
Reincarnation in BL but I am straight so I will take over the throne!

I, I have been reincarnated?! In a BL GAME?! hah! I am but straight..... So I will put on the fake facade as a nice, cute and perfect guy until the academy ends while polishing my skills. But wait a minute, I can't act nice all the time! It seems that the ambitious side character of the game isn't that useless. I am not talking about her death being a plot device in bad endings. But why is she acting so weird in front of the crown prince? Don't try bearing any feelings, he likes me anyways. Also, I should also take over the kingdom for fun! I mean, the king is a piece of trash so initiating a coup won't be so hard. And my dear friend is helping as well? How convenient! I am gonna make MLs become my slaves, to make them work to the bones in future obviously~ Story of pretending? and facade? to survive this damn world. (Ana: tell me about it.)

Lily_Heart_7316 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Way (I/III)

"Make yourself comfortable Little Master." Isabella Leviza, the beauty came down from the stairs. The inside of the house was more of white and dark green and seemed nature friendly which complimented her green gown. Her long dusty yellow hair dashingly flew on her right shoulders. Her green eyes seemed to twinkle.

"Mama!" Ana chimed, she seemed to love her mother.

The woman smiled and sat in front of me on the couch. She moved her hands and soon the maids and butlers served some edibles in front.

"So Young Lord seems to be good friends of Ana, but its almost ust the fifth time we met." 

Eh? really? Damn Alex, Ana knows nooks and cranny of your house and it is all you have done for her for the last 10 years?

"I- I guess so. Mrs Leviza, You look absolutely beautiful." I said with a pleasant smile. I tried being cute so she would favour me a bit.

"Thank You Lord, You are so sweet!" Lady turned to her left before shouting. "Ava, Andy, Come out kids!"

Soon, a girl over 20s and a kid near 7-8 stepped out of the room. The girl was Ava Leviza who was ditto of her mothers and someone even us high society people have heard of. She is considered a good bachelorette with her interest in variety of things including sword fights and businesses. The little boy Andy was a mixture of both the fater and mom with emerald like big eyes and black dashing hair. He was smilling while Ms Ava was standing elegantly there. 

Lord... Ana got all the father's genes huh? poor girl.

"Its nice to finally meet you after hearing this much about you from Ava, Lord Miller."

"Ah, I have heard a lot about you as well Ms Leviza, you seem wonderful."

"Thank You Lord," Now it was just a cycle of 'haha you are good' and 'haha you too'.

Also, why are we buttering each other up?


"Lord is so pretty mama!" The kid said. Such a cute child. It made me soo happy because kids are usually honest right?


{Thoughts: Is Mister a girl? well whatever! sister Ava told me to say so, so I did. But he IS pretty. Meh~ What's for lunch today, I want to play outside now. When will he leave so I could finally go outside~}

D- Damn... So kids of this world are easily manipulated huh? Whatever!

[Did THAT humbled you?]

'N- No..'

"So Lord, what is your purpose here today?" Mrs Leviza said.

"Well Ana will be leaving today as well right?"

"...Anndd What about that?" Ana swooped closer to me on the couch as her eyebrows furrowed a little.

"Well, do you have a carriage for the 3 day long travel?" I asked innocently with a smile.

"No, we don't" Ava answered. She sat next to her mother as Andy slowly crept away.

"So you can go with me. I have my personal carriage!" I intertwined my fingers in front of my chest. 

"Eh well I can manage on my own, don't worry about it Alex!" Ana looked at her mother before anwering. 

"Well, tell me a reason why not?"

"I just... don't want to" Ana was getting a litle annoyed it seemed. 

"But I really want you to." I insisted. Suddenly, I felt chills on my back and I immidietly looked at Isabella and Ava.

{Thoughts: If Ava/I can't seduce Kevin, then Ana can just go for Alex!}

Unbelivable! both of them thought the same.... I looked back at Ana who made eye contact with them and somehow understood them. What is this sorcery?

{Thought: You guys think he is straight? I mean, l have never seen him interested in girls or hot ladies fanclub.}

Hey! I AM straight! 

{Thoughts: Ah, right}

I literally saw light leave their eyes and their shoulders slouch! I am kind of offended but more impressed that they could talk with their eyes.

Well, who blames them, I went from a handsome young man to femboy looking twink.


"She would Go!" Ava said. They aren't giving up huh?

"Bring Young Lady's bags and put them in Lord's carriage!" Isabella said.

"Yay, we will travel together friend!" I clasped my hands with Ana. She was hesitant. 

"U- uh yeah sure?" She faked a smile but her eyes showed 'Why won't they ever listen to me'

Because you are a middle child I suppose.

Soon the arrangement was done. Ana was hugging her little brother. She picked him up and smooched his cheeks.

"Don't forget your older sister! I am gonna return as someone cool!"

What's with Riverine and returning cool?

"Hehe Sissy~"

The housekeepers were bidding their farewells and so was Ren.

"Take care miss." Ren was wiping his tears.

"I will!" Ana said cheerfully as she clenched her fist in the air.

Ava pulled Ana closer and hugged her while patting her head "Don't grow even taller okay, you almost reach dad." 

Ana was bending her knees to be shorter than Ava. "I am already 18~ na~"

Isabella kissed her head and Ana had to bend again. Her poor knees.

"Bye Mamma..." Ana was on verge of tears.... nevermind, she is crying.

I was seeing it all from the window of the carriage. Soon the sniffling Ana sat in and Jhonas started the carriage.

We didn't talked for some time as she was still sniffing and I was mentally exhausted.

"I wish... I could have met father the last time before leaving.... I met him in the morning but...." Ana said while looking out. Her nose was red and so was her cheek.

'Is that why she didn't wanted to leave with me?' I felt a little bad.

"I see... " What could I have said? So I just passed her my handkerchief.

"Thanks..." She was sniffling so much and was trying to use my napkin with care and elegance. I took it from her and stood up and sat next to her.

She was suprised when I held her jaw with my hand and covered her nose with my handkerchief.

"Blow" She was hesitant but blowed her nose otherwise. After she was done and clean, I threw it out of the window.

"I could have washed it for you!" Ana said.

"It's fine, it's just a handkerchief."

"Thanks.... you really are kind!" Ana smiled cheerfully as her spirit returned.

 She really is better this way....

"It's getting dark, Jhonas, Is there a village where we could stay?" I looked outside.

"We will reach the village after about 47 minutes. Lord" Jhonas replied in his rough voice.

"I see...."

"So precise. You must be an expert Mr Jhonas!" Ana said cheerfully.

"Well Lady, You are overestimating me" Jhonas said in gentler voice. Hey! is his voice rough only to me?

"All the experts says so!" Ana said with a giggle.

"Lady is too kind" Jhonas was talking like Ana was his grandaughter or something.....

The chatter continued between them and even I took part until my eyes became tired and I dozed off.

Ana saw Alex sleep while taking support of the carriage couch so she asked Jhonas to talk silently and eventually all of them went quiet.