. "How do you know about The White Dragoon? Saphira is the only one, aside from my familiar, who has even seen me transform."

"Questions, questions. It's always questions. Can't you younglings learn to be in less of a rush?" The old elf took another long drag after sparking his flame once more. "Come inside. Drink and smoke to your hearts content. I'll tell you all you need to know, Seth of Earth." The old elf grinned as he stepped inside his modest abode.

"Seth...he knows who I am and where I'm from, but how?" Sona looked to his familiar. "He knows things he shouldn't. Let's find out how he came upon that knowledge." Sona chased after the enigmatic man and carefully followed him into his home.

"Hmm." Junichi watched the old elf cautiously and followed after Sona.

Upon following the Elder into his home, Sona was greeted with a nostalgic scent. 'That's...a little unsettling.' He looked around and there was a small wooden table with three chairs. There was a cup of tea and wooden pipe at all three chairs. "Elder, I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but we have come with a matter of great importance. However, you knew my true name and my birthplace. How?"

"Our world and the world you came from overlap each other. They have since the beginning and they will until the end of time. Just as you came to us, other people have been sent to your world. It's a fairly common event. As for your name, the trees and the wind hear all. If you listen, the wind can carry a great many secrets." The Elder sat down and started sipping on his tea.

"That would make sense." Sona mused over his words. 'It should have dawned on me that if I was brought here, couldn't people travel to my world.' Sona thought to himself. 'Listen...to the wind...?' He eyed the Elder closely. "Is that something that could be taught to me?"

"Well, it wouldn't be impossible to teach you, but nobody I've taught has ever been able to master my technique." The Elder eyed Sona closely. "Come back after you have completed your job. I shall consider training you."

"Thank you, Elder." Sona downed his cup of tea and bowed to the old elf. "Then, I shall hold you to your word." Sona turned on his heels. "Before I go." Sona turned around to face the elf. "What can you tell me about the Mines outside the forest? This Necromancer is searching for something, but the mine is supposed to be dry, correct?"

"It's dry if minerals and metals are all you seek, but I'm afraid he isn't searching for material wealth. There is something dark that lurks below those rocks. A fragment of Eslios." The Elf locked eyes with Sona. "Your power to drive away the darkness will be your only hope, child."

"A fragment of Eslios...?" Sona clenched his jaw shut. "All the more reason he can't be allowed to keep digging. Come, Junichi."

"Right behind you, Master." Junichi went to leave but was stopped by the Elder. "What's going on?"

"He must live through this fight, familiar. Protect him. From his enemies, and especially from himself. That child is the key." The Elder whispered before rushing Junichi from his home.

'The key...?' Junichi pondered as he rushed from the house. 'He's my Master. Obviously I would protect him. Not because it's my purpose, but because I want to watch my Master succeed. I want to see the future he will create.' He smiled as he chased after Sona.

"What's so funny, Junichi?" Sona shot his familiar a sideways glance.

"Nothing at all, Master. Come on. They've had more than enough time to prepare for our arrival. Best not to keep them in suspense." Junichi took the lead now and kept his head moving from left to right and back again. 'I must stay on alert now, for his safety.'