
Reincarnation in One Piece world

A man from Modern world is born in the world of one piece. Join him on his journey to become stronger and collect a Harem of beauties. This is Huge Wish fulfillment Fic with Big harem, totally Non Realistic. As this is my first fic and a wish fulfilment type fic so expect childish and cringey writing. I know first eight chapters are kinda bad so try to read pass them. Lemon Chapter are marked with star so if someone doesn't want to read them they can just skip them as they won't affect the story. The cover pic doesn't belong to me. Advance chapters on Pat-reon. If you want to read them and support me you can go to- https://www.patreon.com/iamsunny9 Discord Link- discord.gg/2XeaJNnsEK

Iamsunny9 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Syrup Village

They have been travelling for a whole day and were about to reach Gekko Island.

"Luffy why didn't we take the ship of Buggy pirates, It was really big and we wouldn't even have to buy another ship." Asked Nami. Other girls also listened.

'Because I really wanted to sail in the Going Merry.' He thought.

"Because I wanted to start our adventure on our own ship. And the people of the town can use that ship for something." The girls really didn't understand what was the difference but they didn't ask more about it.

After some time they reached the Island. Luffy could feel the most of Syrup village just from the shore. It was a small village.

There were Cliffs on the all side of the Island. There was a small opening with a beach and a slope which led to the upper area. They docked the boat there. They got out and started to climb the slope.

Luffy, Ann and Makino had already sensed a boy and three kids on the cliff hiding. Even Kuina had sensed that there were people on the cliff but was unconcerned about it as Luffy hadn't said anything.

Luffy easily saw a few metal objects flying from the bushes which were aimed at his legs and easily dodged them.

They heard a laugh coming up from the hill. They looked up to see a skinny boy with a long nose staring down at them with his arms crossed and a confident smile on his face with many pirate flags sticking up from the bushes bearing the man's jolly Roger.

"Hahahaha.. I am the leader of the great pirate crew that conquered this village, The great captain Usopp. If you are thinking of attacking this village you should just save your strength or my 80 million men will crush you." He said flailing his arms here and there.

Luffy had a frown on his face and he was quite irritated by the guy. They didn't have any kind of pirate flag on their ship but this guy had still attacked them. Of course Luffy knew who this guy was. He was the boy who cried wolf. He would go around the village shouting that pirates are coming to the whole village. But when the pirates really came no one believed him. He also had one of the shittiest kinds of father who left his wife and small child to die just because he wanted to go on adventures. If you fucking want to go on adventure just don't start a family.

Luffy also didn't get the logic in this world for all purposes this guy should absolutely hate his father but he wants to become just like him. Same with Ann even though she always hated her father for being a pirate, She also wanted to be a pirate ever since she was little.

"That's a lie." Nami said with a calm expression.

"She knows." Usopp yelled as he made a weird face.

"Well I do now." Said Nami with a smug smile, Causing Usopp to freak-out at how stupid he was for telling them not that Luffy and others needed any confirmation.

"Alright , eighty million may have been a bit high but I do have many men by my side." He said as many flags waved around him.

"You mean those three?" Nami said, pointing towards the bushes.

"AHH.. She knows." Screamed three children from behind the bushes.

Luffy just sighed and took a step forward and said "This has become way too boring." And then he sent a burst of Haki towards them, knocking them out.

Then he looked back to see the girls staring at him.

"What? they were annoying." He said to them nonchalantly. "Let's Go."

They passed through some trees and came to the village.

After that they ate some food at a tavern where they talked about How they needed a bigger ship, more supplies and other such necessities. To which Luffy told them that they would go to the big mansion on the hill after eating.

Then they went to the mansion where there were two large guards standing at the gate.

"Stop, where are you going?" Gaurd asked the Group in a stern voice with cold expressions.

"We want to meet the owner of the house, as we have some business to discuss with them." Luffy said to them.

"The Miss won't meet anyone. Now go away from here." they coldly replied.

'Looks like everyone had come to have bad personalities under the command of captain Kuro. just chasing people away without even telling their employer.' Luffy thought.

Luffy narrowed his eyes and sent a small amount of Haki towards them, "Maybe you didn't hear me, we have business with the owner of the house and would like to meet them."

They got very scared and they quickly opened the door and led them to the inside.

They led them inside where they met a tall well dressed butler. He had white curly hair and there were Lamb's horns on his head.

The girls were just looking at his head for some time. 'This just shows that anything is possible in this world. I wonder if his mother was a goat or his father." Luffy thought in his mind.

"Who are these people?" He asked the guards.

"Mmm they say they have some business to do with Young Miss." They replied.

"Oh then I will attend to them. You guys can go to your post." The guy told them.

"Hello, My name is merry. What kind of business do you have with the young miss?" The guy with the goat appearance said.

"Oh, we would like to buy a ship from the young Miss." Luffy replied

"Oh, then I will take you to the young miss." Merry said as started to lead them towards Kaya' room.

"Why do you keep saying young miss. Isn't anyone else in the house?" Ann asked, a bit curious.

"Young miss is such a nice girl, she is very kind to everyone. But two years ago her parents died and she became ill after that, many doctors have seen her but none of them were able to miss better." Merry told them with a said face.

Of course they weren't able to treat her as her Illness was not physical. While doctors in this world can perform miracles they are still way too primitive in dealing with anything psychological. If they had psychiatrists then probably not every kid would be running around saying he will become a pirate.

All the girls had sad faces after hearing that they could all understand what this Kaya girl was going through.

"And then there that Liar Long nose guy." Merry said, seeming quite agitated.

All girls listened closely to what else that Liar has been doing.

Merry continued "He sneaked to the mansion and started lying to the young miss. He still sneaks inside the mansion to lie to her. Young miss is Naive girl so that bastard can't be up to anything good. These guards are also all useless; they can never catch him. Now the young miss begs to meet him even though that guy clearly wants to take advantage of her."

All the girls looked disgusted by that. Even Luffy himself doesn't believe that Usopp was up to any good really as why would he come to her. It's not like she was the only orphan. And just to think about it if there was a boy in place of Kaya would Usopp still have come even when guards insulted him and chased him away.

It's not like Luffy is condemning him for that if he was in place of Usopp he would do the same. He just didn't think that Ussop was that Noble.

"I don't think young miss Kaya is really ill." Luffy told the butler.

"What do you mean she has been sick for two whole years and no doctor could even cure her." Merry said to Luffy

"Well I think after her parents' death she fell into depression. It's a psychological illness not physical." Luffy told Merry.

"Then do you know anything that can be done to cure it?" Merry asked with some kind of hope.

"Well she should not be cooped up in the mansion all the time, even whose idea was to keep her in the mansion all the time, she should meet new people, make new friends and have fun in her life. She could even go travelling for a time and have some adventure." Luffy calmly explained to the butler.

Merry looked conflicted by what he heard, No doctor has ever said before but it made a lot of sense.

After some time of walking they came across a very tall slim man with glasses and slicked black hair. He was wearing a black suit and with golden markings on it. That man was captain Kuro of thousand plans, captain of the black cat pirates. But these people only know him as Klahadore.

"Luffy." Ann said. He looked towards her and saw that all the girls had a serious face. Luffy along with Makino and Ann could easily feel the negative aura he was releasing. Kuina can probably feel it too. And also seem to dislike him at the first sight.

"Merry, who are these people?" He asked Merry.

"They come to do business with the young miss and want to buy a ship." Merry told the man.

"Young miss is sick and can't meet anyone. Just send them away." He said to Merry.

"I don't think it's any of your business who your owner meets or not, butler. Just do your work and prepare some tea for us." Luffy said, sending a little powerful blast of Haki.

In just a moment that guy was frozen stiff and was sweating, his legs were shaking and much less moved he couldn't even talk after that.

Luffy and everyone just pass through him.

'What was that, I felt like I just saw my death.' Kuro thought, shivering.

After that they reached Kaya's room. Merry knocked on it. "Come in." came a melodious voice from inside the room. Merry opened the door and they all went inside.

Luffy eyes went on the girl sitting on the bed . She is a slim and pale skinned girl. She had blond hair and wide brown hair.

She was really a beauty and so cute with that little innocent smile on her face. She looked like a beautiful doll.

Kaya also saw a group of beautiful girls and a handsome man. She was wondering who they were.

"Miss Kaya, these people have come to do some business with you." Merry told Kaya indicating Luffy and the group.

Kaya turned towards Luffy and the girls and said with a smile "Hello, my name is Kaya. What kind of business do you have with me?"

Girls were just looking at how cute and polite the girl was; they really wanted to pinch her cheeks.

Then Luffy smiled at her "Thank you miss Kaya for seeing us in your condition. My name is Luffy and these are my friends'' and then introduced the girls, the girls also said hello to her. "And You are really beautiful, Miss Kaya." Luffy complemented her.

Kaya just blushed a little after hearing that, "Ah thank you, Mr Luffy and It's my pleasure to meet you as I can't usually go outside. So I am happy to meet new people."

Well it looks like she is more like a prisoner than the owner of the house.

Luffy just smiled at her and he asked "We were hoping that there was some kind of ship that we could buy from you."

After hearing that she became somewhat more enthusiastic than before it was quite clear to see that she was quite fed-up with staying in the house and wanted to go on some kind of adventure that she had heard so much about from Usopp.

"Ship, are you guys pirate?" she asked with a really excited face.

After seeing her face Luffy just replied with a smile "Yes, we are pirates."

After hearing that Merry became very worried he didn't think that this kid and this group of women were pirates.

But Kaya just got a weird gleam in her eyes after hearing that they are pirates.