
Chapter 7: Exams and Snakes

This in not my book BUT I have asked for permission from the author but he still hasn't replied if anyone can get in touch with him let him know if he wants me to I can remove it from here

go check out the book at https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13466952/2/Reincarnation-How-Absurd-The-Story-of-Kenta-Yamanaka-Book-1

Dang. Two days in a row. Go me! This isn't the norm I promise. Government contractor working in a 24 operations facility on a federal holiday = a bored me. So I just went ahead and started... and finished the new chapter.

I really hope you all enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Without further ado! Voila!

Dear Kenta,

Chunin exams?! Wow, that is awesome! Do your best and I know you'll get that promotion. You're super strong, just not as strong as me! I'm really jealous of you. I asked Shibuki if I could compete this year, and being his usual overprotective self he shot me down. Oh well, they're held every six months so I'll get my shot sooner than later!

Things have been as good as can be expected. I'm still the village Pariah. Still have no friends. But it's OK! I have you, and Naruto, and Ami! Three friends is more than I ever thought I'd have, even if I don't get to see you all the time. Sis Chomei and I are getting closer though. Ever since we met Naruto, she's been talking to me more and more. It's nice to at least have one person to talk to. I would rather it was you, but I'll make do with what I have and our letters!

The one thing I've noticed is that our council have been meeting more and more with Shibuki. Shibuki looks sadder each and every meeting. I wish I could help him, but I know he wouldn't want me to but in or worry about him. I'll just try to be there if he needs me! Count on me!

My training is also going really good! Ever since me and Chomei started talking more, my techniques have all gotten stronger and easier to control! It's really cool! I'll show you how hard I've been working next time we meet. I'll kick your ass again just like last time, hehe! I really do miss you, Kenta. And Naruto and Ami. The three days I spent with you were the happiest of my life. I sometimes dream of just running away and coming to live in Konoha with you guys. I know that would make Shibuki sad, and me a criminal, so I'll just have to hope and pray things start changing around here.

Anyway, do you best on your exam. I'll be rooting for you! Send my love to Naruto and Ami! Good luck you guys and kick ass!

The Prettiest Kunoichi in Taki,

P.S. Your new personal summons is such a sweet little thing and the cutest! Give her a treat for me when you read this! Ok Bye!


I stood in the training field, panting, sweat rolling off my brow. I collapsed onto my back, attempting to catch my breath. The last two weeks replayed in my mind. Mastering the techniques I'd learned. Fine-tuning my control. Increasing my reserves. It all led to this moment. I grinned and pushed myself into a sitting position. Staring at the results of my training, I couldn't help the happy laughter that escaped my lips. I'd done it. Almost four months of constant training. Four months of pushing myself to my breaking point day in and day out. Four months of electric burns, partial drowning, chakra exhaustion, and bone-deep weariness. It was all worth it.

I started making my way home. I took one last look over my shoulder. Even from this distance, the perfectly spherical hole that pierced the fully matured Oak tree was noticeable. With one more grin for my triumph I walked out of the clearing.

The Storm was rolling in over Konoha once again.


My eyes snapped open and I shot up in bed. My heart was beating frantically in my chest, but for the life of me I couldn't' remember what I was dreaming about. The only thing I remembered was two, bright lights rapidly approaching me before I was jolted back to consciousness. I had a feeling this wasn't the first time I'd had that same dream. Oh well, no time to dwell on it. Today was the day! I jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Twenty minutes later I was standing in front of my mirror giving myself a last minute once over before I joined the family for breakfast. I'd decided for simple and practical for the exam. Nothing that would set me apart from anyone else. I kept my black cargo pants, taped around the ankles for support and to keep them from snagging or making noise. A mesh undershirt worn underneath a black, sleeveless hoodie with our clan symbol emblazoned on the back in white. Two, 5x5 pouches rested on my hips to carry my assortment of ninja tools and seals. To most it would seem that I was ill prepared keeping such small pouches, but when your teammate is a budding seal master, you can fit a lot in small spaces. Wrist tape under metal plated black gloves completed my ensemble. The gloves were a gift from Naruto for my 13th birthday. Each gloves held 6 small storage seals. Each seal could hold up to 100 senbon. I had, literally at my fingertips, access to over 1000 senbon. From plain simple needles, to ones coated in poison potent enough to kill a grown man. I was more than prepared. A simple scroll hung at the base of my back with enough supplies to last me a month should I need. I never went anywhere without it.

After checking my equipment and supplies one more time, I turned back to the mirror and studied my features once more. My olive toned complexion was finally explained after my maternal heritage was revealed. I'd always stood out in my clan, as the overwhelming majority were quite pale, but I liked being a little different. My dirty blonde hair hung shoulder length and was pushed back and kept out of my face by my forehead protector. Tall and lithe just like my father, I'd grown a few inches since graduation, standing at a respectable 5'5"; the tallest in my class. Once last glance revealed teal, pupil-less eyes staring back at me. I smirked to myself. Yeah, I was a fucking stud. No doubt.

I opened my door and walked to my baby sister's room. Unlike a normal 7 year old girl, my sister's room was covered top to bottom with posters of famous Kunoichi through the ages. Training weapons littered the floor and opened scrolls could be spotted here and there. As for my sister, she was standing in front of her own mirror, fashioning her waist length hair into a loose bun. She smiled when she say me leaning against her door frame.

"Ready for today, Big Bro?" She asked in her quiet voice.

"You bet, kiddo. I'm gunna kick ass and take names. You gunna cheer me on when I make it to the finals?"

She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Of course, dummy. Who am I going to cheer for, cousin Ino?" She rolled her eyes at that notion as well. I can swear to every god in existence, I in no way had anything to do with my little sister's opinion of our cousin. Kono saw firsthand how Ino conducted herself and was just as embarrassed to be related to her.

I smiled at my future badass Kunoichi sister. "Good point. I'm grabbing breakfast quick then I gotta head out. If I don't see you, I love you and good luck on your test today. Also, clean up your room! This place is a pigsty!" I laughed heartily as Kono had seamlessly grabbed a senbon from her dresser and chucked it at me in response. I easily bat it out of the air. She was getting damn accurate with those, but still not much oomph behind them.

"Love you too, big idiot!" She called to my retreating form.

I found both my parents in the kitchen when I entered. Mom had a spread of food already prepared and was finishing the fish. Dad was, as always reading the paper.

"Morning, Mom. Morning, Dad." I greeted both my parents.

"Morning, sweetie!" Mom smiled over her shoulder at me. "Ready for today?"

I nodded vigorously. "Ready to kick ass and take names!"

"Kenta Yamanaka, Language!" She reprimanded primly. I snickered as I grabbed a cup of coffee. "Can you see who's at the door?" Mom asked as there was a loud knock.

I grabbed my coffee and made my way to the front door. Opening it to be greeted by both my teammates. Both my teammates had been in the same mindset and had opted for new threads for the big occasion.

Ami wore a dark blue, almost black loose fitting battle kimono. Embroidered into the fabric was a swirling pattern in a dark grey that was easy to miss if you weren't looking. Underneath you could spy the mesh jumper she wore. She wore heeled kunoichi sandals and wore here long hair in a loose ponytail today.

Naruto had also made a change. Gone was the all black track suit I had convinced him was much better than the orange monstrosity. In its place he wore black cargo pants similar to mine, taped just the same. He wore a loose fitting, black, long sleeved shirt that had a single stripe of dark orange (much better) that ran the length of it. A single large scroll hung from his back, reminiscent of his second teacher. Standard shinobi sandals and similar to my own black gloves completed the new look.

I rolled my eyes. "You two knew mom was making a good luck feast, didn't you." Their only reply was twin smiles and pushing past me into the house.

"Morning Uncle Inoko! Aunt Tori!" Naruto greeted enthusiastically. He ran over to my mom and gave her a peck on the cheek. She giggled and gave him a one armed hug.

"Good Morning Naruto, Ami. You both ready for the big day?" Mom asked my teammates.

"Yes, Ma'am." Ami replied poliedly.

"Hell yeah! Ready to kick ass and take names!" Naruto all but shouted.

"Naruto Uzumaki! Language! My goodness between you and Kenta you're going to give me gray hairs!"

We burst out laughing at that as Naruto dodged the spatula mom swung his way. An excited squeal interrupted our teasing.

"Big Bro Naruto! Big Sis Ami!" Kono squealed, crashing into Naruto in a bone crushing hug. Naruto laughed good naturedly and squeezed her back.

"Dang, Kono. You're getting strong. I need to up my training or you're gunna pass me up!"

Kono giggled. "Darn right, Big Bro!" She then ran and gave Ami a much more subdued, but still loving hug. "Big Sis. I'm counting on you to show those boys us girls are just as strong!"

Ami returned the hug with a bright smile. "I plan to, little flower. We can't let these boys' heads get too big, can we?" Kono shook her head vigorously.

"Ok, Breakfast is ready. You three dig in and eat quickly. You don't want to be late. Tardiness to a Chunin exam is an automatic failure!" Mom scolded while serving all the dishes. We all complied and dug in. 10 minutes later and we were bidding the family goodbye and on our way to the first test. Time to get this show on the road!


The three of us arrived at the academy with plenty of time to spare. I glanced at both teammates, excited and nervous smiles in place. We made our way into the building. Before we opened the front doors, a gust a wind heralded the arrival of our team captain. Cpt Genma smiled down at the three of us.

"Proud of you brats, no matter what happens. However, don't embarrass me and make sure you win. No pressure though." He finished with a smirk. "Test is in room 303. I know I don't need to tell you, but still, good luck."

We saluted our captain and pushed the front doors open. Making the trek up to room 303. When we arrived at the second floor, a group of people had gathered and seemed to be held up. Noticing two older genin blocking the door to a room whose nameplate clearly read 303. I snorted. I felt a nudge from my right and heard Naruto's whispered voice.

"Ok, I might be dumb, but even I'm not this dumb. Hopefully the rest of the competition is like this. We'll breeze through."

I smirked and in a hushed voice gave the orders. "Casually go by. Don't draw attention. Let the idiots who can't even count floors fail." Ami and Naruto both nodded and we continued on our merry way to the correct room. We opened the door and realized just how early we were. Only 4 other teams had made it here before. I took a cursorily glance around, sizing up the competition. None of the teams impressed me all that much. All except one. A team from Suna. The older boy and female of their team stood confidently. They were definitely strong but they weren't the ones who worried me. The small red headed boy, he was the one who truly made me nervous. The bloodlust and malice leaking off him in waves was only one part of what made me cautious of the unassuming red head. Though his face remained a blank mask, his eyes spoke of unhinged madness and death. I shivered before turning to my teammates.

"Watch out for that team from Suna. That red head… He seems off. There's a madness in his eyes that gives me goosebumps."

Naruto and Ami stole a quick glance their way and nodded vehemently at my suggestion. I took a look around once more and noticed that more and more teams were filing in one by one. Turning back around I went to engage my teammates once more before my senses were firing on all cylinders. I turned back around to engage the threat when a green blur crashed into me. I looked down at the small object that had just knocked the wind out of me and my eyes locked with a pleasant shade of orange.

"Hi, Kenta! Surprised to see me?!"

"F- Fú?! What are you doing here? Your letter, I thought-"She cut me off with a giggle and another tight squeeze before letting me go and stepping back.

"Obviously I lied, silly. I wanted to surprise you!" She laughed. Her laugh was the most beautiful thing I think I've ever heard. She turned to Naruto and Ami, just now seeming to notice them. "Naruto! Ami! Oh it's so good to see you both!" She gave each of them a hug. I was pleased that Naruto's was just as quick as Ami's was. My hug was definitely the longest.

"Fú! How have you been? How's seven doing? Villagers still a bunch of assholes?" Naruto excitedly babbled away.

As we got reacquainted with Fú, I noticed her two teammates standing off by themselves. They kept shooting us curious yet wary glances. My musings were cut short by the one voice I would have been happy to never hear again in my entire life.

"Well, well, well. Look who's here. Looks like they'll let any trash take the Chunin Exams." Ino said waspishly, eyes trained directly on me.

"Cousin! So good to see you! I almost didn't recognize you with the pound of makeup caked on your face and… is that 3 new ribs showing? You've been keeping to that diet I see. Good for you!" I replied in my fakest cheerful voice.

Her face darkened before she smirked. "Sorry, dearest cousin. Some of us need help to look as naturally feminine as you do."

It was my turn to flush, but before I could reply Ino's face lit up and she raced off.

"Sasuke! My prince oh how I've missed you!"

I laughed uproariously as Sasuke smoothly dodged Ino's love charge, sending her crashing to the floor. He rolled his eyes and kept walking towards our team.

"Sorry about your troublesome cousin, Kenta. I curse the gods every day that we have the wrong Yamanaka on our squad."

I turned towards the heavy lidded Nara and smiled. Shaking his hand I replied "Don't worry about it, Shika. If only her skills were as sharp as her tongue she'd have been rookie of the year."

"Haha! Good one, Kenta. Chip?"

I politely declined the jovial Akimichi's offer just as team 7 made it to our group, a pouting Ino in tow.

"Yamanaka, Kogure, Idiot. Nice to see you all." Sasuke greeted.

I laughed while Naruto bristled. "Uchiha. Sakura. Good to see you both! Who's the new guy?" I asked indicating the pasty teen behind them. The new boy stepped forward, the grossest and fakest smile I've ever seen plastered on his face.

"My name is Sai. It is nice to meet you, Girly-Man." The smile never leaving his face.

It was now my turn to bristle while Naruto cackled madly. Sakura then stepped inbetween Sai and myself.

"You'll have to forgive our new teammate. He seems to have been born and raised by some type of animal. His social graces are non-existent. It's good to see everyone again!" Sakura explained giving us all a quick hug.

"Looks like the gang is all here! Hope you're all ready to get your asses handed to you! Team 8 is going to crush the competition!" Kiba's loud, boisterous voice filled the air.

Conversation between all 4 rookie teams picked up after that. I introduced Fú to everyone and her bubbly personality quickly earned her a few new friends. Even the Ice Queen thawed out a bit around Fú. We were all smack talking and catching up before a new voice interrupted us.

"You must be the rookie squads we've all been hearing about. You should probably keep it down, you're drawing a lot of attention towards yourselves and tension is already high." An older, silver haired teen approached our group. "My name is Kabuto Yakushi by the way."

Naruto was the first to speak up. "Nice to meet you! Thanks for the advice, gramps!"

Kabuto chuckled good naturedly, "I'm not much older than you guys, you know."

"Thanks for the warning. Unless you have anything else to say. Beat it." This came from Sasuke who was looking at the newcomer with a suspicious gaze.

"Oh of course. I actually have this deck of cards. They're my ninja info cards. It's all the information I've collected from previous exams."

"Is this your second time, Mister Kabuto?" Sakura asked, polite as usual.

He smiled sheepishly, "It's actually my seventh time."

"Ha! You suck, dude!" Kiba laughed.

"In my defense these exams are harder than they seem. And I'm not really a frontline fighter. I work mainly at the hospital." Kabuto explained.

"How do they work?" Sasuke interrupted.

"Oh! Well I just push my chakra into the card and voila! All the information on a person I've found. If you have someone in mind just tell me as much information as you can."

Before anyone could make a request, Fú jumped in. "Kenta Yamanaka of team 11, under the command of Genma Shiranui!" She sent a smirk my way.

"Traitor" I muttered. Though I was curious to see what information he'd been able to get on me.

She smiled sweetly and sent a wink "All is fair in love and war!"

"Let's see, Kenta Yamanaka. Ah here we go. Age 13. Teammates are Naruto Uzumaki and Ami Kogure. Mission records indicate 45 D-Ranks, 8 C-Ranks, and oh my goodness 1 A-Rank! Good measurables with speed and flexibility being his strongest points. Average in hand to hand. Average in illusion arts. Dual natured with Lightning and Water which he's quickly developing. Considered a genius of his clan's special techniques. Overall, he is considered an A-Rank threat in this competition.

I closed my mouth that had fallen open at the amount of information Kabuto had somehow collected. There's no fucking way he should know all that. My eyes narrowed in suspicion even as there was an appreciative murmuring from my peers. Sasuke jumped in next.

"Gaara of the Desert, Naruto Uzumaki, Ami Kogure."

"Ok let's start with Gaara. Not too much is known on him as he's a foreign shinobi and he's the youngest son of the current Kazekage. What I have. No D-Rank missions, 20 C-Rank, and 1 B-Rank. There's also a note here that says he's never received an injury on a single mission. Wow, impressive. It also says he's considered an S-Rank threat for this competition and to approach with extreme caution."

Never been injured, eh? My suspicions were being confirmed. That kid was dangerous.

"Now let's see, Naruto Uzumaki. You know his teammates and mission report. Great overall measurables with his stamina and chakra capacity being the biggest standouts. Above-average in hand to hand. No skill in illusions. A solid grasp of ninja techniques. My note here also says that Naruto is the most promising sealmaster Konoha has had since Lord Fourth! Jeez, you rookies are impressive! No wonder you were recommended! He is also listed as an A-Rank threat."

Naruto was blushing at the praise but my suspicions were growing by the second of this Kabuto person, if that's even his real name.

"Finally, Ami Kogure. Unofficial apprentice to Anko Mitarashi. Excellent hand to hand scores. Average illusions. Becoming proficient in Fire Release techniques. No added notes but also received an A threat rank. I think I might just drop out now if all you rookies are this impressive. I don't think I'll have a chance this year!" Kabuto lamented.

Just as I was about to question Kabuto, I sensed three threats approaching rapidly. I jumped back, pulling Fú with me. Out of nowhere a teen wrapped head to toe in bandages swung right at Kabuto. Kabuto dodged effortlessly, but a split second later his glasses cracked and he was on the floor puking.

"Put this on your info cards. The three Sound shinobi will definitely be making Chunin this year!" Mummy boy declared boldly. Before anyone could respond a plume of smoke erupted at the front of the class. When the smoke cleared the most terrifying man I'd ever seen was standing center. Tall and proud surrounded by a dozen Chunin. His sharp gaze scanned the room and locked eyes on the three sound shinobi.

"You three. Cause another disturbance and you'll be paying me a visit down in the torture department. Do I make myself clear!?" Scary man yelled.

The three sound ninja gave quick affirmations before returning to their previous spot.

"Listen up. I don't repeat myself. My name is Ibiki Morino. I am your proctor for the first exam. What I say goes. You're in my domain now. Now, everyone get in line in front of one of the tables and grab a number. Find the seat that matches that number and sit your asses down! The first exam starts now!"

************************************Scary Man***************************************

I'd never met, nor even seen Mom's boss. After seeing him, I'm glad I hadn't. The man was a mountain of muscle and probably would have made me piss myself had mom had him over for dinner. So knowing his reputation, I was extremely disappointed in the test he'd just administered. Upon hearing his explanation it took all my willpower not to laugh out loud. Five, FIVE chances before you get thrown out. I could do it without getting caught once, but five times? I didn't even have to be subtle about this. Regardless I scanned the room and found my target. I waited until he finished his exam before beginning my plan.

'Yamanaka Clan Technique: Mind-Body Transfer'

I was now staring down at a test with perfect answers. I quickly scanned and memorized the important details to the questions. I didn't need all the fluff this nerd added. After I had what I needed, I ended the technique and returned to my body. Jotting down the answers on my own sheet, I quickly located Naruto. Deciding to try a different approach, I executed a recently learned technique.

'Yamanaka Clan Technique: Mind-Body Disturbance'

Similar to the Mind-Body Transfer this technique grants you control over the victim's body. Unlike Transfer though my consciousness remains with me and the target is fully aware that they are no longer in control of their body. I felt Naruto resist me for a moment before it clicked what was happening and he let me guide his hand. I finished writing the answers as best as I could from this distance. Naruto could pretty it up. I then did a scan for Ami. I found her across the room. I discreetly made the seal required before noticing the rustle of her sleeve. A moment later she began scribbling furiously.

'Well done, Ami. I don't know what you did but looks like you don't need my help' I thought to myself, pleased by her growth.

I glanced at the clock and realized only 20 minutes had passed. Still had 40 left to go. Nap time it is!

*************************************Joke Test****************************************

So the final question was a joke. The test was a joke. I was not a happy camper. I mean I guess I could technically see how for some it could be difficult. Not everyone grows up around a clan of mind fucking ninja. Ok, be fair, Kenta.

Suddenly, the windows shattered and a brown blur flew into the room. Four kunai were thrown with expert precision expanding a banner.

"Don't get too comfortable, kiddies. It is I, the sexy and deadly Anko Mitarashi! I'll be your second proctor. I hope… you're… prepared. IBIKI WHAT THE FUCK? 27 TEAMS? YOU SUCK!"

Ibiki just shrugged "Or maybe this year's batch is just that promising."

"Psh, whatever. When I'm done with them, the number will be cut in half, at minimum." Anko replied, a dangerous glint in her eye. "Well if you're done admiring my gorgeous figure, follow me to the next location! If you can't keep up, you're out!" And she dove out the window. I grinned at my teammates and we quickly followed, quite used to Anko's antics by now. The scuffle of chairs and scrambling of feet was the only clue I needed that everyone else's shock had worn off and they were in hot pursuit.


"Welcome, victims, to training ground 44. Also known as "The Forest of Death!" Anko shouted across the clearing. "This is where your second exam is being held. It's a fun filled forest. Full of cuddly monsters, man-eating plants, and leeches the size of melons that can drain a full grown adult in seconds!"

Next to me, Ami shuddered. In a hushed voice so no one would here she gave us the details. "Cpt Anko has taken me in there a few times. It's far from fun. The sadistic bitch isn't lying though. I've seen the leeches, they are not pretty. I have a pretty good lay of the land in there though. We should be ok."

Naruto and I nodded before tuning back into Anko.

"For the next 5 days, you kiddies will be fighting for your lives, not only against nature but each other. Yes there will be deaths, so after my explanation you will each be given a liability waiver to sign. Three WILLFULLY signed waivers will get you one of these two scrolls." At this she held up two different scrolls. One an off white color, the other a light brown color. "You task is to collect the scroll opposite to the one you were given. Once you have one of each scroll, you will then make your way to the tower located in the center of the forest. Upon completion of this task, you will have passed the second exam."

"Now, onto rules. First, you may get the required scroll your team needs by any means necessary. Yes, some of you will not be walking out of this forest alive. Two, do not, under any circumstances open your scrolls before reaching the tower. I can promise you, you will not like what happens to you if you do. Finally, rule three. All three members must reach the tower ALIVE! Carrying a carcass with you will do no one any good. So stay alive. So. Questions? No? OK! Let's get started. Bring your 3 signed forms to the tent set up over there and get your scroll and gate assignment. Let's go, kids!"

I quickly signed my form and handed it to Naruto. "Hold this and get in line. I'll be right back." Naruto took my form and joined Ami in the quickly forming line. I searched the crowd, finding the mop of mint green hair I was looking for. I rushed towards her.

"Fú! Hey wait up!" I called out. She turned to me, a radiate smiling lighting up her face. It took my breathe away momentarily before I shook myself out of the trance she'd just put me in. "Glad to see you passed the first exam, I know that tests aren't you strong suit." I played teased her.

She puffed out her cheeks, pouting. "Hey, I'm not THAT dumb. Sorry we can't all be geniuses like you" she finished blowing a raspberry my way. Her childish antics just made me laugh. "Good luck on the second test, by the way. Better stay clear of me and my team, no promises we won't take your scroll!"

I nodded and her with a grin on my face. "You too, be careful in there. Ami says it really is as nasty as Anko was saying. If I don't see you in the next round, I'll never let you live it down."

Fú laughed in delight. "The only way I don't pass this part is if dumb or dumber over there gets killed. They're hopeless! You be careful too, Kenta. I know you and your team are strong, but you can't predict everything!" She then surprised me by rushing me and throwing her arms around me in a tight hug. I immediately reciprocated the move, not failing to notice how perfectly she fit in my arms. Her head came right up to my chest. It was as if she were made to be there. I reluctantly let her go and bid her farewell before returning to my team. I was greeted to twin smirks from the terrible twins.

"What?" I snapped.

"Oh nothingggg" Ami sing-songed.

"Kenta and Fú, sitting in a tree! K-I-urk" Naruto's song was cut off by my elbow to his diaphragm.

"Can it you two. She's just a friend."

"Yeah, OK." Ami scoffed.

We bickered the rest of the time before it was our turn to enter the tent. We handed over our waivers and received a white scroll in return. The symbol for heaven was emblazoned on it. I put it in my weapon pouch and sealed it away and we walked out. We were assigned to gate 18 and we quickly made our way to the gate. Once there, we all got into mission mode. Both turned to me.

"Plan?" Ami asked.

I thought for a moment. "The second the gate opens, Naruto make a dozen clones and spread them out. Advanced scouting party. We make directly for a source of water. Any team worth their salt will seek out a source of water. Once there, we rig the hell out of the area. Naruto will then make more clones to scout and hopefully lure teams to our trap. The second we get an earth scroll, Ami will lead us in the most direct route towards the tower. Let's get in and out. The longer we're in there, the lower our chances of getting the scroll we need. Also, the longer we're in there the more desperate the remaining teams will be. Desperation leads to irrational thinking and a dangerous enemy. Sound good?

Both my teammates nodded.

"It's a solid plan. It covers all our bases and is a good starting point. If we don't have any success by tomorrow we can rethink our strategy." Ami supplied.

"I agree. Well game faces ladies, we're going to crush this part."


30 agonizing minutes later, the gate swung forward without warning. The three of us blitzed forward. Naruto made a dozen clones as planned and they all took off in random directions. We continued our straight flight through the ever gloomy forest. 10 minutes of running rewarded us with the sound of rushing water. We quickly found a stream running through the middle of the forest. We slowed down.

"Let's get set-up. We have less than 5 minutes. Move!" I barked out orders, quickly taking over.

Naruto unfurled the large scroll on his back and pressed a palm onto section of the scroll. When he withdrew his hand a smaller scroll was clutched in his fist. He stowed the large scroll and started withdrawing all types of tags and traps. Handing them to Ami and I, explaining what they did and how they worked. We quickly got to work, rigging everything within a 1000ft radius of a tall tree we decided as the lookout spot. Five minutes later, the 3 of us were 75ft off the ground.

Naruto stowed the smaller scroll back into the larger one and made the all too familiar hand seal. A cloud of smoke erupted and dozens of Naruto's raced off in every direction possible.

"Now, we sit and wait for our first victims." Naruto whooped.

I nodded in agreement. I sat down on the tree in the lotus position. Spreading my senses as far as they would go, I began my part in the ambush tactics. Sensing while meditating removed all the other distractions in everyday life, allowing my range to be expanded greatly. While up and aware and pushing my sensing to its limits, my max range was just shy of half a mile. While sensing in this method its range surpassed a mile. I know, I know. I'm a badass. Pushing all thoughts and distractions aside, I focused my mind and allow my senses to spread.

About an hour later I felt 3 signatures enter my range, making a beeline directly to our position. I opened my eyes just as I heard Naruto's whispered voice.

"Three little birdies are now trapped in the cage."

I smiled. "Let's have some fun team 11."

**************************************Big Fight****************************************

"Well that fucking disappointing!" Naruto whined to my left, staring down at the three dead genin at our feet.

"I'd have to agree" Ami said, nose crinkled in disgust. "They weren't all that great, were they? Didn't sense a single trap."

"To be fair, we did rig the hell out of this place." I put in my two cents.

"Yeah, but like, they hit the first wave and just died. Like who does that?!" Naruto supplied.

"Hey wait, aren't they those sound assholes who were boasting about becoming Chunin? That's kind of funny." Ami giggled.

I took a closer look and sure enough I recognized Mummy Boy.

'I mean, this was Naruto's work. We basically through everything at them, including the kitchen sink… wait a minute, what the fuck?'

"Naruto! Did you LITERALLY throw a kitchen sink at them?" I asked in disbelief.

"Oi! Don't you mock me, Kenta! You have some weird sayings. I thought it was funny, and when I saw this sink sitting in a dumpster I just grabbed it and seal it, ya know? I was going to use it for a prank. Must have grabbed that tag by mistake." Naruto laughed.

"Hey! It worked though didn't it? Take a look at spiky head!" Ami giggled.

It was then I noticed the blood on the corner of the porcelain sink and the giant gash on the teens head.

"Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. I think it did do the trick" I replied in disbelief.

Naruto was laughing up a storm. "I'll have to make that a signature technique. Death by sink! Hahahaha!"

The three of us all got a good laugh. I took a look around and noticed the destruction Naruto's traps had caused. Hundreds of kunai littered the floor. All three of the dead genin punctured with dozens of kunai themselves. Either they weren't that good, or Naruto was just THAT good. It also helped that the first trap they triggered was the one that sealed their fate.

The second month into my training Cpt Genma threw a scroll at me. Apparently he called in a favor one of his friends had owed him to get that technique just for me.

'Water Release: Syrup Trap' had quickly become one of my most versatile and favorite techniques to use. It released a torrent of viscous liquid that trapped anyone that got caught in it. Sealing it inside a scroll was actually quite easy. In a short amount of time, Naruto and I had created one of the most reliable and effective trapping traps in the shinobi world. That was the trap the sound genin activated first. And the release time of the seal was instant. When you're trapped in place, it's really hard to dodge 100s of kunai.

"Well, let's find that scroll and hope it's the one we need." I said after our laughter died down. We began the unpleasant work of digging through the pockets of corpses. A few minutes later Ami's excited voice pierced the silence.

"I found it! And it's an Earth Scroll!"

"Hell yeah! Let's get the hell outta this creepy forest!" Naruto Cheered. He then pulled out another scroll and upon activation, ever single weapon in the clearing was instantly sealed back into the scroll. Naruto's wizardry would continue to amaze me. He noticed our looks of amazement and smiled brightly. "All my kunai have storage seal link seals on them. As long as they're within 50ft of the anchor" He held up the larger scroll, "Then they all go back to the storage scroll they're linked with."

"That's amazing Naruto! You're really coming along with you sealing!" Ami excitedly replied.

We gathered up on straggler kunai and Naruto's sink and were on our way towards the tower. Three hours into the second exam and we already had our second scroll. Yeah, team 11 is damn amazing.


45 minutes of running later I felt it. I stumbled and lost my balance, crashing down to the forest flow below. I was gasping for air and couldn't breathe, quickly I shut my sensing down. My breathing quickly easing up. Naruto and Ami were beside me in an instant.

"Kenta! You OK, man?!" Naruto asked, concern lacing his voice.

I nodded. "Sorry about that. I just had my senses spread to the max and felt the most vile and disgusting chakra I've ever felt in my life. It just took me by surprise. Sorry to scare you."

Both my teammates breathed sighs of relief before Naruto's eyes widened. "Oh fuck. Team 7, they're in BIG trouble!"

"Where? What direction?" I asked Naruto. He pointed to his right, the exact direction the vile chakra had just come from.

"Well, fuck me"

*********************************Actual Big Fight***************************************

My team raced through the trees. Naruto tried to explain what happened but his clone was destroyed by a giant snake before he could get much information. I cautiously turned my senses back on and breathed a sigh of relief. I could still feel the vile chakra, but it wasn't as intense as before. We were close.

"We're close. Be prepared for everything. If I give the signal, we go with attack pattern Delta."

Naruto and Ami nodded. We burst through the canopy to a sight straight out of a horror film.

Sai was slumped against a tree, eerily reminiscent of team 7s last teammate. Blood was dripping down his forehead.

Sakura was on the ground, attempting to push herself up. She was covered in small cuts and bruises but otherwise looked fine.

Sasuke was still standing at least, but just barely. Every inch of exposed skin was bruised or bleeding. He was panting heavily.

The cause of all this destruction and pain? A lone shinobi stood across from Sasuke. Pale skin, and golden snakelike eyes pinning him in place. I knew those eyes. I'd dreamt of them. I knew what was going to happen. I wasn't going to let it. I threw a single kunai at the Snake. He blocked it effortlessly and his eyes snapped toward my team and me.

"Oh? More mice come to feed the snake? Very well, I will grant you the death you oh so desire" The Sannin purred.

Sasuke noticed us finally and he turned our way "Get out of here. He's too strong. This isn't a genin its-"

"Orochimaru. Konoha's biggest traitor. Why are you here?" I asked in a voice that I prayed wasn't shaking too bad. My teammates tensed further hearing who our opponent was.

"Why, I'm simply testing young Sasuke here. I've battled his brother, I wanted to see if that same potential ran in the family." Orochimaru replied simply.

"Looks like you've had your fun. Can you please leave now? I really want to see my 14th birthday if that's alright with you."

The snake laughed like I had just told the world's funniest joke. "Oh but I'm not done having my fun. And you 3 look absolutely delectable."

"Sorry, dude. I like girls" Naruto supplied oh so helpfully. However, his joke seemed to clear some of the tension that had been saturating the air since our arrival. I took the opening Naruto gave me. I signaled my teammates and our plan began. Naruto summoned dozens of clones and they all surrounded the snake. All at once, they all threw a dozen shuriken from every direction.

"Shadow Shuriken Technique!" Three dozen voices cried simultaneously. The couple hundred shuriken became a couple thousand and they were all aiming for the Snake Sannin. Just as his legs tensed to jump away from the path of destruction, I appeared behind him, hand seal sequence already finished.

"Water Release: Syrup Trap!" I unleashed a torrent of the thick liquid directly at the feet of the traitor, trapping him. A second later the area was absolutely destroyed by thousands of shuriken bombarding the branch. We jumped back and regrouped.

"Think we got him?" Naruto asked hopefully.

"I very highly doubt it. If we did, every single god in existence is smiling down on us" I replied. The dust settled and where there was once a Snake, there was a simple pile of mud.

"Kukukuku. Oh yes! Very well done, boys. What a devastating combination from two genin. You might entertain me after all. I still have some time." A sinister voice whispered right in my ear. I grabbed Naruto and instantly 'Body-Flickered' away just as hurricane force winds slammed into our previous position. The snake rose out of the branch, a crazed smile on his face. "Very well done indeed."

'I didn't sense him at all! This is bad. This is very, very bad. We need to get team 7 out of here. But we can't out run a Sannin. Fuck! What do I do? Think, Kenta, or all your friends are going to die!'

I took a calming breathe trying to figure out what to do, my planning interrupted by a feminine voice.

"Hidden Shadow Snake Hands!" Ami appeared behind the Sannin and half a dozen snakes erupted from within the shadows of her kimono. They rushed the Sannin. A wicked smirk appearing on his face. He stood there and let the snakes bite into him in various places. He slowly turned towards our female teammate, a look of horror on her face.

"I see my little Anko has taken her own little protégé. I hope she doesn't hate me too bad after finding out her former master was the one who killed her student." He yanked, hard on the snakes as if they were rope. Ami flew towards the Sannin at an incredible rate. I moved without thinking. I slashed at the snakes connecting her to the Sannin and by a hairs breadth was able to flicker away. Orochimaru turned toward the three of us back together.

"So much promise in you three. The potential is a mile high! It's truly too bad you'll never reach it."

"Naruto! Plan Zeta!" I shouted. Naruto went wide eyed.

"You sure?"

"100%. Do it or we're dead!" Naruto nodded. He clapped his hands together and closed his eyes, focusing. A split second later his eyes snapped open. Gone were the blue eyes that I'd always been slightly jealous of, replaced by two blood-red crimson orbs. His whisker scars deepened. His teeth elongated. His whole countenance was more feral. Malicious, blood-red chakra erupted from him, two phantom tails waved menacingly. With a cry of defiance a wave of pure energy erupted from the blonde Jinchuriki, then another, and another. A dozen waves fired off in rapid succession. After the last one, the chakra faded and Naruto returned to his normal appearance.

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed dangerously. "What did you do, Kyubi brat?"

Naruto, being Naruto smiled cheekily at the dangerous S-Rank Criminal. "Ooooh you know? Broadcasted an emergency signal I designed with Old Man Third and Pervy Sage. Anyone in a twenty-mile radius just felt Kyubi's chakra. That pattern also basically said, HELP ME IM BONED!" Naruto finished with a shout and a stuck out tongue for the Sannin.

Part of me wanted to kill the idiot now, but another, the logical part of my mind wanted to buy him all the ramen he could eat. A pissed of opponent is one that will make mistakes. I only forgot to include one small, yet important detail into my plans; Orochimaru was one, a Sannin. Two, he had been toying with us this entire time. Before I could even finish a blink, Naruto was folded over the fist buried deep in his gut. The look of utter hatred that adorned the snake's face made cold sweat break out across my brow.

"I wasn't finished playing yet, and I haven't given Sasuke his gift, but it looks like play time is over." The Snake hissed. Grabbing Naruto by the throat, he tossed him aside like a ragdoll. His gaze snapped to me. "You're next." And he was in my face. Acting on instinct I attempted to flicker away, but the Snake was too fast. He back handed me sending me careening away. I was able to right myself only to look on in horror as he was barreling towards Ami.

"NO!" I shouted. But it was too late. I watched in slow motion as the Sannin's wind coated hand aimed straight for Ami's heart. I'm not a religious person, but right then I prayed. And they were answered. Beautiful, glorious Sasuke had recovered. Yanking his hands back, the ninja wire attached to the shuriken he had tossed wrapped around the Sannin. A quick sequence of hand seals proceeded the torrent of flames that rushed along the wire, incinerating the Sannin.

I flickered and caught Ami and brought her back out of harm's way before joining up with Sasuke.

"I'm not gay, and even though I've made the jokes I don't think you are. But I'm going to kiss you when we get out of this mess and you're going to enjoy it." I stated to the Uchiha. He snorted.

"A simple thank you is more than enough."

"Thanks, Sasuke. For real. You saved her. Anything you want from me, ask and I will give it to you."

"We'll talk about that once we make it out of here. Heads up, he's coming."

Once more the Snake rose from the ground, his shoulders were shaking. He looked up, golden eyes piercing the ever present gloom. Pure madness danced in those snakelike eyes.

"Very good, Sasuke! Very good! You will make the perfect vessel. Accept my gift now. It will give you the power to kill the one man you want above all others!"

And it happened. Just as I dreamt it. As unnatural as it sounds, Orochimaru's neck extended and shot towards Sasuke faster than I could react. I stared in wide eyed horror as Orochimaru's fangs glistened in the light. Inches from piercing his skin, there was a puff of smoke, and a flash of bubblegum pink. And Sakura's scream tore through her lips as the snake's fangs pierced her neck. Orochimaru's neck retracted, and Sakura collapsed. Silent as the dead.

"YOU STUPID LITTLE GIRL! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" The Sannin screamed in utter rage. "I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!"

'It's now or never, Kenta. You have one shot. Do it. Don't let anyone down, especially your clan and friends!"

BoarHareHorseTiger, chakra gathered in my legs, I moved. I appeared behind the Sannin. His snarling visage snapped around and his neck shot forward. From his mouth a sword appeared aiming right at me.

'Fuck this is going to hurt'

Chakra gathered once more in my legs and before my feet even touched down I flickered once more, the muscles in my legs protesting violently, but it was worth it. I reappeared in my original position, with the Sannin caught out of position due to his violent rage. I pointed my index finger, aiming right for the bastard's heart.

'Storm Release: Quick Shot Light Blitz!" I bellowed the name of my newly learned bloodline technique. In an instant a beam of pure energy erupted from my fingertip and charged towards the Sannin.

'Kill shot. Game over, bitch'

Or so I thought. The Sannin once again showed the chasm in skill difference between us. He twisted out of the way, contorting his body inhumanly. But it wasn't for nothing. Even a Sannin can only move so fast, and my technique ripped through his shoulder. He screamed in pain.

I collapsed to the ground, my legs no longer supporting me. The muscles in my legs were definitely torn and couldn't support my body weight anymore.

"Kukukukuku. My, how interesting" The Snake hissed, almost lovingly. "The Storm Release Bloodline. Oh you will make a great subject for me to learn from!" The Snake took a menacing step forward towards Sasuke and I, and then another. Suddenly his head snapped west towards the village. "But alas, playtime is over. I have plans that cannot be interrupted by that old monkey. You will receive my gift one day, Sasuke. I hope you enjoy it. I know your pink haired teammate will. If she survives that is. And you, Young Kenta. You interesssst me. I will be sure to keep close tabs on you. Farewell for now. Give all my love to Sarutobi and my little Anko! Oh, and one more thing to let my dear old teacher know. If they exams do not continue as normal, I will make the streets of Konoha run red with blood and burn it to the ground." And with those parting words, he sunk into the branch we were standing on, his presence vanishing entirely just as Lord Third, Lord Jiraiya, and two dozen ANBU all swarmed the area.

"Shit! The slippery bastard just got away. I can't feel him anywhere." Lord Jiraiya cursed.

"ANBU! Search the area! He can't have gotten too far! Find him if you're able! I need one with medical training to stay. MOVE!" Lord Third directed his elite forces and they scattered. He turned towards us and his face softened. "I am SO proud of you all. It troubles my soul that you were put in this position in the first place. From the bottom of my heart, please accept my sincerest apologies. I was a soft fool that could have eliminated one of the greatest threats to world years ago, but my fondness for an orphan I basically raised couldn't do it at the time. Please forgive me." And to my utter shock. Lord Third bowed to Sasuke and I.

"Lord Third please! You have nothing to be sorry for! Please don't bow to me, it's so uncomfortable." I hastily reassured our aged leader.

He straigtened up and chuckled slightly. "To go up against an S-Rank opponent and survive. That is something to be proud of." Sasuke and I blushed heavily at the praise. Lord Third looked around and sorrow once more painted his face seeing the state the everyone was in. "Please, tell me what happened."

So we did.


Over the next hour, Sasuke and I told Lord Hokage everything we could remember down to the tiniest of details. When I got to the part about Orochimaru trying to tag Sasuke, a flash of something showed in his eyes but was quickly gone. The medical ANBU by then had Naruto and Sai back on their feet. Ami was relatively unharmed just shaken up. Sakura was a different story.

"I'm sorry, kids, but there's nothing I can do until the seal anchors and stabilizes. Once that happens, then I can seal it away basically for good. She will be the same as she's always been." Lord Jiraiya explained to the group. We all breathed sighs of relief before something the snake said had me anxious again.

"But Lord Jiraiya, Orochimaru said something about IF she survives. He said it as if the thought was out of the realm of possibility!" I frantically explained. Lord Jiraiya let out a bark of laughter.

"Kid, Orochimaru is one for the dramatics. He loves toying with people. Poor little Anko was the first of his test subjects for that cursed mark of his. He gave that to her over a decade ago. He's had all that time to perfect it. If he wants Sasuke to be marked for whatever reason, do you think he'd risk even a small chance of him dying? No. She's going to be in pain, I won't sugarcoat it. But she WILL survive. Trust me."

I nodded feeling much more reassured. Lord Third cleared his throat.

"Jiraiya and I must return back to my office and discuss this latest development and call a council meeting. I trust you all to continue on in these exams and do your best. You heard Orochimaru's threat. For now we must play his game."

We all nodded. "Should we stay with team 7, Lord Third? Just in case…"

He laughed lowly. "I think team 7 will be alright. Aside from your team and Gai's kids, I don't forsee anyone that Sasuke and Sai couldn't handle until their female teammate wakes up. Plus, I have a team of ANBU should there be any more outside interference. Do what you must and complete the exam, Team 11!"

We all saluted our leader and watched as he and Lord Jiraiya quickly disappeared into the gloom. I turned towards Sasuke and Sai. "You two good? I know Lord Third said, but" Sasuke cut me off.

"We'll be fine, Yamanaka. Lord Third is right. We'll find a spot to safely hide Sakura, get our scroll and get to the tower once she's awake. Sai is weird, but he's strong. I'll admit it."

I nodded to the Uchiha and Sai "Take care then. See you in the next round."

With that our team took to the branches and made a beeline for the tower. Two hours later we arrived at the gates. We walked inside and looked around. There was no one to greet us, just a lame poem.

"Well, what now?" I asked my two teammates.

Ami spoke up first. "Open the scrolls."

"Huh?! You sure? That crazy lady said… Oh wait. She did say if we opened them BEFORE we got to the tower! Great job Ami!" Naruto cheered our female teammate on.

We opened the scrolls and they started to smoke, Naruto spoke quickly.

"Toss them on the ground. That's a summoning array!" We did as we were told and a plume of smoke erupted. Once it cleared, Mister Iruka stood before us, a wide smile splitting his face and pride dancing in his eyes.

"Day one? Are you kidding me, guys? You almost broke the record!"

"Does that mean we're first? Hell yeah, team 11 is the best!" Naruto whooped.

"Not quite, Naruto. The Suna team consisting of the Kazekage's kids actually arrived just over an hour ago. They actually did beat the record by three minutes. But you all should be so proud of yourselves. I am!"

We all smiled at our former teacher. We shot the shit with him for a few minutes, he explained the meaning of the poem, then gave us a quick tour. Cafeteria, rooms, baths, training areas, this place had it all! He then bid us farewell and left us to our own devices. Naruto was the first to speak up.

"Food, Bath, Bed? Or Bath, Food, Bed?"

Ami and I glanced at one another, giving each other a once over.

"Bath" We said simultaneously.


The next four days went by quickly. Especially since Fú and her teammates arrived the next day. She didn't have a scratch on her so my worry instantly vanished. Then again, the test wasn't exactly hard. We only looked like we'd been wrung and hung out to dry because we had a small clash with an S-Ranked opponent.

The days passed with light training, and Fú hangouts. Sometimes as a group, sometimes just her and I alone. Those were my favorite times. I learned so much about the petite mint haired girl and my feelings for her were rapidly increasing every minute I spent with her. The real world came crashing back at noon on the fifth day. Fú and I were relaxing in my room, playing a game of cat's cradle when a static riddled voice came over a dated loudspeaker.

"The second exam is now over. All contestants report to the main staging area. I repeat, the second exam is now over. All contestants report to the main staging area."

I looked over at Fú and smiled. "Well, princess. Ready to get this party started?"

She laughed loudly and clapped her hands together. "Princess? I could get used to you calling me that. But yes, I'm ready. Let's find our teams and get this party started!"

I jumped to my feet and offered her my hand to help her up. Her small hand fit perfectly in my larger one, and the softness I felt wasn't lost on me either. I hesitated letting her hand go but with reluctance I did. I opened the door and walked right into Naruto.

"Oi! Watch where you're going, stringbean!"

"Psh, that's the best you can do? Seriously Naruto?

Naruto laughed loudly. "Ready to go? Where's your team Fú?"

She shrugged. "Hopefully the fear of the mighty tailed beasts finally offed them. Utterly useless I tell you! They'll meet me in the main area. If not, not my problem."

The four of us made our way to the staging area. If my hand discreetly reached out and grabbed Fú's at one point, well she didn't pull away. Small victories. I grinned and we walked on.


All in all, 8 teams out of the original 27 managed to pass. Anko wasn't kidding. Her test truly did weed out those that weren't ready. I stood in the center of my two teammates. 8 lines facing our old, but wise and still powerful leader. I may have puffed and preened a bit in pride, but dammit I deserved to! What was most surprising but completely welcomed was half, HALF the teams were the 4 rookie teams. Team 7 had limped their way through the door sometime during the night of the fourth day. Team 10 barely managed, rushing in 10 minutes before the gates locked permanently.

Lord Hokage bust into an old man speech about the true purpose of the Chunin exams, and that's about all I got. I zoned out about 2 minutes into his speech. I couldn't help it! I respected the hell out of the man, but damn was he a dry speaker! I tuned back in when a young man interrupted Lord Third. Rising from his crouched position in front of Lord Hokage he cleared his throat before addressing the 24 of us.

"Um. Congratulations to you all for completing the second exam. My name is Hayate Gekko and I will be proctoring your third and final exam. Normally you'd be released now and escorted out of the woods. However, to be blunt, there's still too many of you so we're going to do a preliminary round right now."

Well, Fuck Me again.

A/N - That's a wrap. Next Chapter will cover prelims, training month. We're rolling on ahead.

This was my first attempt at writing any type of fight scene. I hope I did ok! Please let me know either in a review or a PM on what you liked/didn't like/ideas/thoughts/etc

I appreciate each and every review. The good and the bad. Thanks once again for the support so far.

This in not my book BUT I have asked for permission from the author but he still hasn't replied if anyone can get in touch with him let him know if he wants me to I can remove it from here

go check out the book at https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13466952/2/Reincarnation-How-Absurd-The-Story-of-Kenta-Yamanaka-Book-1

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