
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · Fantasy
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43 Chs

First Day of Class (2) - Sona's Power Awakens

"Forgive me, Lord Sona. There is much to explain, but for the moment duty calls," Valindra said respectfully and cut the conversation short. "Just because I serve Sona does not mean is exempt from work or punishment. In fact, his workload and punishment will be more severe. Now, line up. I'm going to test your current level of control," She barked these orders out and every student lined up in order. Several male students were glaring at Sona because they were jealous. He just shrugged them off for the time being and lined up with Deltune.

Several students had already tried to control the water like Valindra. Several of them were able to make a stream of water rise up, but they lost focus several seconds later. "Next, Deltune," Valindra called for her and she walked up slowly. "Alright, show us what you can do," Valindra backed up a bit and gave Deltune some room. Closing her eyes, Deltune put both arms straight out in front of her. She crossed her hands at her wrists, placing one hand facing palm up and the other facing palm down.

The lake came alive in front of Deltune and a stream of water rushed towards her. The water started circling around Deltune for several seconds. When she was satisfied with her display, Deltune carefully returned the water to the lake. The students behind her started clapping and cheering for her. Deltune walked up to Sona and smiled at him as she put her hand up. "Up next, Sona," Valindra called for him.

As Sona walked past Deltune he put his hand up and the two of them exchanged a high five. "Good job, Del," Sona whispered to her as he walked up to take his turn. He looked at the lake in front of him and closed his eyes. Sona reached his right hand out and started focusing on the water. For a few seconds nothing happened and the kids behind him started giggling. Valindra shot them a death glare and they went silent so Sona could focus.

The ground around the forest started trembling as Sona stretched out his other hand to the lake. The Earth shuddered as all the water from the lake was lifted up at once. "Come on," Sona struggled to speak as he slowly lowered the water back to the ground. Sona collapsed onto one knee and turned around to face Valindra. "How did I do, Miss Valindra?" Sona asked and looked over to Deltune who was clapping wildly for Sona. "Thanks, Del," He muttered before collapsing to the ground.

"He will be okay everyone. He just used up to much of his magic," Valindra sat down next to him and smiled. 'Foolish boy. You have nothing to prove right now. The time will come for you to be a hero.' Valindra thought to herself and looked back at the students. "I believe some of you still have to pass my test," She barked at the other students who immediately straightened up and kept on trying to control their magic. Valindra had to leave Sona's side to continue her instructions. She left Sona in Deltune's care and kept going with her class.

"Sona," Deltune sighed softly as she sat on her knees near his head. "So foolish," She muttered and gently grab his head with her hands. Carefully, she laid his head on her lap and stared down at him, her long blue hair covering both their faces. Sona didn't awaken until almost the end of Valindra's class. Deltune had kept Sona's head on her lap, but had long since stopped paying attention. She was curious about the levels of the other people. In the end, none them even came close to Deltune, let alone Sona's display.

"Del," Sona whispered her name and looked up at her. 'Why am I such a loser?' He thought to himself and closed his eyes. Deltune smacked his forehead gently and he looked up at her again. "What was that for?" He questioned and gently rubbed his forehead.

"I know what you were thinking, and you're wrong, Sona. Your body needs years of training to master the kind of power you displayed. You couldn't handle all that magic so you collapsed. Your body isn't fully developed for this kind of thing yet," Deltune spoke honestly and looked over as Valindra dismissed the rest of the class. Sona realized at this time that his head was laying on something soft. Embarrassed and panicking, Sona tried to sit up but was pushed back down by Valindra.

"Stay down, Sir Sona. You need to hear this any way," Valindra ordered and took a seat next to Deltune. "So where do I start?" Valindra sighed and ran her hand backwards through her hair. "I guess I should start at the beginning. Many generations ago, before the time of humanity, a Hero emerged among the Elves. This man was able to do what others could not, and master every magical aptitude. This man became the champion of Arzotz and fought for his glory," Valindra spoke and paused for a moment to catch her breath. "Arzotz, God Of Beginnings, is a third of a once greater godly being. He felt that even he should not wield all this power, so he split himself in three. Eslios, God of Death, is the second part and locked in eternal combat with Arzotz. Anyway, this hero came to be known as the Divine Knight. According to legend, you share his appearance, except for being human," Valindra finally finished her explanation and sat waiting for Sona to say something.

They sat in silence for the longest time before Sona tried to sit up. "I'm supposed to be the hero?" Sona asked softly and looked at his hands. 'They expect so much of me. What if I'm not the savior they think I am?' He thought to himself and looked at Valindra and Deltune. "If that is to be my fate, then I must make a selfish request," Sona looked down before looking up at them again. "Will you help mold me into the hero you believe me to be?" Sona asked and bowed his head to the ground.

"You have greatness in you, Sona. I will help you bring that greatness to life. I only hope my teachings may one day benefit you," Valindra spoke and bowed her head to Sona, too.

"She's right, Sona. You will become great, and we will be there to support and guide you," Deltune spoke honestly and looked at Valindra. Sona's body started trembling in Deltune's arms. "Sona?" Deltune looked down at him a worried look on her face. Light could be seen reflecting off Sona's cheeks.

"Thank you, both of you. I promise I won't let you ladies down," Sona sobbed softly, doing his best to hide his face.

"Remember what I told you about making a promise to a lady," Deltune teased and held him close for a few minutes.

After several minutes, Sona finally pulled himself together and sat up straight. "I'm sorry. Hopefully you won't ever have to see that again," Sona chuckled and looked to Valindra. "I have to go meet my other teachers, Miss Valindra," Sona said reluctantly. He wanted to stay here with her so he could learn more about his destiny.

"Go, I'll tell you more another time. You are still young, enjoy it while you can, Sona. These peaceful days may not last forever," Valindra told him before sending him on his way. Sona bowed to her and waved goodbye to Deltune before taking off. Pulling up his schedule, Sona looked at his next course.

"Earth magic next, huh? The teacher's name is..." Sona paused for a moment and looked at the name on the paper as he tried to sound out the first name. "Kilmug Hammerbeard," Sona pondered outload as he kept running through the field. This time they were meeting out by the old abandoned rock quarry. "These teachers sure pick strange places to teach class," Sona muttered and rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Oh well, as long as they teach me what I need to know," He continued voicing hos thoughts while running.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" A soft but familiar monotone voice reached his ears. "I got you," The female voice said with no emotion as she grabbed a hold of Sona's arm.

"What?" Sona exclaimed and looked over to see a friendly face. "Konotsune? What are you doing her? Why aren't you in class?" Sona questioned and looked at the emotionless girl beside him.

"I'm headed there now. I just finished with my other magic instructor. Now I'm headed to my Earth Instructor," Konotsune said and looked up at Sona. He stood a good several inches over her. "What about you?"

"Funny enough, I'm on my way to my class, too. I'm headed to my Earth magic study. Sorry Konotsune but I'm running behind. Talk later?" He said and managed to squirm his way out of her grip. "Bye Konotsune," Sona shouted back as he hauled ass to the rock quarry.

Resolved several issues. Major one being Konotsune's Elemental affinities. it's Earth not Water. Sorry if that caused any confusion.

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