
Fight With Fishmen

When they reached the shore they saw the villagers looking at the sea line with expectant gaze. But Luffy and most of the strawhats, girls just sighed after watching what was there. They saw a marine ship which has Number 77 written on it indicating the fleet number.

On the Marine Ship

"So that's the Arlong Park. They even put a ugly Shark head on top of it. You know it's the end of the world when pirates settle down like that. Listen up men. Our duty today is to rescue survivors from Gosa Village, Which has been destroyed by Arlong and his gang.

But I think that our duty to justice does not allow us to pretend as if we didn't see this grounded pirate castle. Does it?" A marine general with purple hair in a weird hairstyle asked his man.

"Yes General." replied all the soldiers.

On the Docks

Luffy just sighed 'while sentiment is not bad, did this idiot really come to fight someone on the caliber of Arlong with just a single ship and a handful of people?' he thought to himself.

"They will just die, Ann, just knock them out for an hour or two. And steer them away from here." Luffy told her.

After which Ann flew toward the marine ship. People's Jaws hit the ground after seeing that they couldn't believe if that was real or not.

"Let's go, it's time to get rid of these fish." Luffy told the crew. They then went to the gate of Arlong Park. Luffy kicked the gate and flew off its hinges. Luffy and the crew went inside the Arlong park. All other people also followed but stopped at the gate with Kaya also staying with them.

Arlong saw Nami with a group of people and the man who attacked him earlier.

"Nami what are you doing here?" he said with an angry face.

"I am here… to kill you." Nami said with a determined face.

"Hoo, Here to Kill me.. You still haven't given up. How many times have you tried to kill me in these past eight years? Murder, poison has it ever worked." Arlong said to her. Everyone was shocked to hear something like that.

"You should know we are superior species and can't be killed by you weak humans. And this time it looks like you even found some friends to help you." Arlong said with a mocking face.

Then he told her how she would never be able to kill him and if she drops this foolish idea of reeling he will still spare the lives of everyone here. But then he was punched in the face and was sent flying into the wall.

"Man you really talk too much." Luffy said just in front of the place where Arlong was standing.

"Who the hell are you?" Arlong asked while embedded in the wall.

"I am Monkey D. Luffy and also Nami's Captain." Luffy replied.

"Nami's captain, Then you were also deceived by her like many other pirates. You don't know the things she has done." Arlong said, trying to create doubts.

"I know everything there is to know about her. Besides what if she stole money from some pirates, I didn���t come here as those pirates' advocate. I have to just come to get rid of you." Luffy replied in an uncaring tone.

"You bastard." the other fish-men said and lunged towards the Luffy but was intercepted by Kuina, Reiju and Silk. With Both Kuina and Silk cutting through them easily. Silk has come a long way from when she started and can kill these fish easily which are said to have strength equal to ten men. 'Pink Hornet' Luffy heard and saw Reiju releasing a purple stream from her mouth which killed many fish-men really fast when they came in contact with it.

"You are not qualified to fight the captain." Reiju said with a condescending tone.

All Four remaining fishmen became enraged after seeing their crewmates being killed.

"What power! Ganzo said with his mouth open.

"It's unbelievable that Humans with that kind of power exist." Said the doctor.

"How dare you do that to our crew." An octopus like Fishman said.

"Looks like we have to get our hands dirty now." said a bulky looking fishman.

"I think we need to teach them the difference between our species." said the fishman with a very long mouth.

"Arlong-san, please stay right where you are. If you fought now the Arlong Park would turn to dust." they said to Arlong after which he just got comfortable where he was punched.

Then the octopus came in front of them, "He will be enough for all of you. He is the thing that destroyed that village and killed all the people there. " Then he made a trumpet like sound with his mouth towards the ocean.

Luffy and the girls started to wait to see what this guy was going to do. Luffy then turned to Nami and asked, "Nami, do you want anything from inside the building because I am gonna destroy this ugly building."

She thought about the first map she drew and wanted to show it to Bellemere before she was murdered. Nami just Nodded to Luffy.

"Alright you and Makino go inside the building take whatever you need with all the treasure from inside." Then he turned towards the other girls "Alright Kuina you take on the octopus guys and Reiju you take on the bulky looking guy. Silk you take the guy with the long mouth."

"Hai, captain" they replied.

"Where are you Mohmoo?" they heard the octopus who was still looking towards the ocean but nothing came. 'Looks like the girls got rid of that cow while coming here.'

Then all the three fishmen other than Arlong came in front of them.

After that Luffy and the girls split up going toward their own destination.

Reiju vs The bulky fishman

"Seems Like you're really unfamiliar with the superiority of the mermen race." The Fishman said while taking his stance.

After that he ran towards Reiju with punching and kicking.

"A fish trying to fight a cook, How laughable." Reiju said to the fishman, easily blocking his attacks with her hands.

"I am a 40th level fishman karate master!" The fishman said, throwing a straight punch at Reiju.

Reiju just blocked it with her elbow, "if this is level forty then even that old man's kick was like 400th level." She said just pushing the fishman away.

The fishman then used 'Gyojin Karate' and came with a kick to her abdomen which she blocked with her Knee after that the fishman tried a heel stomp on her Head which she blocked with her hands. Then after some time repeating these attacks. He saw a tornado being formed and saw that it was Hachi, their swordsman who was doing that.

"That's enough Hachi, But if you get serious it might get dangerous. You want to destroy Arlong Park?" The bulky Fish-men said to the octopus.

'Ultimate palm strike' he used a palm strike hoping that it would be able to knock off the girl which was stronger than he had expected.But contrary to his expectation that attack also failed.

"You have really angered me, I'll show you the essence of Merman Karate. That move just now was a 100 Brick punch but my special move is 1000 Brick punch. The chances of you surviving are Zero!!" The fishman yelled.

"No need, I have already seen everything." Reiju said she spinkicked him in the back, breaking his spine and then a stomp kick on his head, breaking his neck instantly killing him.

She didn't really need to take that many attacks, she just wanted to see if she can train her body and technique like Tekkai by that. But his attacks were too weak to hurt her superhuman body.

Silk Vs Long Mouth

"You should just give up, you can't fight, you can't beat us. We are from superior species. Chuu."

"I won't give up, This village and this Island is Nami san's Treasure and I will fight with you to free her treasure." Silk said And took her stance with the sword.

He then came at silk with a punch which she blocked with her sword and cut him in the hand. The fishman quickly retreated after that. 'I have a disadvantage in close fights.

"Let's see how you gonna fight me now." The fishman said. And he then puckered his lips and sucked air inside then shot a small amount of water from his mouth calling it a water bullet. But Silk was able to cut through the water bullet with her sword. After repeating this for some time, The fishman then went to a pool type area and sucked a large amount of water inside him and then aimed towards Silk in a very large amount of water calling it Water canon. Silk tried to lock it but the force was too much and she was flung back by the force of water. After that she stood up shakily she was also a little injured.

"Now try to stop this, I'll blow you to pieces." Then he made an attack called a hundred shot water gun in which he threw many water bullets from his mouth. Silk seeing that she won't be able to stop all the water bullets dodged them and hid behind a pillar.

"Is that all you can do hiding, you inferior creature?! No matter where you hide I'll blow you away with my water cannon!" The fishman said and sucked a large amount of water again.

Silk after hearing him got determination in her eyes and thought about how everyone was already stronger than her and she didn't want to increase the Gap in their strength more. She then came out from behind the pillar and started running towards the Fishman.

The fishman fired the water cannon but she just came through it cutting it with her sword.And even though her Injuries got worse she didn't stop and swung her sword at the fishman cutting all of his torso and she knelt down beside him as he bled to death.

Kuina Vs Hachi The Octopus

"I am Hachi, I am a swordsman of Arlong pirates. Who are you ?" Hachi Introduced himself

"I am Kuina, swordsman of Strawhat pirates. People also know me as Pirate hunter Kuina." Kuina also introduced herself. Everyone was stunned when they heard who the woman was.

'Looks like Nami really found herself some really powerful friend' Nojiko thought to herself.

��You are Pirate hunter Kuina?" Hachi asked, surprised. But soon he got over the shock. "Well even if you are a Pirate hunter you will have to die because you killed our friends."

Then he used one of his attacks called Tako Hachi Black, throwing black ink from his mouth which Kuina easily dodged.

"Pirate hunter Kuina you will never be able to defeat me that's because I have six arms." Hachi said to her. Then started flailing all his tentacle arms weirdly. "Isn't it cool. Isn't it wonderful?" he said to her.

Somehow by watching them she got really angry she didn't even know why but she definitely had to get rid of this guy.

"You octopus bastard."She said as she lunged forward. And Hachi used his special move called octopus catching the blade with bare hands.