
Reincarnation in tensura with soulmate connection skill

Velwil · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

New friend.

Hello guys. Ive thought about Tamara's skills and decided to remove unique skill hope you will

new why with new updates.

...…. We kept moving through the cave until we hit something. I thought it would hurt to hit something but the pain never appeared.

"A? Shouldn't I have taken damage? Or did it take damage and I just didn't feel it or something?''

<<Answer. You have acquired the Pain Suppression ability, which interrupts the generation of pain sensations. Your Melee Resistance has reduced the amount of damage taken. The amount of damage done to your body is ten percent. Slime's inherent self-healing skill took effect. Would you like to support him with your unique Predator skill? YES/NO>>

Oh, so it hurt me a little? It makes sense. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but as long as I knew something was going on, maybe I didn't need to feel the pain. It would make things easier.

『Although, supporting the Predator, huh? I don't quite understand, but my answer is yes.』

At this point, I have the feeling that I have suddenly lost some of my body mass. After a while, I felt that it had returned. My damaged parts were previously studied, analyzed and restored.

『Let's talk about the usefulness of the body. I should try testing later to see how much of it I can afford to lose before I get killed.』 It was too dangerous to go into details, but I think I could afford to do without at least some of it for once, so...

Something told me that I was becoming too cautious. I had a supply of recovery potions that I didn't even have to use. And I would have thought that losing a tenth of my body would be quite a problem, but now I knew that I could just restore it within ten seconds. The next time I get damaged, I'll try using these potions.

『I wonder where are we?』 After confirming that my body was back to normal, I looked around. No one knows what dangerous monsters may be nearby. We got out of the water, but perhaps on the other side scary scaly creatures were waiting for us.

Slowly, carefully, we began to act.

It seemed to me that whenever I did something "carefully", it meant that I was in great danger. Although I was sure that it was just my mind playing tricks on me.

And that thought probably didn't do me any good, because...

(Can you hear me babes?)

I heard something.

(Yes we hear, but we can't see you)

(How interesting. I assumed you'd be scared to see me, but you can't, right? Most slimes are low-level monsters that are incapable of conscious thought as they go through a cycle of absorption, separation, and regeneration. It's really a rare species that ever leaves its habitat.)

(You piqued my curiosity, slime, by how eagerly you plunged into my body. The regeneration abilities you just demonstrated amaze me. Maybe you are named monsters or unique ones?)

(Unique mean?..)

(A unique monster is a person who suddenly gained unusual abilities, akin to a mutation. They are sometimes born in places with a high concentration of magic... Maybe you were born from a mass of magical energy that leaked out of me?)

Mh? What the hell?

Let's try to use my knowledge of the previous world to understand this. This guy was spreading magic all over the area. It was so thick that it spawned a monster. Slime. Us. So everything was?

(Hmm. In the past 300 years, no monster has come close to my domain. If you were born from my magical power, then it may have given you the power to touch me and live to tell this story!)

(Oh... So you're kind of like our father?)

(No, not your blood parent. I don't have reproductive ability to speak of. Some monsters do this and some don't.)

(Really? Because I thought it was kind of included in the default kit. But if I just spontaneously explode due to magic or something, maybe you won't need it, huh?)

(...Your intellectual abilities amaze me. Indeed, very few monsters have anything like that. Among all monsters, only those born of magic have intelligence in the sense that you and I understand it.)

The comment went on for a while. But the most important thing that could be learned from this was that people, apparently, also existed in this world. Then came the Inhumans, a species very close to humanity in nature and just as gifted with reproductive abilities. They included races such as elves, hobbits, dwarves, fairies, and other types, and they were generally associated with humans. In addition, there were races such as goblins, orcs, lizards, and so on, who were hostile to humanity and treated them like monsters as a result. However, this hostility was not inherent in their biology, so interbreeding was quite possible.

This was followed by "born of magic" - a general term for those who emerged from the magical essence itself, monsters who experienced a sudden mutation, and sentient beings that evolved from animals or magical beasts. They possessed both intelligence and reproductive abilities, but only within their subspecies. In their higher social castes, there were spirits, vampires, demons, and other longer-lived species, all equally capable of having offspring, although they rarely did so, as their overwhelming magical power made them almost immortal, eliminating the need to leave offspring.

These diverse sentient, breeding species were hostile to humanity and were collectively referred to as the "Magicborn Race". And, reading between the lines, I got the impression that the Magic-Born were not so much openly hostile to humans as humans feared and coveted their power. However, it remained true that both sides fought for their own living spaces.

These various monsters have been classified according to their levels of danger. The upper ranks of the Magic-Born were chock-full of rather powerful rascals, all capable of single-handedly leveling a human city if they wanted to. Not the kind of guy you want to hang out with.

So our new companion went on talking for a while, about how he fought magic-born in the past, and so on. Finally, the topic of conversation returned to us.

(As I said, I do not have the ability to procreate. The reason is simple... Because I do not need it. I belong to the Dragon race, one of the four in the world, unique and the most perfect of its kind. From now on, you will know me like Veldora, the Storm Dragon! My life is endless, my flesh is incomprehensible! As long as my will remains intact, I will always be alive! Ahhhhh-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!)

I understand. So he didn't need to have children because he was going to live forever, right?

And while this guy took a while to get to the point, he did mention something that I didn't want to overlook.

Veldora was a Storm...Dragon?

Besides, if he liked to make good-natured remarks about the Magic-Born from time to time, he was...pretty tough, wasn't he?

Using our knowledge of earthly things, we tried to imagine Veldora, the Storm Dragon, no doubt sitting in front of us right now. We didn't like what came to mind. He seemed to treat us politely, which made it all the more creepy.

So what now?..

[hey stator, he's pretty intimidating. How about getting out of here?]

[I completely agree. We need to get out of here before it's too late.]

(W-wow, really? Well, thanks for all these helpful tips! Then maybe we should go!) we said it at the same time and started walking away from there.

(Wait. I've told you all about myself. Now it's your turn, isn't it?)

I probably shouldn't have expected otherwise. Hmmmm. Does he want to know about us? If we tell him about our wonderful journey from an alien planet, will he believe us? He seemed to wonder how smart we are for slime, if we tried to come up with something I doubt he would fall for it. Such an attempt seemed to me a good way to dig my own grave.

Nevermind. If he doesn't believe us, we'll figure it out somehow. Gathering our courage, we told Veldora everything that had happened to us.

Prudently leaving the topic of our skills unexplored, we told the doauon about how we were stabbed, how we woke up in the form of slime, and everything else that happened on the way to his domain.

(Xm.So you are reborn? It's really rare, but to get reincarnated together… I hear about it for the first time.)

(Huh? Really? And... "Reborn"? Isn't that a big surprise to you?)

(Hmm. From time to time, there are reincarnated ones. Their memories from the past are burned out of their souls due to a powerful will. Indeed, there are people who retain all the memories of their past lives. But being reborn from another world ... This is rather unusual. An ordinary soul on its own would have no hope of surviving the dimensional journey.It will dissolve midway, taking its memories with it.Someone retains their full mind and is reborn as a monster of pure magic...I can't recall any such example in the past. Quite... strange, really.)

It seemed that the Reborn from other worlds retained, at best, only a fraction of their memories. Someone like us who still had them was pretty unheard of, not that we cared that much.

He just told us something we couldn't afford to ignore. Soul, "on its own"?.. So that you can travel to this world without reincarnating or something like that?

(A. Are we really that unusual? Because we definitely aren't... So there are people who come here from other worlds without being transferred?)

(Yes. None of them managed to get to the other world from here, but there are quite a few who completed their journey here from the other world. They are known as "ghosts", or "otherworlders", and they carry knowledge about things that do not exist in this world. They acquire, I have heard, some kind of special power when they travel here. In addition, there are records of reincarnations, which, as I said, carry knowledge of other worlds. Although, it seems to me, not all of them decide to openly identify themselves as such.)

It's Interesting. I didn't know if they came from the same planet as me, but it would be nice to have a little chat with them. Maybe even from Japan, as far as I know. Besides, it would be better for my sanity to have a purpose while I'm here.

(I see, I see! In that case, we think I'll try to find some of these "otherworldly" as you called them. Maybe we'll find someone from our own country!)

(Wait. You said you can't see, right?)

(Ah, well, yes.)

So what? Yes, it was a pain in the ass, but as long as we took our time and didn't get ourselves killed, I was sure that I would run into other guests. Maybe.

(Then let me help you see.)

Um, what? Crap. This guy... I mean Storm Dragon Veldora... He was too good with us, wasn't he? Can we really trust him?

(Uh, is it true?)

(Of course. But on one condition. What do you say?)

We didn't like how it sounded, but...

(What is this condition?)

(It's simple. When I give you the ability to see, I ask you not to be afraid of me. That, and I ask you to come some other way, talk there. That's all. I hope my conditions suit you?)

And it's all? Was he sure? What a lonely dragon. There must have been no one else upstairs. No wonder he couldn't stop talking to us, we must have been his first conversation in ages.

If I had my drafts, I would say that this dragon was a complete jerk. He may have been throwing a line at me all this time, saying he was a dragon. Maybe the dragons in this world weren't that powerful at all.

Heh. It was a pretty good deal.

(Is that really all you need?)

(Yes. To be honest, I was sealed here 300 years ago. Since then, I have had so much free time that I almost went crazy with boredom. What do you think?)

(Well, if that's all you need, then the deal is done!)

(Good. So this is a promise...and I trust you will keep your end of the bargain.)

(Of course! I may not look like that, but you can count on me, boy! Just ask anyone on Earth! They'll vouch for me!)

I hope he doesn't try. That would be bad.

(Very well. There is a skill known as Magic Sense. Can you use it?)

Oh, here it is again. More walls to deal with. So unfair.

(No, we can't. What skill is that?)

(This allows you to perceive the essence of magic floating around you. It's not a very powerful skill, and all it offers is a visual reference, so it's not hard to acquire.)

(Oh... Sounds pretty simple.)

(Of course. I can wield it as easily as I breathe. I don't even think about it.)

(Seriously? So once I learn this, I'll be able to see again?)

(To the point. This world is covered with pure magic, although it does not spread evenly over its entire surface. Do you also know that both light and sound have the properties of a wave?)

(Yeah, we heard about it. Light and sound waves.)

(Ah. How clever of you. Did you find out about this in your past world? I bet it is. But really, you can see how these waves disturb nearby magic particles, and then use this information to figure out how the area around you looks and sounds.Simple, right?)

Hm? Not really? What was this nonsense?

(I, um, I'm not entirely sure if that sounds simple or not, actually...)

(No? But that's what allows you to keep fighting even after losing your sight and hearing! It protects you from sudden attacks, and that's all it takes to survive here, right?)

(Uh-huh, but...maybe we can skip all this wrestling talk and just make me see again?)

(Mmm... Okay. Then let me help you acquire this skill. It's the only method I know of.)

(W-wait, can you do that? We're kind of like newborns here...)

(Don't worry. You do have memories from a past life, don't you? And that's where you learned about the nature of light and sound. Without that, even I couldn't help you, I bet you. Luck is on your side, honestly.)

Is it true. We assume that it is difficult to explain vision to someone who does not see anything at all. Of course we couldn't do it. I read somewhere that Helen Keller only learned to speak by following the prompts she learned before she went deaf at age two. Maybe I can use my knowledge from Earth to use this "Magical Sense" to understand what the world around me is like...

Worth a try, we thought. This blindness became a great pain. In addition, the Sage was on our side. It might work.

(Well, we're ready!)

(Well, well, don't get so excited. It's pretty simple. First, try moving magic around you with the power in your body.)

We guessed what he meant. It was a skill we probably adapted to blow water out of ourselves a moment ago.

(Like this?)

We tensed, trying to imagine the power circulating through our bodies. We feel like something is moving inside the magical essence that my interlocutor spoke about. We didn't realize it in the water, but it looks like we could adjust the strength by how much we push. Previously, we controlled not so much the water as the magic that hovered in it. We exercised our magical muscles and the particles around me reacted. It came to me surprisingly quickly.

(Mmm. You are more gifted in this regard than I thought. Can you see the difference between the magic moving inside you and the one outside your body now?)

Wow. Maybe it really was easy. Now that we have realized how we live off magic, we have become more sensitive to it.

(Of course! For example, this is what we have been eating all this time, right?)

(Hehehe! If you understand that, then everything else is just child's play. All it takes is to feel the movement of the particles outside of you.)

Yep, we didn't get it. But we made the attempt, doing what we were told, and feeling the particles around us. And we found that we can.

We felt them hanging in the air, riding the air currents, moving around, all kinds of sensations.

Let's ask the Wise Man about it.

<<Confirmed. Additional skill Magic Sense...successfully acquired. Use additional skill Magic Sense? YES/NO>>

A? Was it that easy?

Yes, use it.

The moment we triggered Magic Sense, our brains were filled with new information. Huge amount, things that our human brain could never process, waves of light and sound pushing every tiny particle around, and we've processed it all into tangible data.

The thing is, human vision doesn't even give you a 180-degree view of what's in front of you. Now, all of a sudden, we could "see" all 360 degrees around us. The shadows of the rocks around us, the views hundreds of meters away from me, the moment we turned our attention to it, we could understand what it was. If we were still human, all this perceptual data would probably fry our brain cells. But now we've turned into slime. Our cells could supply muscles just as easily as they could supply the brain.

One way or another, we withstood the flow of information. Then...

<<Synchronization of the additional skill Magic Sense with the unique skill Great Sage...Successful. All information will now be processed by the Great Sage.>>

Suddenly our vision was opened. The dizzy feeling went away, and then we were able to see so clearly that it was surprising that we hadn't been able to do it sooner. Something told me that having the Sage on our side was almost cheating. It wouldn't be too far to say it that way. It's good that I was able to gain such a useful skill about Satoru. Although since I got it... No problem.

(Oh, I think we can see. Thank you very much!) We said, turning our attention to the creature in front of us.

Oh shit. He really was a dragon. It was covered in scales that glowed a dark shade of black, tougher than steel itself, but flexible. Big, mean looking...

(Gahh! You are a dragon!!)

He looked absolutely demonic, towering much higher than we expected. Our inner cry has come out and we don't think we can really be blamed for it.

(You remember your promise, don't you? And considering your earlier complaints, you learned pretty quickly, didn't you?)

(Oh, no doubt! I was just joking a little, that's all. I can see perfectly and, besides, I can hear. I really appreciate it!)

(Hmph. You could take your time...)

So he's still fine. A bit intimidating to look at, but he was awfully kind to me for no reason. He really was alone, I thought. Unfortunately, that's exactly what he looked like. Like that little story about the poor red demon who wanted to befriend humans.

(So ​​what do you intend to do next?)

(Well, for starters, I think I could look for some other people from my home country. Not that I'm too

really worried if I didn't, well...you get it.)~Satoru.

(Hm. Well, I'd like to get a human form first so that it's easier to contact others. I think it would be strange to talk to slime)~ Tamura

Finding someone would be great, but that doesn't mean we're guaranteed to be close friends. Plus, with my brand new eyesight, seeing the world could be wonderful for me. The gathering of light and sound around me has just expanded my worldview a thousandfold. Now, finally, we could say goodbye to our days of literally chewing grass in our tiny cave or something.

But this dragon.

It looked more and more sinister, but he showed no signs of movement at all. He mentioned the three hundred year seal, right?

(By the way, Veldora, did you say something about being...sealed?)

(Mm? I'm glad you asked! I must have underestimated my opponent a bit. I ended up fighting with, shall we say, more persistence, but… well, it was already too late then!)

There was almost pride in the dragon's voice that he had lost. Magic was one thing, but I doubted there was a sword or spear in this or any other world that could scratch him. Not that I knew that much about this world yet, maybe it was infested with terrible monsters, even more powerful than him, or something like that?

(Was your opponent that strong?)

(She was... quite strong. She was known to the people as a "hero", gifted with the so-called protection of the gods.)

Hero? My days before the game console made me very familiar with the term. However, simply being heroic doesn't make you a dragon-slaying thing. Also, many recent games have turned their so-called "heroes" into rapiers or parodies of themselves. Maybe it was still a little more traditional here.

(As far as I remember,) continued Veldora, (the hero also said that she was "summoned". Perhaps she comes from the same world as you.)

(Oh? I don't know... Where I come from, no one is that strong, you know?)

(Perhaps, but many of the other worlds come here with special powers. A power that is engraved in their souls in the middle of their journey. Those who are called will always have one such skill - a unique skill, exclusive to them and only to them. Unlike other people who come here by sheer chance, these people have a soul strong enough to withstand the stress of the summoning process.The fact that said summoning process so rarely succeeds in this world proves it.)

(When you talk about the "summoning process", do you mean...magic or something else?)

(Exactly. A process that requires at least thirty magicians to perform a ritual that takes place over three days. It is rarely successful, but is considered a powerful weapon to have in your arsenal if the need arises.)


(Mm, a magical seal is placed on the soul of the summoned to obey the orders of their masters.)

(Wow, seriously? No human rights or anything?)

(Human rights? What rights could you expect in this, of all worlds? Don't indulge in such fantasies in this universe, kid. The only law that reigns here is survival of the fittest. Strength, as they say, does everything.)

Well, yes. If you have been called to this world, there is no point in hoping that your old values ​​apply here. This was hard to come to terms with.

(So ​​you're saying that the Beyonders are treated like slaves here?)

(No, it depends on the circumstances. The seal of obedience is not applied to them. If the society accepts them, they are free to live as they please. They can become adventurers and the like. Many adventurers from another world have been looking for my head... They pretty soon they realized the mistakes of their choice! Haaa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!)

(So ​​you only got into slavery if you were called here, huh? ..)

(Not exactly "slavery", but I guess so. I like to think that I know a lot about people, but "a lot" isn't everything.)

(No... Besides, you're a dragon.)

In a way, he knew almost too much, like a dragon. At least, talking together, I was on his side, enough for him to answer all my questions. So we kept talking, dragon and slimes, about all sorts of things.

How was the fight with this hero?

How strong is she?

Her skin was pale, the dragon told me; her lips were bright red and small. Her long hair was a dark shade of silver, pulled back into a single ponytail. She was slender, not that tall, rather small for a human.

Her face was apparently hidden by a mask, but there was no doubt about her beauty. I asked him if this beauty was enough to distract him, if he was too enraged to defend himself properly.

(Stop talking nonsense!) he snapped back.

I caught something while we were talking that this dragon... I think he really liked people. He kept calling them "weak", "garbage" and the like, but from the way he expressed himself, he never intentionally killed those who attacked him. Unless they do everything they can to piss him off. Once, three centuries ago, just once, he emphasized, a certain chain of events caused him to reduce an entire city to ashes. That was what made people send a hero to him, and now, thanks to that hero's Infinite Imprisonment, he was in a difficult situation.

(What a future!)

(Really! To the future! ...Oh yes, let me give you names. In exchange, you will give me another one.)

(Huh? Why? Why is that?)

(It will carve into our souls the fact that we are of the same rank. Something like the last name of people, except for my name, will be a kind of divine blessing for you too. You are still monsters without a name, but thanks to this you will become full-fledged monsters with names.)


So he wanted us to come up with a common name for us? And in exchange we get our own name and all the benefits of named monster status? Better come up with something good. I'm terrible at these things...

(Well, you said you were a storm dragon, so... I don't know "Tempest" or something like that?)

Ugh. Took it off my tongue, I know, but I thought it was cool, so...

(Amazing! So be it! Wonderful color for that name, yes.)

He liked this?!

(From now on, my name will be Veldora Tempest! And you... Your name will be Rimuru and you will be Cosmo. Announce to the whole world that your names are Rimuru Tempest and Cosmo Tempest!)

So the name was carved into our souls. Not that it affected us too much. Or our ability. But somewhere in the depths of our souls, something has changed. I suppose the same can be said about Veldora. That's how we became friends.

Well, it was time to go. But before that.

(Hey, we wanted to ask you something before leaving, but...is there really nothing you can do about this seal?)

(With my abilities, no. Someone with a unique skill at the same level as the hero would be needed to even stand a chance.)

(Don't you have them, Veldora?)

(I can, but now that I'm sealed I can't access any of them. Telepathy is all I'm capable of right now.)

The hero's Infinite Imprisonment could keep his target captive in an infinite number of imaginary spaces at all times. It wasn't some weak barrier that would allow random interference in the real world. In retrospect, it must have seemed strange to me that Telepathy was possible at all. It wasn't something that would break over time, but given that he could have any kind of contact with the real world and even exchange messages, maybe that said more about Veldora. But then none of us noticed it.

(Well, here, let us try something...)

We rolled over to Veldora and pressed my whole body against him.

<<Using Envy to loosen the Infinite Imprisonment succeeded>>

<<Using the Predator to absorb the unique skill Infinite Imprisonment...Failed.>>

As I thought, but no, we were definitely not at the level of a hero. With a blinding light, our unique skills tried to do their job and caused a lot of damage to the barrier, but our skills bounced back without further comment. The barrier will no doubt recover soon. We were hoping that a Unique Skill linked to a Unique Skill would do something, but that didn't happen.

But can we do something? Something...

<<Answer. Partial Analysis of the unique skill Infinite Imprisonment has been completed. I'm reporting a possible workaround.>>

<<Any bypass involving a physical body is not possible. The probability of destroying the prison through physical damage is 0. I can not analyze the path of release, which involves the annulment of imaginary space. One has to be caught in the same situation of Infinite Imprisonment in order to analyze it from the inside. This is currently not possible.

There is a 1% chance of escaping while in spirit form.

If a spirit vessel is prepared for a target outside to aid in the transition, the success rate is 3%. With weakened Infinite Imprisonment, the success rate is 53%.

This process is similar to the movement of souls. If the target is not compatible with the vessel, they will lose all memories and abilities.

This concludes the report on possible ways around.>>

『...Hmm. Although the chance of pulling it out is a little more than half, it's better not to risk it』

From my point of view, the Infinite Imprisonment looked like nothing more than a transparent membrane...but the physical damage did nothing against it? Maybe he had some kind of insurmountable defense, as far as I understood.

(Hey, did you do any damage to this hero at all? Or vice versa?)

(Ah, I'm glad you asked! She suddenly attacked me and used Infinite Imprisonment and I couldn't attack her. I basically lost... All I could do was laugh!)

Then Veldora emphasized this thought with loud, heartfelt laughter.

So if we're going to get him out of here, it's only by transferring his consciousness into a new body, right?

(We probably need some kind of container to get you out of here. Even if it's only in spirit form, it sounds like it should be possible...)

(Hm? Is there a way out of here?! Moreover... I feel like my magic power will be exhausted in no later than 100 years. My magic continues to flow out of me, even now.)

(Yes? So that's why there's such a concentration here...)

(Moreover. Even high-class monsters would not dare to approach. Did you see that there were no weeds on the ground? Plants that can thrive in this area are really very rare!)

Right. We remembered all the hippokuta herbs we had consumed in our short life. Are they that valuable?

(Yeah, so...maybe you want to try to escape? If I had the right vessel, I think it would greatly increase our chances...But you know what I need?)

(Of course, even if I only escaped in a spirit form, it would be quite difficult to recover the magic and form my core again. No doubt that you created a hole in the prison, greatly increased my chances. As for this vessel, the new core, if want, if you can bring it to me, all I have to do is go to it. Probably soul transfer...)

OU! And then it seemed to me that he was a little slow. He knew exactly what I was getting at, didn't he? Exactly the same conclusion was drawn by the Sage.

(To a limited extent, yes.)

(Hmm... In truth, I don't need any core at all... I hope you're good at keeping secrets? As I said, I'm unique and perfect in my own way. A completely unique creation that takes on a purely spiritual form. It's just the faith of those who live around me, which shapes the form you see.)

Here it goes. It's complete nonsense.

I probably managed to piece it together in a subsequent conversation.

he could gather magical essence around him to explore the physical body. Said body was currently held in that confinement, but that confinement also interfered with his will to gather the magic he needed. Could he have officially escaped alone? No, because he needed some kind of container.

If he had simply broken out into spirit form, his essence would have been blown into the wind like magic itself, erasing his very belonging. This would have happened by the birth of a new storm dragon, anyway, I haven't taken care of the details at this point. But if he does it, then by someone else. It didn't matter to him.

Yes, for a lot. But what if I use the Predator to swallow Veldora himself? I could either evaluate it inside my Belly or isolate and nullify the Infinite Imprisonment effect and it would come out. Will it work?

<<Answer. Subject Veldora can be kept in the Gully with the unique Predator skill.>>

Seriously?.. In his case, if we manage to find out in this, we can move on. If we can't, he'll manage to spend another century in captivity before he collapses into nothingness. So I wait a few minutes explaining Veldora's skill to the Predator and what I wanted to do with it. It wouldn't have been possible from the beginning without the help of the Sage, but...

(Fly-ha-ha-ha-ha! Interesting! Please continue. I leave myself at your mercy!)

(Are you that ready to trust us?)

(Of course! It would be fun to break through this imprisonment together with you, rather than sit and wait for the return! If there are three of us, this Infinite Imprisonment may collapse faster than we expected!)

Now I understand. He was alone, but now there were three of us. I liked his looks.

So the plan was that I usually use the Great Sage and the Predator to analyze this thing, and Veldora is destroyed from the inside. I reader think that this can actually work.

(Okay. So I'm going to swallow you, okay? Hurry up and get out of there.)

(Hehehe! Sure! Don't make me wait too long! Let's finally unite!)

Right! I gathered all my reserves of resolve by touching him for a moment and then activated my Predator skill. In a moment, the massive figure of Veldora disappears from view.

Everything happened too fast. We just talked. Seeing that he is gone, I decorate myself very small and lonely. He and the Infinite Imprisonment itself were consumed in the blink of an eye.

However, for me it was a kind of surprise. Checking for Belly clutter... Seriously, 12.5%? And how big is this thing anyway?


<<Notice. Conduct an Analysis of the unique skill Endless Imprisonment? YES/NO>>

『It's better to do it』 I prayed, thinking yes to myself.

<<Confirmed. The unique skill Universal Barrier has been acquired>>

we continued to go to the exit from the cave, acquiring the same skills as in the original
