
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Myrefall's Struggles [3 - Arc End]

[Inside the Myrefall Mines]

"Junichi. I smell blood just ahead." Sona grabbed Junichi's shoulder to stop his advance.

"Hm?" Junichi stopped and closed his eyes. "You're right. I smell it, too." He looked back at Sona. "You think it's the bandits? That might explain why we haven't seen any living people. The mage could have killed them and made more undead. I don't like this, Master. Perhaps we should turn back..."

"No, we've come this far, Junichi. Let's see this through." Sona stepped past his familiar and crouched low to the ground. He started to make his way down the Mines. The shaft started to descend downwards and there was a faint light that could be seen at the bottom.

"Sona. I hear movement and chanting coming from there. Please, be careful, Master." Junichi sighed and readied himself. 'If Master has truly created a Level 11 Incantation, then it stands to reason that it will require a good bit of time to cast. This could get tricky.' He thought to himself and readied his resolve. 'I won't let you die in a place like this, Master.'

"Hang on, Junichi. Let me prepare." Sona stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. "Whew." He exhaled slowly. 'Baenthor.'

'Yes, I am here, Partner.' Baenthor replied almost immediately.

'It's almost time for the final showdown with this Necromancer. Any last minute information or insight you can give me?' Sona questioned.

'Just one. Survive. Even if you must flee. I can't allow you to die in this place. You are my only hope for the future. However, if all else fails, I can lend you my power. I've regained enough of my mana to complete the transfer.' Baenthor replied and went silent again.

"Okay. Let's go, Junichi." Sona stood up and resumed walking down the shaft.

'I wonder what that was about...' Junichi thought to himself.

'Okay. Let's see...' Sona thought to himself and held out his right arm. "Transform." He whispered and his right arm was almost immediately covered in his white dragon scale armor. "Release." His arm went back to normal. 'If I could do this with my whole body, it would make things so much easier, but as it stands now...' He shook his head. 'No time for that.' Sona and his familiar were within a stone's throw of the light.

[Outside The Mines - Same Time]

"Well, we at least know they entered the caves alive." Azutoshi chucked the skull he was holding off to his side and dusted his palm off on his pants.

"Good news, Jaesu!" Hotaru added cheerfully.

"Mm. I didn't think he would die so easily, but still, I am worried." Jaesu replied.

"Well, if the stories about him are correct, he should be fine. Though, I am worried about this Necromancer. Why send out weak undead? Maybe he underestimated them?" Lem pondered out loud.

"No since wasting time debating, let's head inside. They should have already cleared the way ahead, but don't let your guards down." Azutoshi commanded and the four of them entered into the mine together.

[Back Inside The Mine]

Sona and Junichi had just passed the bottom of the shaft and entered into a large cylinder room. It was well lit, but the second they entered, the air became foul and heavy.

"This place reeks of death." Sona shook his head slowly. 'I'll say their final prayers when this is over.'

Standing in the middle of the room was a hooded figure, dressed all in black. He was chanting in a foreign language that Sona couldn't decipher. There was a massive black orb of pure death floating in front of him.

Several corpses laid mutilated and discarded to the side like they were nothing more then garbage. "This is..." Sona's body trembled and he clenched his fists together so tightly, that blood had begun to pool in his palms.

"Master." Junichi placed a firm hand on Sona's shoulder and the trembling subsided. "We will pray for them, after you have been destroyed." Junichi growled and pointed at the robed figure.

"Oh, Sona. I didn't think we would meet again so soon." A cold, chill voice permeated the room.

"Eslios..." Sona growled and nearly spit his heart out in rage. "I could have gone a lot longer without seeing you again."

"This is but a fraction of my powers. I aim to reclaim what was stolen from me, but I need more. Your life, and that of your familiar, should be more than sufficient to break the seal. Come, Arzotz's chosen, and let us see what color you bleed." Eslios cackled and several of the corpses started to stir.

"Master!" Junichi nudged Sona out of the way and caught the shaft of a spear that had been thrust where Sona stood just a moment ago. "Always be observant, Master." Junichi drew his fist back, and with a mighty right hook, knocked the head off the skeleton. It fell to the ground in a heap. "By my count, there's five more."

"Mm. I noticed that, too. Well, I guess I better get started." Sona swung his right arm in circle and backwards for a second. "Stay put. I'll be with you in a moment." Sona crouched down low and dashed at the nearest undead. He unsheathed his dagger, and in one fluid movement, knocked the spear from the second skeleton's hand. He drew his leg back, and with a twist of his body, he knocked the head off and into the nearby wall.

"Excellent, Master. My turn." Junichi faded into the shadows and appeared almost immediately next to an axe wielding enemy. "To slow." He taunted and unleashed a flurry of blows. In just one second, he managed to hit the skeleton eight separate times. With a leap upwards, Junichi knocked the head of the skeleton off with a flying knee uppercut.

[Just Outside The Room]

"Someone's fighting down here. Lem, Hotaru, Jaesu. Let's go put an end to this!" Azutoshi rushed forward and down the shaft.

"Wait, Azutoshi..." Lem called out but he was already gone. "Hotaru. Be careful. I sense a great evil down there. We have to back up Azutoshi." She held out her hand and a magical scythe appeared in her hands.

"Haaaaiiii!" Hotaru agreed and pulled off a pair of giant metal gauntlets from her waist. "Come, Jaesu. Let's save your friends!"

"Right behind you!" Jaesu nodded. 'I'm here, Sona!'

The four students came barreling into the room in time to watch two figures destroy several skeletons.

"Sona!" Jaesu shouted and ran towards his friend.

"Your hig...uh, Jaesu! What are you doing back?!" Sona growled and this caused Jaesu to stop in his tracks. "Ugh. Whatever, as long as you're safe." Sona scratched the back of his head.

"More interlopers. I didn't expect this outcome." The voice permeated the air once more.

'That's...' Lem froze in place. 'What's HE doing here?!'

"Who is that?" Azutoshi looked to Sona.

"It's Eslios! That's a fragment of his power that was sealed away!" Sona shouted and held up his dagger. 'Damn. Should I not use that now? There's to many people.'

'How does he know that...? And Eslios knows him. Who is this Sona kid?' Lem thought to herself.

"So, it's just him now? We got this." Hotaru cheered.

"Foolish. You think we spent all this time down here and only created weak undead like them? They were just discarded assets who could still fill a purpose. As for you, come, my pets." Eslios' voice echoed and faint growling could be heard growing louder.

"Undead Canines. They're stronger then those skeleton's you fought." Azutoshi informed them. "Can I trust you to deal with him?" He looked to Sona and unfolded a small device. It transformed into a massive greataxe. "Lem, Hotaru. The mutts are ours. Jaesu, cover us with low level spells."

The four students started to engage the undead canines. Sona looked up at Eslios and growled. "Such malice and unfeeling remarks. You'll die here. I won't let you reclaim this fragment!"

"Master. You must use it. I'll buy you the time you need." Junichi dashed forward and started slinging blows at the Necromancer.

Each attack was dodged, much like an expert martial artist. "That's it?" The mage finally spoke, but he said it with Eslios' voice. The mage raised his hand and flicked Junichi's forehead, sending him flying thirty feet away.

"Junichi!" Sona looked over, fear and panic in his voice and face.

"Ggh. I'm...fine, Master. I'll try again. You must...focus!" Junichi struggled to his feet and coughed up a pile of blood. 'This man isn't a mage. Eslios must be controlling him.'

"I trust you, brother!" Sona nodded as Junichi dashed forward again. "Dragon Scales!' Sona shouted loudly. His body was enveloped in a soothing, warm light. His appearance started to change as his body was slowly covered in White Dragon Scale armor with gold trim.

"Wh...what..?" Azutoshi watched as the undead canines they were fighting, burned into a pile of ash. "Guh. I can't see." He tried to shield his eyes from the blinding light that radiated off Sona.

'What is that light?' Lem stared in awe, her vision unaffected by the light.

"Sona! I believe in you! Knock him on his ass!" Jaesu shouted and turned around quickly. "Guys, we've got more company!"

More Canines rose from the piles of bodies and started slowly circling the four students.

"Keep them down." Azutoshi commanded and stole a glance backwards. His eyes went wide at the sight. "What is that!" Azutoshi blurted out.

"Azu!" Lem shouted and rushed to his side. She dropped the blade of her scythe low and it was dragged across the rubble.

"What?" Azutoshi turned back around to see one of the undead canines in mid lunge at him. 'Shit! Not enough time!'

Before the canine had reached Azutoshi's jugular, Lem managed to pierce its underbelly with her blade. "Get away from Azu!" She shouted and spun around in a circle. The canine was spun around and then thrown off the scythe, flying forty feet away. It smacked into the wall hard and with one last whimper, the dog collapsed.

"You've started to master that accursed power, I see." Eslios sighed heavily. "I should have killed you months ago. Now you've become a real thorn in my side."

"Junichi! Retreat!" Sona shouted and held his hands straight out in front of him as he began to speak. "A frozen hell, a white abyss. Accept them all in your embrace. Freeze them all with icy breath, and grant to them a frozen death. With your power I reshape, and coat the land in frozen scape. Flash Freeze!"

A stream of icy spikes surged towards the fragment of Eslios and the robed figured. Junichi jumped back just in time as the spell surged past him.

Several spikes pierced through the hooded figure, but they didn't reach the Orb of Eslios.

"A magic barrier! Sona, you have to cast a higher level spell! The strongest you can. In order to break a Magic Barrier, your Incantation must be stronger than the spell used to create it!" Azutoshi informed Sona. "If you truly can use 10th Level Incantations, then that will be the only way. None of us can do that."

"Master. Show them your true strength! Reveal to me your Creation!" Junichi shouted as he knocked away one of the few remaining undead.

"I've got this! Defend me with your life, Junichi!" Sona shouted as he started to channel his Mana. 'Master, look over me, your idiot student. Baenthor, watch as I show you what I can accomplish!'

With one deep inhale Sona began to chant. "In my right hand burns the fires of creation; Ignatius. Born from the oldest flames. Prideful and Righteous. Bend your will to my command..."

"What is this power? Stop him!" Eslios shouted, panic in his voice.

"Guys, don't let him reach Sona!" Jaesu shouted and rushed forward.

"In my left, I hold the fury of Arzotz and the power to repel the darkness. Drive from this land the malevolent shadows of chaos. Let my power fuel Ignatius' wrath and destroy that which stands against all things Righteous and Just." Sona continued to chant and channel his Mana, digging deeper past the seals Saphira had placed.

"What is this...Incantation? I've never heard it...before..." Lem gasped. "The canines! Stop them from reaching Sona!' She dashed forward with the other students as they all took up positions in front of Sona.

"Azu! The big guy is yours!" Hotaru shouted as she struggled with a canine that had bit down on her gauntlets.

"Kill him! Kill him now!" Eslios howled and the robed figure dashed forward. Each of the students tried to intercept him, but they all missed.

"Sona!" Everyone shouted as the man brought his hand back and tried to attack Sona.

"Ggh!" Junichi grunted in pain.

"W-what...? Junichi!" Jaesu shouted.

The hooded man's arm had pierced Junichi's chest and went clean through to the other side.

"More undead! Protect Sona, now!" Azutoshi ordered and blocked a canine from getting through. The dog lunged at Azutoshi. He blocked the attack with the shaft of his greataxe and flung it to the other side of the room.

"M-Master. Don't stop chanting! Finish it!" Junichi shouted and grabbed the man's arm, preventing him with removing it from his chest. "Destroy the fragment! It will free this man!"

Sona gasped in horror as his familiar took the blow for him. He was about to break his concentration to call for him, but Junichi raised his voice and told Sona to focus. Sona swallowed hard but continued to chant. "I call upon the Dragon's Rage that courses through my blood. Let my body be the vessel of light through which no darkness can pierce. What I seek is the Heavenly Fire! Divine Ignatius."

"What spell is that?" Hotaru shouted and drilled a skeleton in the chest causing it to crumple in a heap at her feet.

"Ignatius...he said Ignatius, but that isn't the Incantation for that spell!" Azutoshi shouted.

Everyone stared in awe as they watched the scene unfold in front of them. Flames leaped from Sona's body and danced around him. The image of a massive red dragon formed from the flames and flowed around Sona's body. As it slowly circled the young red head, a Heavenly light started to flow from his body and feed Ignatius. The flames started to change color and went from a fiery red, to a golden glow with hints of red.

"Nooooooo!!" Eslios shouted loudly.

"Ha...ha...." Sona's breathing had become heavy and ragged. "It's...over...Divine Ignatius...burn that fragment...and turn it into...a pile of ash..." He pointed at the Orb/Fragment of Eslios. The dragon reared its head back and let out a mighty roar before surging forth.

"That isn't a Level 10! It's something stronger!" Azutoshi blurted out as the dragon surged towards the target.

"Noo. This can't be!" Eslios howled in pain as the divine flames of Ignatius enveloped the fragment. "I was so close...!" His screams lasted for several seconds as the spell started to melt the fragment. "Sona! I'll remember this slight! This isn't over. My chosen is coming for you. Arzotz won't be able to save you!" He taunted and started to laugh maniacally as the fragment finally went silent.

"His...chosen...?" Sona collapsed to the ground, unconscious.


"Master!" Junichi shouted and removed the arm from his chest. With some difficulty, he stumbled towards his Master. 'My vision...is so blurry...Master...' Junichi fell to his knees at Sona's side.

"W...where am I...?" The hooded man that Eslios had been controlling finally returned to his senses.

"You!" Azutoshi stormed towards the hooded man. He grabbed the man by the front of his robe and lifted him off the ground. "Do you any idea what you've done!!" He growled loudly.

"I...I don't know...what you mean! Where even am I? I was supposed to be...in Drasphia!" He gasped and grabbed Azutoshi's wrist. "Who are you...people?"

"No memory, huh? How very convenient! The Headmaster will determine your innocence and judgment!" Azutoshi dropped the man to the ground and pulled out some rope from his pack. With haste and precision, he tightly bound the man's arms behind his back.

Lem, Jaesu and Hotaru all rushed to Sona's side with Junichi. "Is he okay??" Hotaru shouted as she dropped to her knees beside him. She placed her head on his chest, above his heart and listened closely.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

"Whew." Hotaru sighed and sat up slowly. "He still has a pulse. I think he went into Over Limit. What was that?" She looked to Jaesu and Junichi.

"A Level 11 Incantation..." Junichi exhaled and coughed up another pile of blood. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve. "Jaesu...get us...home...please..." Junichi crumpled to the ground as blood started to pool under his body.

"Junichi!" Jaesu shouted.

"Well, well, well." An old voice echoed down the shaft.

"Re...Reinforcements...?" Jaesu panicked and rose to his feet. He rushed forward and threw his arms to either side. 'I'll protect you, Sona.'

"No need for that, young one. I am a friend." An old elf stepped into view carrying a rather long, wooden pipe in his hands. "I should have known he would try that even if it put his own life in danger." He exhaled slowly and stream of white smoke left his lips. "You all are injured? Give me a moment." He took a deep breath and began chanting in elvish. "Blessed Cure." He spoke the last part in English after a few moments.

A calm, beautiful green wind blew in from the shaft and enveloped all the combatants. Their cuts, bruises, and injuries were healed in a matter of seconds. "Hm. He is a little more injured then I realized. That's fine. One more should do the trick. Blessed Cure." The wind came once more and the bleeding from Junichi stopped. "Whew. Okay. Now, I suppose you all have some questions."

"Yeah. Let's start with the most obvious. Who are you?" Azutoshi walked forward towards the old elf.

"And who exactly is Sona? Eslios said his chosen was coming for Sona, and not even Arzotz could save him. How does he fit into this?" Lem glared at the old elf.

"And was that spell really stronger then a Level 10 Incantation?" Hotaru questioned as she brought Sona's head into her lap. She gently brushed the fiery red locks from his face. '...!' Hotaru's eyes went wide. 'He's smiling...?'

"Hm." The Elder inhaled from his pipe once more and exhaled slowly. "Well, I am simply called Elder. My true name has long since been abandoned. I've taken a personal interest in that young man right there. As for who is he...hm. Should I tell you or let him explain?" He eyed Sona. "I'll simply say this, Arzotz himself as taken a particular interest in him. Not just for his power, but also for a more personal relationship reason. And young girl, yes, that was stronger then a Level 10 Incantation. I believe this young man single handedly created a higher tiered classification. It now sits as the only Level 11 Incantation in existence, and he is the only one capable of using it." The Elder finished his explanation.

"What...?" Lem growled, her outrage evident on his face. "What does Arzotz have to do with a weakling like him?!" She shouted. "What personal relationship could he have with a God?!" She continued.

"Lem. Be quiet. He is the only reason we are still alive. I won't let you insult him further." Azutoshi glared at Lem. 'I've never seen her act like this before. Why now?'

"But I..." Lem went to argue but the look in his eyes sent shivers up her spine. 'Why him and not you Azu...' She stormed off alone to cool down.

"Oh, wow. A Level 11? Hehe. I think I'm in love." Hotaru giggled innocently. 'And still you impress me further.' She caressed his cheek gently with her thumb.

"That is simply insane, and he's only been training for the last two months. That's just unheard of. I now believe he truly did cast a Level 10 Incantation during their first training session." Azutoshi shook his head slowly.

"Um, Elder, I have just one more question. What was that armor he wore? It looked like it was made from Dragon Scales, but it was so beautiful." Hotaru looked down at Sona and smiled sweetly at him. 'You looked like a real man back there.' She thought.

"Ah, Dragoon armor. I don't know much, but I do know that there are five other sets in the world. One for each element. The one he possesses is the White, or Holy Dragoon Armor. For those that don't know, there used to be Six True Elemental Dragons, one for each element. Nobody knows exactly what happened, but none of them have been seen for the last 25,000 years. It is believed that each set was made from the scales of the dragon for the element they represent. Red for fire, green for wind, etc. Though the true process and creation have been lost to time. What I have told you is merely speculation." The Elder explained once more.

Once he was done, he whistled softly and a green figure slowly rose from the ground beside him. "This is Dryad. She's an expert in Mana Manipulation. Dryad, can you give that young man some of your mana? Just enough to get him out of Over Limit."

"Hmm. I suppose. He is cute, after all, so I don't mind." The young flower yawned softly and made her way towards Sona.

"What does 'being cute' have to do with giving him Mana?" Azutoshi questioned and eyed the Dryad.

"Because...the transfer of Mana is more efficient through the mouth." The young Dryad grinned happily and kneeled in front of Sona.

"Through the...mouth...?" Hotaru questioned in shock. "What does that mean?"

"This!" Dryad cupped Sona's face in her green hands and pressed her lips to Sona's, kissing him gently. "Chuuuu!"

"Aaahhhhh!" Hotaru squeeled and her face turned deep red.

"Sona...you have all the luck with the ladies." Jaesu sighed softly in disappointment.

"Mmm....huh...?" Sona stirred in Hotaru's lap and his eyes slowly fluttered open, his vision started to return. Standing over him was a young Dryad. When he realized what was happening, his face turned red. 'Who is she and why is she kissing me?' Sona thought to himself as he felt his strength slowly return.

"There!" The young plant girl pulled back slightly and licked her lips. "That was fun!" She giggled innocently and returned to the Elder's side.

"How's that, young one? Your mana should start to replenish quickly since you aren't in Over Limit now. Thank you, Dryad." The Elder patted the young girl's head as she slowly disappeared back into the ground.

"Sona?" Hotaru leaned her head over Sona's and stared down at him.

"I...what happened...?" Sona placed one hand on his forehead as he tried to recall what just happened. "Ah, Junichi!!" Sona bolted up so quick that his forehead slammed into Hotaru. "Ahh...fuuuuucckkkkkk..." Sona rubbed his forehead. "Who...are you...?" Sona blushed when he looked up at the young woman with cat ears and fiery red hair that matched his own.

"Don't worry, Sona. He's okay. The Elder healed him. He should be moving around again soon. I'm Azutoshi, Lem is a friend, but she stormed off, and the woman who has your head in her lap, is Hotaru. She's a Neko. We are your upperclassmen."

"Junichi's...okay...?" Sona's eyes started to tear up and he sobbed quietly.

"Sona..." Hotaru's ears dropped low on her head. She leaned down and looped her arms around Sona's neck. "Hey, it's okay..." She cooed and ran her fingers through his hair. 'He has such a gentle soul.'

"M-Master..." Junichi groaned.

"Junichi!" Jaesu bent down and helped Junichi to his feet, one of Junichi's arms was looped over Jaesu's shoulders.

"J-Junichi...." Sona slowly sat up, Hotaru's arms still remained looped around his neck from behind. "You're okay...you're okay..." Sona's body trembled. "It was my fault..."

"It isn't like that, Sona. Your familiar fulfilled his role admirably, placing more importance on your life then his own. You should feel pride in that fact." Azutoshi reprimanded the young student.

"Please...it's okay. I'm okay, Master. That should be enough, and just know, I am proud of you." Junichi breathed heavily and his head dropped low.

"He's exhausted. We all are, Sona." Hotaru whispered in his ear. "Why don't we all go back?"

"Ah..." Sona blushed a bit when Hotaru whispered in his ear. "Yeah, I'm ready to get out of here, but first..." Sona pulled himself away from Hotaru's arms and made his way to the center of the room. He looked around slowly as several tears streamed down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry..."

"What's that idiot doing?" Lem whispered and watched from a distant corner.

"Please..." Sona dropped to his knees, put his hands together, bowed his head and closed his eyes to pray. "Forgive me for not being able to save you. Find peace in the embrace of the Gods and may your next lives be filled with happiness." Sona shed a few more tears before rising to his feet. He wiped his eyes on the sleeve of his shirt.

"Sona..." Jaesu sighed and looked down at the ground. "Thank you...for helping them rest in peace." He sobbed quietly to himself.

"What...?" Lem was shocked. "Pity and Sympathy for the dead, powerful beyond normal limits, and the ability to draw others to his side? Who the hell is he?!"

"Lem, it's time to go. We are heading back." Azutoshi slid his hand backwards through his hair and straightened his topknot.

"Elder. Are you coming back with us to start my training?" Sona questioned as he stumbled back to the group.

"Yes. Things will be fine here without me. I'll notify the Kingdom Knights. They'll take care of everything else here." The Elder nodded and waited for the others to gather. "I have a transport waiting outside to take us back to Myrefall. You can report the success of your mission when we get back."

"Jaesu." Sona crouched down in front of the green haired Prince. "Put him on my back. I'll carry him."

"Sona..." Jaesu looked to his friend.

"Don't. You need to..." Lem went to interject.

"I don't care!" Sona shouted. "He's my familiar, which makes him my responsibility! Now, Jaesu. Please?" He looked up at his friend with pleading eyes.

"Tch. Whatever." Lem stormed off on her own again. 'Why does everything he says irritate and annoy me?'

"Mm. If you need help, I'll be right here, Sona." Jaesu replied and watched Lem go off on her own again. He helped Sona position Junichi on his back and then helped Sona stand.

"This is the least I can do, my friend. Let me care for you." Sona adjusted Junichi on his back.

'Sona.' Hotaru watched Sona with an approving gaze.

"Come on." Sona struggled to keep pace and walked up the shaft with the others. "Keep walking. Junichi is like this because of you, weakling." He cursed himself under his breath. 'I need to practice chanting and moving at the same time. I can't let this happen again. If Junichi, or one of my lovers had done this and died, I don't know if I could live with the guilt.'

'Do you require assistance, Partner?' Baenthor's voice sounded in Sona's head.

'If you could make this big lug lighter, that would help.' Sona replied and kept walking forward.

'Hm. No, but I can do this for you.' Baenthor paused and Sona felt more of his strength return to him. 'I have shared just enough of my Mana with you to give you the strength to carry him. Get back safe, Partner.'

"Hm. Thank you." Sona whispered and stood up straight. "I'll get you back, Junichi."

"He sure is a stubborn one." Lem scoffed.

"Lem, we will talk when we get back. I don't approve of your behavior during this mission." Azutoshi scolded.

"Tch. Whatever." Lem scoffed once more.

"I'm gonna stay with Sona and Junichi. I wanna make sure they are gonna be okay." Hotaru sighed and looked back at Sona. 'This just proves how weak I truly am. I'm sorry, Sona, but I may need to use you for real.'

"Are you sure, Hotaru? This is all my fault. I got antsy when my lovers left me alone to train. I wanted to do something to avoid thinking about their absence, so I pushed Junichi for this. I'm to blame." Sona sighed and walked a little faster.

"Lovers...as in plural?" Azutoshi questioned in disbelief.

"That isn't true...Master..." Junichi's voice echoed off Sona's back.

"Junichi!" Sona turned around but Junichi was still fast asleep.

"This isn't...your fault..." Junichi spoke again before snoring once more.

"Jun...ichi...even in your sleep you still worry for me. I'll get stronger, I promise you, this won't happen again." Sona stopped moving and pulled out his dagger.

"Sona...?" Jaesu stopped and looked back at him.

"What's going on?" The Elder stopped along with the others.

"This!" Sona put the dagger to his palm and cut open a huge gash. "Fuck." He cursed out loud.

"What!" Lem watched in disbelief. 'What's he trying to pull?'

"Sona, no!" Hotaru went to tourniquet his hand.

"Not yet." Sona jerked his hand away from her.

"But that's a bad cut!" Hotaru tried again.

"Hotaru." Azutoshi grabbed Hotaru's shoulder. "Just watch."

Sona held out his hand as the blood started to spill onto the stone floor. "Jaesu. Junichi. Subaru. Elandeli. Konotsune. Deltune. Sulris. Ayame. Saphira. This is my vow. As a man, as your friend, and as your lovers. I vow to change this world and bring eternal peace." Sona shouted deep into the cave. "Do you hear that Eslios?! You won't stop me!" He shouted once more, his voice even louder. "Do your worst, God Of Death! Even if you kill me, that won't save your wretched life!" Sona started breathing heavily and stood up straight.

"Sona." Jaesu placed his hand on Sona's shoulder. "I'll always have your back, my friend. As long as I draw breath, I won't let you die."

"Tch." Lem scoffed and shook her head. 'He said Deltune. That has to be a coincidence. That must be a common name here.'

"Haha." Azutoshi laughed loudly. "That's quite a bold declaration, but, from what I've seen, if anyone can accomplish such lofty goals it is certainly you."

"Sona..." Hotaru watched his actions and sobbed softly. 'I can't. I don't know if I can go through with tricking him. He has such a kind soul. I don't want to betray him.' She stifled her tears and walked over to him. "Hand. Now." She commanded.

"Huh? Oh, right. I forgot." Sona extended his hand shyly.

"Honestly. What kind of fool are you? Making such ludicrous proclamations." Hotaru retorted and started to dry his wound. "This will sting." She warned and poured some disinfectant on his hand.

"Ahh, shit!!" Sona screamed in pain.

"Baby." Hotaru taunted and quickly bound his wound with some gauze. "There. And one for good measure." She brought his hand to her lips and planted a gentle kiss on his covered wound. With that, she giggled shyly and dashed on ahead of the others.

"Hotaru?" Lem stared and shook her head. 'Why is everyone so fascinated by this weakling! I don't understand!' She screamed internally.

"Haha. Well, well, well. Hotaru has a crush. Sona, are you trying to make all the women in this world part of your harem?" Jaesu laughed loudly and nudged Sona's ribs. "Saphira and the other ladies are already head over heels for you. Do you really need another?"

"How is this my fault?! I barely said two words to the woman!" Sona shouted angrily. "Ah, screw it. Let's keep moving. Junichi's ass is heavier than he looks." He rubbed his head frantically. 'Arzotz save me. I think Eslios will be the least of my problems at this point.'