
Reincarnation in Myrtle Warren

Aggressive and with an unpleasant character, subject to charges of aggression and mistreatment by her peers, constant mistreatment and lack of care from her family, led a 14-year-old teenager to death... Magic is always subject to the paranormal... Today I come to tell you the story of Myrtle Warren!.... And may magic be with you... This story doesn't belong to me. I only translate.

Ana_Vazquez_0521 · Book&Literature
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Chapter Three - Family

The busy streets of New York were greeted by celebrations and cheers, possibly because it was an important date, thought a bespectacled brunette as she passed the throng of people with her mother.

- "At this rate, we'll never get there" - Reproached the adult woman.

- "I told you to use the flu powder," - Commented the child absentmindedly as she turned the page in her book.

- "Can you put that book away and pay attention, what if you get lost?"

- "Well, I get lost," - She commented quietly.

- "Let's go this way" - And with a jerk, she took Myrtle through some dark alleys, which is it being for the fact that the person who was carrying her was her mother. She would think she was being targeted for trafficking to sell her organs on the black market. Aftermath she would never forget from her former life.

They passed through narrow streets until they finally came to a building, which looked like an old coffee shop, but when they entered, she was surprised to find that the place was not as simple as it seemed.

Quickly her mother spoke to a lady in her sixties or seventies who led them to the back room, which contained three similar doors, and the woman led them to the second door, which when opened, overlooked the magical society in New York. Some curious wizards turned to look at them, but none stopped their activities and continued on their way.

- "Do you think grandfather has bought me a thestral," - Said the child, clearly looking forward to receiving that bony creature.

- "I hope not," - Said the woman with a clear grimace at that possible option.

- "Oh, what a pity, I would have liked to fly in it."

- "Don't even say it, your tastes are as strange as your father's," - Commented her mother amused.

- "They're not weird, well maybe a little, but the thestral reminds me of a friend" - At that comment the woman frowned, she didn't like to see her daughter sad and much less nostalgic as if she had lived so much in such a short time. The simple fact that Myrtle did not behave like a child of her age, she hated it.

She knew that her daughter was somewhat special, because of the strange gift her father had given her. But she didn't want her to plunge into such a dark world and leave her childhood so quickly.

Compared to many children, Myrtle was a child of few words, she didn't cry, she didn't throw tantrums, and she spent most of her time in her room reading a book or making notes with her crayons.

The only one who could bring her out of this melancholy and uncommunicative state was her father, Edward Warren Miney. Ever since Myrtle suddenly woke up one night sweating and crying, it was her father who came to her in the first instance.

When he arrived and saw his daughter in that state, he was heartbroken. His little girl had a peculiar ability that she had inherited from her father, she could see what to other people would be paranormal. Most wizards can see ghosts, but that is only because they allow it. In other words, as her husband would put it, they were astral manifestations of the soul that you could not touch and only see or hear. Myrtle can not only see them, but she can connect with them.

She also had an innate control of her magic, as if magic was part of her, so Myrtle never showed outbursts of magic or accidental magic, which only made her more nervous and tense. She was just a new mother who wanted the best for her daughter, but her strange ways always made her upset, worried, and tense to the point of not being able to recognize her own daughter.

The anguish was engraved on her mother, it was clear that she had once again worried this poor woman who only wanted to spend time with her daughter.

She tugged lightly on her sleeve, to let her know that they had arrived at her grandparents' mansion. As soon as they entered, they were greeted by a house elf who guided them into the mansion, until they reached the main hall where a woman of no more than 80 years old greeted them with the joviality of a 40-year-old.

So they can't say that a woman over 80 doesn't look young and radiant with energy - "Eli" - Her grandmother greeted them warmly as she hugged her.

Her grandmother was a witch of high status in the magical community. Full of prestige and fame in her own time for being the first female auror chief in the magical world.

As for her grandfather, he was a fan of magical creatures, so much so that he even wrote a guidebook about them. But he didn't want to be hailed as an expert, he was very serious about his work and his vocation was potions. So much so that he was hailed as the youngest potionist to enter the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was promoted to headmaster at the age of 36. Quite an achievement in those days when seniority was valued more highly than ability.

- "Dear, come in, your grandfather is waiting for you in his study."

- "Okay"

- "And guess what, he has a surprise for you" - She whispered in her ear with an air of mystery - "Do you want to go and see what it is while I talk to your mother?"

She immediately nodded and ran to her grandfather's study.

- "Myrtle, don't run," - Her mother scolded.

Her reaction was so late that the girl was no longer visible in the whole corridor. Both adults entered the older woman's room.

- "What do you want to talk about?" - Commented the adult woman scathingly once they had entered the room.

- "Don't be so aggressive, don't forget that I'm your mother," - The older woman spat authoritatively.

- "I know," - She exasperated as she tried to calm her temper.

- "Tomorrow your sister is coming to visit, she has decided to run for Supreme Head of the Confederation of Wizards."

- "¿And?" - She asked, hoping she would spit out what she wanted.

- "Your sister, unlike you, has decided to carry on the family name in a big way, but..."

- "But what?"

- "She's decided she doesn't want to get married, your father had an argument with her a week ago about petty things. And the way things are going, Young Macmillan will marry another pureblood witch, if your sister doesn't get over the silly idea that she doesn't want a husband."

- "Why don't you just leave her, she's done enough already, you keep handling her like a puppet expecting her to do as you please."

- "It's not like that, she's just trying to pay us back for everything we've given her, but since she decided to learn about her origins in Brazil her way of thinking and acting are no longer like before, she became more like...."

- "Like who? Like me... No!"

She took a sip of the drink she had a few minutes before.

- "Stop it, I'm not going to fight you for fooling around."

- "Of course, for you, these problems were always insignificant. How could you forget our family motto of don't cry, don't doubt, don't fear, don't feel?"

- "You were always so sentimental, it's a relief that your daughter didn't turn out like you."

A thunderous slap was the only thing that echoed throughout the room. The pain, anger, and frustration that a human being can endure are enormous, but when they accumulate year after year they are simply chaotic.

It was in another corner of the world that such an intense hatred of humanity was born. In a London Orphanage in England, known for housing muggle orphans since 1890. Today, a magical child manifested itself for the second time.

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Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).