
Reincarnation in (ATG)

Having emerged victorious from a grueling war and achieved remarkable success, our protagonist finally reaches the pinnacle of their aspirations. Having acquired everything others dream of, our hero succumbs to old age and reincarnates into the World of the Ascended Defying Heaven. Everything would have been fine: the system, the power to overcome anything, and the determination. Unfortunately, our hero slightly offended a deity. Follow the main character as they navigate a world filled with cruelty and killings. In this realm, true practitioners don't discriminate between children and adults; if you are their enemy, they will eliminate you. It is a world where only one law exists: survival of the fittest! https://boosty.to/authorskylen.(chapter 601) It's available for less than $2. Free here: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/21291. Please note that in some chapters, the system is practically useless. The MC (main character) will be able to do whatever he wants. Note: This is a translation(My main language is not in English) and edited with some edits for better understanding and manual rectification of some (not all) errors. If there are still some bugs, I apologize for that.

DreuxX · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Skill: Killing Intent

After Elder Zi Ji left, Jasmine shifted his attention back to the stage. The auction was reaching its conclusion, and now his pills were up for sale.

"Ladies and gentlemen, especially for you, our Merchant Guild has acquired special Temper and Spirit pills from other Empires..."

Jasmine nodded as he listened to the auctioneer's description. If this were his previous world, he would have possessed the talent to captivate audiences with his words and gestures. The auctioneer used colorful language to describe the pills, deliberately building anticipation. When the impatience of the crowd grew, he finally announced the starting price.

Once Jasmine's pills were sold, there were no more items on display. He left the room and noticed Li Rong waiting at the exit. He nodded to her and made his way downstairs.

At the lower level, another guild employee guided him to Elder Shi Huojin, who handed him a substantial amount of money. After collecting the payment, Jasmine left the building and proceeded to rent a hotel room. It was already late in the evening, and although he didn't feel tired, he wanted a place to rest. The dragon's body granted him stamina beyond that of ordinary mortals.

After securing the best room available, which came at a steep price due to the upcoming event, Jasmine dined on the first floor before retiring to bed.

"When was the last time I slept in a proper bed? About half a year ago, in the Xia clan..." Jasmine whispered, gazing at the ceiling before closing his eyes. It had been six years since he arrived in this world. Did he regret being reborn? Definitely not. He had grown fond of alchemy, monster hunting, and even the pursuit of strength. The vastness of this world, many times larger than Earth, offered numerous unexplored territories.

Could he have fought and defeated the Dragon on Earth? Absolutely not. Jasmine smiled, reminiscing about the events that had kept him entertained until now.

For a while, Jasmine basked in the silence of the spacious empty room, lying on the bed under the dim light cast by a crystal. Suddenly, he sat up abruptly, a mild shock evident on his face.

"How could I forget... the red loli is poisoned!" Jasmine exclaimed, realizing the situation. Due to the diverse experiences he had enjoyed, he had completely overlooked the plot of "Against the Gods" and had been immersed in his own adventure. But now the circumstances had changed. With only a few days remaining until the arrival of the red loli, Jasmine needed to take action.

"System, I require a medicine capable of suppressing the spread of the Ultimate God Killing Poison," Jasmine thought, recalling the name of one of the strongest poisons that could even kill Divine Masters from the God Realm.

System: Life-giving Spring Water. Cost: 100 points.

After examining the properties of the water, Jasmine felt pleased. Life-giving Spring Water was ordinary water infused with a branch from the Life-giving Tree, which blossomed only once every hundred thousand years. It possessed powerful healing properties, and while it couldn't eliminate the Ultimate God Killing Poison, it could effectively suppress it for a certain period.

"I'll take it," Jasmine said, finding a small bottle in his hands. The amount provided would be sufficient to suppress the poison in the red loli for three days. "As far as I know, the red loli will appear in Floating Cloud City a few days before meeting Yun Che... that should be enough..."

Jasmine suddenly jumped out of bed.

"How could I forget... where is the red loli now, according to the system!?"

System: Xing Tong is currently in the mountains behind the Xiao Clan. Lifespan remaining

: 7 days.

Jasmine blinked a couple of times, processing the information.

"Xing Tong? Who is this?" Jasmine asked, puzzled.

System: It is your name, Jasmine.

Jasmine didn't inquire further and immediately leaped out of the window. As he ran, he felt the eyes of onlookers upon him, forcing him to seek refuge in the narrow alleyways between the houses. Employing the Disintegration of the Moon technique, he rendered himself invisible and evaded the surveillance of Xia Hongyi's men. Within a couple of minutes, he had arrived in the territory of the Xiao Clan.

Jasmine felt a growing sense of nervousness. He recalled the description of the red loli and realized that one wrong move could cost him his life.

Upon reaching the mountains of the clan, following the guidance of the system, Jasmine spotted a girl with red hair in the distance. She appeared to be around twelve or thirteen years old, clad in a dirty dress. Her fragile body was curled up, resembling a frightened kitten. Numerous small, thin scars marred her slender white legs. One foot was adorned with a black shoe, while the other lay discarded nearby. Her bare foot was delicate, akin to a lotus flower, and her slender fingers seemed crafted from precious stones.

Jasmine was astounded by the beauty of the red loli. His heart pounded, and his hands trembled uncontrollably. Every fiber of his being urged him to claim this girl as his own. The dragon within him roared, sensing a potential mate to perpetuate its lineage.

"System!" Jasmine struggled to control the surging emotions, seeking assistance with the last remnants of his rational mind.

System: Influencing user's will! Suppressing Draconic Senses!

With the system's intervention, Jasmine regained control of his body and mind. The distance between him and Sin Tong, which had initially been several hundred meters, diminished to a mere tens of meters.

Jasmine took a deep breath, leaning against a nearby tree. He had never experienced someone exerting control over him, observing his actions as if from a distance.

"System, what was that?" Jasmine whispered, though the red loli remained unconscious.

System: Your dragon blood sensed the power within Sin Tong and identified her as the potential mother of your child.

Understanding the explanation, Jasmine realized that the Dragon bloodline not only bestowed upon him the body of a dragon but also implanted the instincts of a dragon within his mind. However, a question lingered, one he hadn't pondered too much but was curious to ask.

"System, as far as I know, female dragons seek out strong males, not the other way around," Jasmine voiced his query, indifferent to the answer but driven by curiosity.

System: Your human nature has intertwined with that of a dragon.

Despite the system's concise response, Jasmine comprehended its meaning. As a human, he disregarded morality as long as it served his goals. He acknowledged his own moral ambiguity and refused to harm innocent individuals. These human values blended with the dragon's inherent principles. Consequently, the Dragon within him overlooked Sin Tong's gender and focused solely on accomplishing their objective, aligning with Jasmine's intentions.

"So I don't prioritize the pride of the dragon above my own rules," Jasmine sighed. If the dragon's pride had overshadowed him, he couldn't fathom the magnitude of the trouble it would cause.

After a few minutes, Jasmine calmed himself completely, assuming a lotus position as he observed the red loli from a distance. She appeared pale, her face contorted in constant pain.

"I have three days... or rather, two days left," he muttered, glancing at the full moon in the sky. "Until Yun Che

comes here. What should I do during these two days?"

Jasmine had initially planned to show utmost care and concern for this "unknown" girl, to suffer in front of her. However, his experiences over the past few years had taught him otherwise. It was better to keep his distance and not get too close.

Time passed, and after an hour, Jasmine turned to the system once again.

"System, I need the skill of Killing Intent or something similar," Jasmine requested.

System: Soul Skill: Killing Intent. Price: 500 points - 1,000,000 kills. 1000 points - 10,000,000 kills. 1500 points - 100,000,000 kills...

Jasmine's eyes widened in surprise. Recalling that Xing Tong and Yun Che emanated killing intent derived from their countless murders, he pondered how to impress someone who had endured the same pain and suffering as Sin Tong, if not more.

"What if I claim that, for the sake of revenge, I annihilated an entire native planet..." Jasmine started concocting a fabricated story from his past. He wasn't concerned about its plausibility, as releasing killing intent would instantly make Xing Tong believe his words. After all, powerful killing intent could only be earned through countless killings.

"Wonderful. System, I'll take the Killing Intent skill for 2000 points," Jasmine decided, unperturbed by the significant expenditure. He would receive a generous reward of 10,000 points anyway.

System: Congratulations! You have acquired the soul skill: Killing Intent for 2000 points - 1,000,000,000 kills!

As the skill was assimilated into his mind, Jasmine trembled uncontrollably. Only with the system's protection did he manage to retain his sanity. Wide-eyed, he stared into the void ahead, regaining his composure after a couple of hours, as if his soul had returned.

"Haa..." Jasmine raised his hand, observing it closely. "It feels like... I have actually killed a billion people."