
Reincarnation: I Have Infinite Potential

If i remember correctly, it was a sunny sunday when it all happed. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming and the trucks were honking with all their might. In retrospect, i should have noticed something was out of place at that time, but oh well. After that i was sent to a very bright place, there I met a very pretty and equally annoying lady who kept annoying me to hurry up and make a choice. I mean, she is already doing me a favor, so I made a quick choice. She seemed to like my thought process, so much so that she ended up giving me an gift of some sorts. And here i am now, in a cradle, thinking about what just happened.

PotatoPeeler69 · Fantasy
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44 Chs


I am currently being carried princess style by Bell, while we are traveling to the nearest mountain.

The moment i heard Bell knock on the door i understoud that he realised that the situation is a lot worst that what Arthur had told us.

I mean, i never had trusted Arthur from the very beginning when it came to my illness but it would seem that he either had no idea about the true seriousness of my illness or he was truly is excellent at lying.

But i don't mind it at all, i was originaly going to freeze to death alone in a room with no memories to speak of, but this all changed because of the boy infront of me.

The cutest boy i had ever seen came and took me out from my prison, he showed me kindness and care that even my mother failed to show me.

Even when the situation is very pessimistic he still kept it to himself and tried to make it look like he was taking me out to play.

I wanted to believe it, that i would soon be cured, that i would be a maid by his side for the rest of my life, but reality is often disappointing.

On the very first night my arrival, while Bell was studying alchemy the only other person in the castle entered my room.

Her name was Rose, young master's maid.


Rose sat next to me and gently talked to me.

"Little girl i want you to listen cerefully, in truth, i now what your contition is, it is called 'Divine ice body'."

After she said this she left me a couple of minutes to digest all the new information she just told me before she continued.

"This is an extremely rare body that can help the user master the ice element. The ice element is not an original element, it is a combination of air and water, and air is a combination of water and fire."

"This is also the reason for your suffering, it is because it's not one of the basic elements that your body needs to be fully altered to show it's full potential."

"This wouldn't have been anything difficult had you been born in a noble family, some good food and a single low 2 tier potion would have been enough for you to complete your body but this unfortunately did not happen."

"At this stage you would need at the very least a tier 5 potion for you to be cured."

After she dropped this bombshell she kept quietly looking at me.

"...why are you telling me this?"

"This is very simple, i believe you deserve the truth."

"What about Bell?"

At this point i was very heart broken, how could that boy lie to me in such a way, was he enjoying it?

But before i could even continue my thoughts Rose interrupted me.

"No, Bell does not know of this and will not learn of this!"

To this i was shocked, what was happening here?

She seemed to have read my thoughts because she answered after letting out a small sigh.

"Bell seems very attracted to you, not that i blame him, you are the first person of similar age to ever have a conversation with him after all."

After she said this she let out another small sigh.

"So, Yumiko, let's make a deal."

She didn't allow me to speak before she continued.

"Originally i would have thrown you out so Bell wouldn't have to suffer from you death, but Bell seemed to be so motivated to help you, that he is now improving at a rate much faster than what he could originaly."

"So i will allow you to stay, to feel cared and loved by the young master but you will have to keep everything in this converation a secret."

I was speechless for a bit before asking.

"...Are you not afraid that Bell will learn of this and kick you out when he grows older?"

To this Rose just laughed.

"Kick me out when he grows older? Girl you seemed to still be underestimating Bell, even if i were to leave now nothing would change for Bell, other than having to cast a couple of spells more to clean the castle."

After she said this her expression grew grave and she spoke in a serious tone.

"Even if Bell hated me for it i would still do it, because this is my responsibility."

"So what do you say little girl?"

I stared blankly at the hand that was placed infront of me before giving it a firm handshake.

"Ok then i trust you will not go back on you word."

After saying this Rose started to leave before coming to a halt before the door.

"Oh, Bell has a history of making impossible things happen, so don't despair, I would say that there is still a good 20% chance of you getting cured!"

Before she could move i spoke to her.

"Miss Rose didn't you just say that i would at the very least 5 tier potion to be cured, are you playing with me, how could there still be a 20% chance of me recovering?"

To this she just laughed and said.

"It will not take you long to realise that Bell is incredible, but make sure to not say it to him or he might grow arogant."

Rose kept laughing merrily while getting out of the room with me just gazing at the exiting figure.

Unbeknownst to them, a boy could be seen using a huge amount of mana to enhance his hearing. originaly he was doing this because Yumiko wouldn't call when she felt cold because she felt like a burden but now he seemed to have found treasure.

"Hoho?, Rose seems to have started keeping secrets from me, how harsh."

The boy didn't even stop what he was doing, but it would seem that he enjoying the situation.

"But a tier 5 potion to cure her?, i need to make some changes in my plans."

The boy frowned for a bit before returning to normal, like he had heard nothing.


We just reached the nearest mountain.

I went ahead and captured a cave that was previously occupied by a howk.

The cave is only accessible only to creatures that are able to fly or creatures that are able to climb all the way near the top of the mountain.

This is the ideal place to make the base for healing Yumiko, it is not easily accesible by predators and it has a view of all the forest below, i don't think i have previously mentioned this but my gluttonus aura doesn't have a distance limit so i can just throw it out randomly and just keep healing her.

After i cleaned up everything that the previus inhabitant had left behind by using a combination of gluttonus aura and the spell 'clean', i also placed some basic furniture i had made before hand such as a chair and a small table.

I didn't have eny extra space to store even a small bed so i just brought some extra pillows and blankets.

With everything ready i sat cross legged at the entance where i could have clear vision of the forest and had Yumiko sit on me while she was all wrapped up in her blankets.

"So Yumiko, did you like your new toy?"

When i visited her yesterday i had given her a small toy from my previous world, a rubik's cube.

Yumiko stared at my eyes for a bit before taking out the cube that i gave her.

"Young master i can't have more than 4 sides become the same color."

Yes, she is currently facing me and not forward, this is because she is realy sscared of heights, actualy she even covered her head while i was bringing her here.

I brough a hand to her waist and started casting 'heal' while with the other i took the cube.

"You have to do it this way.....

I kept saying tips and tricks to her in order to improve and was casting 'heal' at the same time, with the improvement of mana manipulation the casting rate of the spells increased, 'heal' was also level 7, so in a bit over an hour i managed to get it to level 10.


[Skill 'heal' has reached level 10, complete the mission to evolve.]

[Mission: Cast heal 100,000 times.]

'Excellent, the mission is simple for me to do i will be done i just a couple of hours.'

After thinking of this a smile appeared on my face.

Yumiko that saw my smile was a bit puzzled, so she tilted her head a bit and asked.

"Young master is everything alright?"

She was currently holding the cube so i had a empty hand, i reached out and gently rubbed her head.

"Yeah, everything is alright."

I didn't say to her about the evolution since this could be a happy surprise for her.

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