
Reincarnation: i became a baby dragon!!!!

Sly. An emotionally broken boy who died unjustly [like a bitch] got reincarnated into a godly world filled with wonders. He was born into a family of royal dragons that are on the verge of extinction. After promising himself to become a better person, he awakened the imperial domination system that will help him dominate the world.

Dennis_Asare_9647 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

A miracle

After the old ancestor left, the entire family started to congratulate Sly's parents."Congratulations my liege , the prince has been blessed by the ancestors." After saying their congratulations, they left one after the other leaving only the parents of the child and his sister who at this moment had sparkling eyes as she stared at the child. The child's father stared at him with joy and relief . He looked at him for a while before taking his leave. As the king of his kind, he was very busy and had important things to organise. After he had left, the pair of mother and daughter sat down with the baby and started to coax him.

Sly looked at them with his beautiful eyes not knowing how to deal with them. He found himself in a helpless situation. Mind you, although he looked like a baby at the moment, he still had the mentality of a youth which caused him to become embarrassed when the started to coax him. He decided to ignore them after a while. He looked at his status screen and thought' it looks like this is not earth and my family is not normal'. *sigh*. 'Since life has given me another chance, I won't let it down.' As sly was thinking about this , he looked at his surroundings again. He looked at his mother and sister who were still making funny faces and singing to him. He observed them and found out that they looked more like sisters than mother and daughter. As he was observing them, a status panel popped up.

Name: Daenarys

Race: imperial dragon

Age: 12,000,000 years


Strength: ???

Health: ???

Stamina: ???

Name: Kayla

Race: imperial dragon

Age: 1,000,000




'Fuck me!!!'. These people are monsters ! '

Sly was shocked when he looked at their stats. Each of them was very so powerful, he couldn't even see through their skills and strengths .all he saw was their age, name and race. What shocked him more was their age. 'How long is their life span?. They look so young but they are actually older than the longest living creatures known to man'. What the fuck.'

" look, mother he looks shocked. Are you stunned by big sister's beauty?"

Kayla said as she stared at sly with a big smile on her face.

" beauty my ass" . Sly uttered but what came out was baby sounds "buh da da guh".

"Awww so cute." Kayla screamed as she rushed to give sly a hug.


In a huge palace with glamourous design of gold and jade, A group of people were discussing something. The leader was a handsome man with a majestic frame and build. He was sitting on a huge golden throne with with dragons carved on it. The people in the room were all royal dragons. They were more than four meters in proportion. The leader was about ten meters in proportion dwarfing the rest of the people there. The atmosphere was festive and joyful.

" Congratulations to your majesty. The youngest prince is finally born and is blessed with unimaginable talent". Said one of the officials. The rest agreed with excited nodds. The king sitting on the throne gave a rare smile at the mention of his youngest son. This son had kept him and the family waiting for a long time. Although a thousand years was not much in his eyes, it was still long enough for mortals to live ten lifetimes. The imperial dragons were a rare species of dragons that were born with incredible talents. Due to this, in ancient times, their incubation took millions of years before they were born. That was until the ancestors found a solution to this . They found a treasure that could speed up the incubation period. Due to this, millions of years was reduced to merely decades. With this heaven defying treasure, the low population of the imperial dragons skyrocketed. However, although this treasure could speed up the incubation period, it could not increase the probability of fertility among the dragons. So the population only increased from thousands of imperial dragons to hundreds of thousands. That was until the calamity struck and almost wiped out the entire species. Fortunately the treasure was passed to the ancestor Balthazar when he took the younger generation to escape. This helped him rebuild the dragon kingdom again although it could not compare to it's previous glory.

However even with this treasure working properly, this son of his took a thousand years before he was born. He had almost lost hope but thank the ancestors that the child was born safely without any problems.

" Now that our youngest son is born and our worries have dissipated, let us discuss the progress of the kingdom over the years". Arman said in a deep voice. " Yes Your majesty ". The officials replied in tandem.

" over the past thousand years the population of the kingdom has increased from ten millions to eleven million . An increase of a million. The mortality rate of our citizens have decreased drastically with the formation of the luminous underwater fog. The birthday rate is still constant ". One of the officials reported to the court. " This is very good. With the formation in place, the safety of our people is guaranteed". "What about the military?" Arming asked.

" The military has benefited from the increase of the population and has started to expand . With the current progress, it won't be long before they can start exploring the ruins left behind by the ancient divine roc clan." A burly official stood up and reported.

"Good. It seems like we are on the right track. Good job". " Your majesty I have something to report ". An official with a scholarly appearance stood up and spoke excitedly." Go on ". With the king' s approval, the official began speaking " your majesty a miracle has happened. The injured and crippled of our people have all healed magically,The cultivation of the people has increased by two major realms instantly and the magical crops in the farms and food crops that were cultivated last month have matured drastically out of no where and are ready to be havested!!!